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The white flower blooming at present in great profusion is the Avalanche Lily or Western Dogtooth Violet. One was found this week in Van Trump Park which had ten blossoms on its stock, this is rather unusual. New flowers that can be found in the high valleys are Mountain Aster, Blue Lupin, Indian paint-brush and Shooting Star, Coumbine, Pentstemon, Squaw Grass and Hellebore. There is every prospect of another heavy crop of wild blueberries this year. They will soon be ripening in the low vally and are not yet through blooming in the alpine meadows. This means a good season for the bears. Big game animals are either on the increase or are becoming less afraid of the Park visitors. A doe with a fawn is frequently seen around the campgrounds at Longmire Springs. Goat are very frequently seen on Cushman Crest across the Nisqually from Paradise Valley. Some thirty to forty make their home. Last week a group of fifteen including several small kids were seen in the cliffs beyond the glacier. Bear are very plentiful this season and can be seen practically every evening about dusk in the Lower part of the Paradise Camp Grounds. On several occasions, a brown bear with a small black cub has been seen in this Park. The mother bear has another cub which is brown and which she deserted this week and which is now being taken care of by the electrician at the Power Plant. Please do not tease or molest the bears in any way as we are very desirous of their continued friendship. The White Ptarmigin are out with their chicks and are seen along the sky-line trail. New birds are seen in Paradise Valley during the last week; the Rufus Humming bird, Western Blue bird, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Audubon Warbler and Franklin Grouse. Lectures are given on the natural history of the Park Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday in the Guide House at Paradise by the Park Naturalist. These are illustrated with some very find colored slides. Any questions that you may have to ask on natural history subjects will be gladly received by the nature guide service either at the Superintendent's Office, Longmire, or the Park Naturalist's Office at Paradise Valley. Click to see a copy of the very first "Nature Notes" (~160K) |
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