Volume XXXII-XXXIII - 2001/2002
The Crater Lake Currant
By Greg Reddell

From Nature Notes, Vol. VIII, No. 3, Sept. 1935
A shrub limited in distribution to the Cascade Range in southwestern
Oregon is the Crater Lake currant (Ribes erythrocarpum). The
heart of its distribution is Crater Lake National Park, but this plant
is found as far to the west as Rabbit Ears and Huckleberry Mountain,
then south to Four Mile Lake near Mount McLoughlin. To the east it
occurs on the summit of Yamsay Mountain, a peak located beyond the
Klamath Marsh.1
Some plant lists for the park have identified nine species of
currants in the genus Ribes to be found within its boundaries.
Crater Lake currant is a trailing shrub with copper colored flowers and
red berries. This species was first identified and described in 1896 by
Frederick Coville and John Leiberg. These men were among the first to
make detailed botanical investigations in this part of Oregon. They and
others found the Crater Lake currant to be common everywhere in the
subalpine areas of the park. It is the dominant shrub in the mountain
hemlock forest, where its creeping stems carpet large areas, but is less
abundant in the lodgepole pine thickets and infrequent among the
whitebark pines that occur near the rim.
Crater Lake currant is interesting because of its limited range, but
also because of widespread concern about the ultimate fate of whitebark
pine. A pathogen, Cronartium ribicola, was introduced from Europe
in the early twentieth century and is commonly known as white pine
blister rust. Currants and gooseberries serve as an alternate host of
C. ribicola, a fungus that causes white pine blister rust. The
rust is not a threat to currants or gooseberries, but it is a very
serious disease of five needled pines. North American white (or five
needled) pine species include bristlecone, limber, sugar, eastern white,
southwestern white, western white, and whitebark. All of these species
are highly susceptible to white pine blister rust, a disease that causes
significant damage in pine forests by forming cankers on the branches of
white pines. These cankers ultimately kill the trees.
The forests of Crater Lake National Park contain several species of
the five needled pines: western white pine (Pinus monticola),
sugar pine (P. lambertiana), and whitebark pine (P.
albicaulis). Western white pine is fairly common at middle
elevations and is found scattered among other tree species. Sugar pine
is interspersed among ponderosa pine, lodgepole pine and Douglas-fir
stands in lower park elevations. Whitebark pine extends from about 6500
feet elevation on East Rim Drive to the top of Mount Scott, at 8,929
feet the highest point in the park. The whitebark pine habitat type is
more of an open woodland than a forest and is usually not as
interspersed with other species.

Cloudcap at center Note the whitebark pines lining
the ridges. NPS photo by Robert G. Bruce, 1966.
Whitebark pine is a distinctive and critically important tree of high
mountain ecosystems in western North America. Its large nut-like seeds
are a high-quality food for several species of birds and mammals.
Whitebark pine ecosystems are primary catchment zones for late-lying
snow fields, so their condition is important for water quality and
watershed protection. This tree species has varied and picturesque
growth forms which provides a unique aesthetic experience for human
visitors to this high mountain ecosystem. For many years the commonly
held solution to white pine blister rust in North America was to
eradicate all Ribes species. With a massive national campaign
launched to save five-needled pines, all currants and gooseberries
within identified control areas were targeted for removal. Between 1930
and 1971, 14.3 million native Ribes plants were extirpated from
Glacier, Yellowstone, Grand Teton, Rocky Mountain, and Mount Rainier
national parks. By 1936 it was evident that white pine blister rust was
rapidly approaching Crater Lake National Park. It was determined that
protection of the Cloudcap area and its homogeneous stands of whitebark
pine was imperative. Accordingly, the Cloudcap Blister Rust Control Unit
was established as a cooperative venture with the Bureau of Entomology
and Plant Quarantine of the U.S. Department of Agriculture in 1937.
Within three years more than 133,600 alternate host plants (Ribes
sp.) were eradicated in a control unit of 3,632 acres.2
Elmer I. Applegate, then curator of the Dudley Herbarium at Stanford
University and a seasonal naturalist at Crater Lake, wrote a letter in
July 1937 to Park Superintendent David Canfield about the prospective
eradication work:

NPS photo.
It seems to be the plan to begin eradication work sometime during
the present season, starting in the White-bark Pine area on Cloud Cap.
This threatens our prize currant, Ribes erythrocarpum. I am hoping that
something can, or will be done to head this off at least until we can be
shown that the blister is present and the susceptibility of the plant
can be studied.3
As indicated by Applegate's 1937 letter, the early effort to control
white pine blister rust illuminates a larger issue, that being whether
national parks should try to save one native species at the expense of
another, or at the risk of environmental contamination. These remain
difficult questions since forests at the park still have a component of
five needled pines. Although whitebark pine is normally a long-lived
tree, in recent decades it has suffered heavy mortality as a result of
the white pine blister rust in parts of its range and is now being
evaluated. White pine blister rust is found in virtually all areas near
Crater Lake with whitebark pine. Surveys found an average infection rate
of 52 percent in whitebark pine. Investigations conducted in the
immediate vicinity of the park discovered 10 percent mortality among the
whitebark, with blister rust being the most frequently encountered
cause. The surveyors encountered only one Ribes plant amid the
whitebark pines. This indicates white pine blister rust can be carried
in the wind for long distances.4
Although whitebark pine is normally a long-lived tree, in recent
decades it has suffered heavy mortality as a result of white pine
blister rust throughout the Pacific Northwest. Southwestern Oregon and
northwestern California have long been recognized to be an area of
tremendous biological significance because of the many species and
species that are unique to selected areas. The Crater Lake currant is a
one of these species that adds to the biological significance of the
region, though its management in the park has been interwoven with two
of its companionsthe five needled pines and Cronartium
ribicola, the exotic invader that threatens the riches of the

Crater Lake Currant, Ribes erythrocarpum. Drawing by
Charles F. Yocom.
1Elmer I. Applegate, "Plants of Crater Lake National
Park," The American Midland Naturalist 22:2 (September 1939, p.
2Crater Lake National Park Master Plan, Development
outline, Forest Protection: Tree Disease Control [1941].
3Applegate to Canfield, July 2,1937, copy in Applegate
file, Crater Lake National Park.
4Ellen Goheen, et al., the Status of Whitebark Pine Along
the Pacific Crest Trail, Umpqua National Forest, Oregon, White Pine
Blister Rust Meeting Abstracts, September 1999.
Greg Reddell works for the Bureau of Land Management from its
Klamath Falls Resource Area office and has served as president of the
Friends of Crater Lake National Park.