Nature Notes

Volume V No. 1 - July, 1932

William Gladstone Steel Collection Of Photographs
By D. S. Libbey

Another reason for visiting the Information Bureau along the Rim is to view Judge William G. Steel's collection of photographs. The group consists of thirty-six photographs and included in the collection are pictures of most of the people that have been identified with the discovery, establishment and development of Crater Lake National Park.

For example: Among those included are John Wesley Hillman, The Discoverer, Honorable Theodore Roosevelt, The President under whom the park status was established, Joseph T. Diller, The Geologist who did such extensive research study concerning the geological history of Crater Lake and the group of former Superintendents of Crater Lake National Park. Photographs of many others closely identified with the park are included in the group, of course the large one of Judge Steel still has its place over the mantle.

Pay us a visit at the Information Bureau, these photographs add to the story of Crater Lake. We extend to Judge William G. Steel sincere appreciation for the privilege of exhibiting the collection.

Crater Lake In Winter
By Permanent Ranger C. H. Simson

snow depth around building and flagpole

During the month of last October when Venus was first covered with storm clouds of the season and announcing the end of a perfect summer, soft fluffy snow flakes gave a general impression that winter was here. This caused the cessation of all park activities and a general preparation of the long winter months to follow. With this storm a snow fall of 36" was registered. While to some of us it seemed to be a heavy storm, little did we know what the ensuing six months held in store for us.

Following this storm was a period of Indian summer, perfect in every respect, which allowed sufficient time for winter preparations. November was too soon to visit us with her grey overcast skies and occasional snow. However, these early months were busy ones and time went by quickly we hardly noticed the snow gradually growing in depth after each storm. At the end of November the snow fall registered 12' 3". With this we found additional tasks to perform and time sped on.

December was still more liberal and revealed a snowfall of 11' 9-1/2" giving a total of 24' .5". The snow fall for October, November, and December was only three feet below the whole season's snow fall of the previous year.

January found us in a turmoil endeavoring to remove the snow from the roads and to keep the necessary building open. Spending the night out in blizzards, blasting our way through huge drifts and snow slides to make way for the snow plows became common, and the banner month of the season soon passed, adding 15' 1/2" to our total. We became so used to great depths of snow that to pass around the summer cottages and see nothing but mounds of snow or a part of an upper window barely showing did not greatly impress us.

February was more quiet and tranquil but cold as the alcohol dropped to 10 below zero. Continued low temperatures modified storm conditions so that we had but 5' 9" of snow fall in February. However, it was late in the month we learned that all buildings would have to be cleared of snow and with many completely buried this was quite a task.

March was all March is supposed to be, storming most of the time and the 9' 2" snow fall for this month gave a total of 54' to date which was twice the amount of the previous year.

April followed promising beautiful weather, but surprised us with 7' 7" of more snow. Poor May struggled through with only 3' 2" making a total snowfall for the winter of 64' 9" the heaviest of record at Crater Lake.

snow depth around building and flagpole

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