Mr. David H. Canfield
Superintendent |
Mr. Carl R. Swartzlow
Acting Park Naturalist Editor |
Mr. Ernest G. Moll
Ranger-Naturalist Assistant Editor |
September, 1935 |
Vol. VIII, No. 3 |
Nature Notes is issued during July, August, and September of this
year by the Naturalist Division. Publications using these Notes please
acknowledge source by citation of author, title, and this
Cover and Sketches by L. Howard Crawford,
Discovery Of The Fumaroles At The Pinnacles, Wheeler Canyon
By Warren D. Smith, Ranger-Naturalist
On August 16th, the writer of this article, accompanied by David
Griggs, geologist of Harvard University and Fred Hoffsteld, E. C. W.
technical assistant, made a study of the Pinnacles area in Wheeler
Canyon, a tributary of Sand Creek, near the East Entrance to Crater Lake
National Park.
Looking upward from the bottom of the canyon we noted a reddish band
some three feet thick near the top of the west wall just below the
pumice filling and at the upper limits of the gray buff horizon in which
the pinnacles occur. This unusual degree of oxidation called for some
special explanation since it is not present in some other localities
where the same valley filling has been cut into by the stream.
Just as we reached the top of the canyon wall, Mr. Griggs, who was
ahead, pausing for a few minutes to rest, placed his hand on a small
cone-shaped projection of the tuff which at this point seemed to
resemble a mass of re-cemented rubble, and exclaimed, "Ho, what have we
here?" As we looked it over more carefully we saw at once that we had
an old fumarole to deal with. Examining it critically, we saw that it
had a cavity inside resembling a small assay muffle furnace, though not
just the shape of one. Evidences of baking, incipient fusion, oxidation
of the walls, and deposition of a whitish to yellow encrustation on the
interior and even of kaolinization of the rock fragments, with a small
nearly circular opening at the top, proved conclusively that this was
indeed a fumarole whose activity had long since ceased.
This particular fumarole is about two feet in diameter in its widest
part and of course narrows at the top to the size of the opening of
about six inches. It is about two feet high and is fed by a tubular
opening from below.
Looking about us, we found many more of these gas and steam vents.
They all appeared to be in the upper portion of the tuff at the red
Further scrutiny of this locality revealed the fact that some of the
pinnacles were merely the indurated chimneys or ducts leading up to the
vents at the top. In other places nearby we saw some tubular fumaroles
following the shrinkage joint cracks in the tuff. These various vents
varied in size from six inches to two or three feet in diameter.
The similarity of these to fumaroles in the great hot sand-flow of
Katmai in Alaska was noted by Mr. Griggs, who had seen them while with
his father, Professor Robert Griggs, in the Valley of Ten Thousand
The significance of these extinct fumaroles in Wheeler Canyon is at
once apparent when the impression has been given, though not directly so
stated, by Diller, that glacio-fluvial material predominated in these
valleys radiating from Crater Lake. Diller, indeed, mentioned briefly
the jointed tuffe in Annie Creek Canyon, but did not note the true
character of them and apparently did not see the old fumaroles.
The finding of so much pyroclastic material which was in a quite hot
condition, whether it feel as showers of ash or flowed out as a
sand-flow, lends additional support to the explosion theory of the
origin of Crater Lake.
This discovery in Wheeler Canyon has led to the finding of other
localities where similar phenomena may be noted. Ranger Naturalist Carl
E. Dutton has found a rather large one, approximately eight feet in
diameter in a tributary gully of Llao's Hallway in Whitehorse Creek, and
a number of once hot spots can be noted in the road cuts of the Park.
Considering all these recent fumarole finds and the charred logs and
buried trees, some quite carbonized, reported within the last few years,
we have a piling up of interesting data which will shortly lead to a
complete solution, this writer believes, of the problem which has long
kept geologists in controversy.
Judging from the number of these fumaroles within the limited area
studied, the number of them throughout the entire valley must have
compared favorably with those in the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes.
What a spectacle they must have presented at the time of their activity!
In all likelihood, no human being could have looked upon this scene as
it probably long antedated the appearance of man in America and
furthermore much of this country was mantled by snow and ice.
Diagrammatic Section of the West Wall of Wheeler Canyon at the
Pinnacles, Crater Lake National Park
