Volume VI No. 4 - September, 1933
Crater Oddities Geese Rest On Crater Lake
By Ranger Dwight A. French
On the last day of August a great flock of geese was observed on the
surface of Crater Lake. The next morning they resumed their flight
south. The geese were Canadian Honkers which migrate with the changes
in seasons. This particular species breed and hatch their young in
northern Canada each summer and when the weather gets cold in the fall
they migrate to a warmer clime.
Water fowl never stay long on Crater Lake because there is a lack of
adequate food and their presence here occurs either in early fall or
spring. When geese start south in August and early September old timers
shake their heads and predict an early and hard winter.
Crater Oddities A Warning
By Ranger John S. Day
"Wa'll, she's goin' to be a hard winter," mused old Sour Dough Pete,
as he squinted a pair of pale blue, watery eyes towards the sky. "See
them thar Honkers, wall, they're way head of schedule".
And sure enough, far up in the blue, the old familiar wedge-shaped
line was moving silently southward. Now and then an eerie call would
drift down to us, but for the most part they winged quietly and
relentlessly on their way toward warmer climes.
The great Canadian Gray Geese migrate with the seasons, going north
in the spring and south in the fall; and they are expected visitors over
the park during April and October. But why should they be moving south
in September? For several days, now, flock after flock of the great
Honkers have been passing over; some flying so low that they have to
climb higher when going over the Cascade Divide, and other so high that
they are barely visible.
Maybe the infallible instinct which graces all wild life has told of
early storms and cold weather in the north, and they have followed
Nature's warning by migrating early. Probably old Sour Dough Pete was
right when he prophesied a hard winter.
Crater Oddities A Fading Cloud
By Ranger-Naturalist A. E. Long
Despite the uninviting appearance of the tumbling cloud mass about
the summit of the Watchman the evening of August 19 a few hardy or
perhaps stubborn individuals with tightly buttoned coats ascended the
slopes to the viewpoint station. Arriving on top they found themselves
to be above a jumbled blanket of clouds instead of among them. On the
right were the topmost crags of Hillman Peak, Llao Rock, Mt. Bailey, Mt.
Thielsen and Diamond Peak; to the left all the peaks were covered but
behind them the lake remained clear of clouds.
One of the most striking features of the many beautiful cloud
structures was the mass between Hillman Peak and Llao Rock. Here a
great blanket of clouds seemed about to pour into the crater and yet,
though it moved rapidly toward the lake, the lakeward portion of the
cloud mass disappeared as quickly as it drifted over the brink of the
The cloud blanket was in a colder mass of swiftly moving air but
when it reached the rim to pour over into the lakeward side warmer
currents of air streaming up from the lake absorbed the water vapor and
therefore the cloud seemed to be evaporating. Warmer air can hold, in
an invisible state, more water vapor than can colder air, hence the
disappearance of the cloud masses as they drifted across the rim.

Crater Oddities Old Or Young, A Rodent Is A Rodent
By Ranger Warren G. Moody
As it frequently happens they boys had drifted together for some
kind of a session. This particular night the subject of contention was
wild animals and the gang was at it to see if they knew their animal
offspring. Elk, deer, antelope, bear, cougars, coyotes all have little
ones which are called something or other. The review was going fine
until someone got to wondering what the young of a porcupine was called.
There being no authority present to refer to, some of the names already
given were again recited. It certainly couldn't be a calf, or a fawn,
or a kid; and it surely didn't look like a cub or a kitten, or a whelp.
So the head scratching became general.
On such a propitious occasion someone is bound to hit upon a way to
solve the difficulty. And so it was that the bright member broke out
with these words, "Let's call him 'Junior'".