by C. Frank Brockman.
Little published material is available regarding the history of Mt.
Rainier National Park. With the exception of Meany's "Mt. Rainier - a
Record of Exploration", which deals very exhaustively with one phase of
this region's interesting past, nowhere will one find a publication that
affords an intimate glimpse of the events and personalities that have
contributed to the Mt. Rainier National Park that we know today.
If this issue of Mt. Rainier National Park "Nature Notes" succeeds in
removing the "bushel" from the light of "The Mountain's" history, it
will have served its purposes. (C.F.B.)
In this issue of "Nature Notes" we have made an effort to present
historical events, in so far as they apply to Mount Rainier National
Park, as accurately as possible. However, if anything of importance has
been omitted or if any inaccuracies occur we would appreciate having
such things called to our attention.
If such additions or changes are suggested, these should be
accompanied by authentic references or other documentary proof.