Volume VIII No. 2 - August, 1935
Springs In The Park
By Carl E. Dutton, Ranger-Naturalist
The springs which occur in Crater Lake National Park are
individually different as to size and location but their general
arrangement is shown by the accompanying sketch map. A consideration of
the conditions represented will quickly reveal that four springs lie at
elevations below the surface of the lake and they therefore probably
represent underground outlets for the seepage which takes place from the
The other springs, which lie at elevations above the surface of the
lake, are principally located at the edge of catchment areas covered by
pumice. These springs seem to be fed by the downward percolation of
rain and melted snow through the sieve-like pumice cover until some
non-porous layer diverts the water along the line of flow to the spring.

The above descriptions refer to those springs which are named as
such on the topographic map of this area. There are, however, also a
number of creeks whose headwaters might be considered springs since the
water has a rather definite outlet and a well defined flow. The
material in this article is limited so as not to include the very
numerous occurrences of this type.
Boundary Springs -- The voluminous headwaters of the Rogue
River gush from the hillsides along the western portion of the northern
boundary of the Park. The flow of water comes from the northward facing
bouldery slope of a ravine trending westward. The head of the ravine
slopes northwestward from the upland surface and then turns sharply
toward the west. The most remote contribution to the headwaters comes
from a spring situated at the designated turn in the ravine. The stream
from this source is approximately 18 inches wide and 3 inches deep. The
next spring basin is located about 70 feet west of the first one and
consists of two defined outlets and much disseminated seepage. The
channel of this flow is four feet wide but the stream is of an
intricately braided pattern because of the numerous boulders which
divert and subdivide the streamlets. The combined widths of the
streamlets aggregate one third to one fourth of the channel width and
their average depth is four to six inches.
The most important flow to the Rogue River comes from a spring
situated about 100 feet west of the second one described. The flow from
this main spring is sufficient to create a stream whose dimensions are
about eight feet wide by ten inches deep and whose estimated velocity
was two feet per second. The channel averages 15 feet in width but is
so partially blocked by boulders and logs that the water tumbles in
cascades over and between the numerous obstructions which are abundantly
mantled with green mosses. When the area was visited in August, the
yellow monkey flower (Mimulus guttatus) was blooming profusely
and because it grew among the mosses, the color combination in the
vegetation was that of a yellow and green polk-a-dot pattern.
A fourth spring basin occurs about 200 feet west of the main spring
just described and is the nearest one to the loop of the motor-way which
terminates at this location. The stream is four feet wide and five
inches deep. It flows in a separate ravine which trends eastward to
join the main valley which contains the waters fleeing from the other
subterranean passages.
Anna Springs -- This spring is one of the most accessible in
the Park and although situated just northeast of the Checking Station,
the pool has reflected the visages of few visitors. The water escapes
in a natural amphitheater basin which has been landscaped by a
semicircular retaining wall about 12 feet high. The slope above the
basin is steep and is composed of fractured and slightly decayed rock.
A pool about 20 feet long, eight feet wide, and three feet deep has been
formed to serve as a reservoir but it also adds to the beauty of the
spring. The water flow is mainly from beneath the north central portion
of wall but some also is added from both sides of the central flow.
Beyond the dam at the lower end of the pool, the flow is the beginning
of Anna Creek -- three feet wide and eight inches deep -- which soon
passes through a delightful valley and helps in the carving of Godfrey's
Glen. The flow from this spring is of sufficient volume and velocity
that it operates water-rams which supply the tap-water for this
Munson Valley Spring -- These outlets of underground water
are unnamed on the topographic map but since they are situated on the
western slops of the designated valley, the given name will serve here.
This basin furnishes the third largest flow known in the Park and is
used as a supply for the Rim Village and Government Camp. The basin has
the form of an amphitheater open to the south. The basin is about 100
feet wide and 60 feet deep. From its bouldery slopes, there arise five
springs which occur mainly along the north and northeast base of the
area. The water is tiled to a reservoir and then pumped to the storage
tank on the Garfield Peak Trail. The road to the Rim passes along the
open end of the basin but only the most observing person would notice
the springs although the abundance of Lewis' Monkey flower (Mimulus
lewisii) and the fleabane (Erigeron salsuginosus) cause many
Cascade Springs -- This group of springs is located about
1-1/2 miles northeast of Skell Head. They are the least accessible ones
visited and are unique in their arrangement. A ravine trending
northwest for 100 feet, then turning due north for another 100 feet, is
cut through bouldery slopes whose upper surface is covered with a pumice
mantle. On the southwestern side of the ravine, there are 14 separate
outlets of ground water and also many scattered areas of seepage. On
the northeastern and southern sides, there are five distinct springs and
also seepage. The number of springs and their occurrence on both sides
of the ravine were of special interest. The stream resulting from these
springs is Bear Creek which is three feet wide and four inches deep and
has an estimated flow of one foot per second. The course of the stream
is beautifully decorated with moss covered rocks and many blossoms of
the yellow monkey flower. This area is of further interest because of
an entrancing waterfall, about 20 feet high, in which the water breaks
into many nebulous fluttering ribbons.
Springs within the Crater Rim -- There are a few
contributions of ground water to the lake by means of springs and
seepage. The greatest zone of flow occurs from The Sentinel Point area
where the seepage becomes concentrated into streamlets which cascade
down the steep talus slopes to the Lake. Another considerable flow
comes from rock slopes about 1/4 mile east from the foot of the Trail to
the Lake.
Notes on other springs in the Park -- Of the many other
springs present in the Park, only a few are considered worthy of notice
in this article.
Anderson Spring. Near top of Anderson Bluffs in eastern area
of Park. Small flow from line of four springs along slope.
Castle Crest Spring. The largest flow in this group and
irrigates the gorgeous floral display of the Wild Flower Garden.
Cold Spring. Along road to Fort Klamath, below Pole Bridge
Creek. Small flow from marshy area.
East Red Cone Spring. Southeastern base of Red Cone. Two
pools in pasture-like area; resulting stream again sinks into
Lightning Spring. Southwest of The Watchman. Flow from
bouldery slope with pumice covering upland.
Oasis Spring. Northern base of Oasis Butte in northwestern
portion of Park. Flow sufficient to "boil" sand and plant remains on
bottom. Bubbles rise through water when observer jumps on ground around
Red Cone Spring. Northwestern base of Red Cone. Flow from
base of bouldery slope with timbered upland.
Vidae Spring. Eastern slope of Vidae Ridge; unnamed on
topographic map but is source of Vidae Creek; located below pumice