Mr. David H. Canfield
Superintendent |
Mr. Carl Swartzlow
Acting Park Naturalist Editor |
Mr. Ernest G. Moll
Ranger-Naturalist Assistant Editor |
July, 1935 |
Vol. VIII, No. 1 |
Nature Notes is issued during July, August, and September of this
year by the Naturalist Division. Publications using these Notes please
acknowledge source by citation of author, title, and this
Cover and Sketches by L. Howard Crawford,
A Prefatory Note
By The Editors
Sometimes Spring arrives late at the Rim and the surrounding peaks
of Crater Lake, and then early visitors to the Park, having come up from
the warm valleys of Klamath and the Rogue, delight in the coolness of
snowbanks and inspect with eager curiosity the flowers pushing up
through the volcanic soil at the dwindling edges of the snow. Naturally
to them the question arises, "What is this place like in winter when
blizzards sweep the ridges, or, the storms ended, the sun strikes down
upon the white stillness of great snowfields"?
To that question the present issue of Nature Notes is, at
least in part, an answer. After a glance back at winter, we move on to
a consideration of some of the phenomena of Spring, and in notes on
flower, and rock-slide, and waterfall attempt to bring to those who have
seen the lake in early July quickened memories of sights once witnessed,
and revival of thoughts, once pleasant to the mind.
