Nature Notes

Vol. XV September - 1937 No. 3



American Geological Society of New York, Journal of. 1879, Vol. IV, pp. 53-65. Account of Second Ascent by Emmons and Wilson. A paper read by S. F. Emmons before the Society.

Bagley, Clarence B., First Ascent of Mount Rainier (In Ezra Meeker, Pioneer reminiscences of Puget Sound, 1905, pp. 475-9). Gives extracts from diary of Dr. William Fraser Tolmie with account of trip to Mt. Rainier, Aug. 1833.

--------- same. (In his, In the Beginning 1905, pp. 11-15)

Coleman, Edmund T., The Ascent of Mount Rainier. (In Bates, H. W. ed. Illustrated Travels Vol. 5, pp. 161-7)

Garrish Thee., Life in the World's Wonderland, 1887. pp. 183-208.

Gove, C. H., Night on the Summit of Mount Rainier. (In Steele, W. G., Mountains of Oregon, 1890, pp. 43-51).

Emmons, Samuel Franklin, Volcanoes of the Pacific Coast. In Journal of American Geographical Society, 1877; pp. 45-65.

Hazard, J. T., Snow Sentinals of the Pacific Northwest, 1932; pp. 133-179.

Muir, John, Steep Trails, 1918; pp. 261-270. An Ascent of Mount Rainier.

Rusk, C. E., Tales of a Western Mountaineer 1924. pp 136-151.

Wheeler, O. D., Climbing Mount Rainier. 1895. Reproduction in book form from Wonderland.

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American Forests 35:464-542, August, 1929. How High Is Up? C. F. Brockman.

Appalachia 7:185-205, March, 1894. Ascent of Mount Rainier, E. S. Smith.

Atlantic Monthly 38:513-530, Nov. 1876. Ascent of Takhoma. Hazard Stevens.

Country Life 56:59-60, June, 1929. Scaling the Heights of Mount Rainier. Frances Burr.

Good Words 42:101-107, Feb. 1901. To the Top of Mount Rainier with the Mazamas. Arthur Inkersley.

Leslie's Weekly 85:138, Aug. 26, 1897. Ascent of Mount Tacoma.

Mazama 2:224-34, Dec. 1905. Rainier Climb. Gertrude Metcalf.

Mazama 5:301-6, Dec. 1919. Ascent of Mount Rainier. Schneider.

Mountaineer 2:38-41, Nov. 1909. Early Ascents of Mount Rainier. E. S. Ingraham.

Mountaineer 5:28-36, 1912. Ascent of Mount Rainier. E. S. Hack.

Mountaineer 5:37-41, 19128. New Route of Ascent. Dora Keen.

Mountaineer 11:49-50, Dec. 1918. Success Cleaver Route to Rainier's Summit.

Mountaineer 12:52-64, Dec. 1919. Forty-eighth Anniversary Ascent of the Mountain. O. B. Sperlin.

Mountaineer 13:49-50, Ascent of Mount Rainier by the Ingraham Glacier. A. L. Brown.

Mountaineer 13:48-49, Nov. 1920. Schedule of the Ascents of Mount Rainier.

Mountaineer 17:57-59, Dec. 1924. Completion of the Kautz Climb. J. T. Hazard.

Mountaineer 24:45-50, Dec. 1931. How to Climb the Six Major Peaks of Washington. J. T. Hazard.

Nation 23:287-288, Nov. 9, 1876. Ascent of Mount Rainier.

Nation 23:312-13, Nov. 23, 1876. Ascent of Mount Rainier, Hazard Stevens and S. F. Emmons.

Oregon Historical Quarterly 19:337-8, Dec. 1918. First Ascent of Mount Rainier.

Oregon Native Son 1:328-9, 1899. Ascent of Mount Rainier. A. V. Kautz (Same article in Overland o.s. 14:393-403, May, 1875)

Outing 38:386-92, July, 1901. To the Summit of Rainier. A. W. Anderson.

Overland Monthly 14:393-403, May, 1875. Ascent of Mount Rainier. A. V. Kautz.

Overland Monthly 8:266-278, Sept. 1886. Ascent of Mount Tacoma. George Bailey.

Overland Monthly n.s. 46:447-55, November, 1905. From Surf to Summit. H. H. Brown.

Overland Monthly 65:393-8, May, 1915. Ascent of Mount Rainier. A. M. Walker.

Pacific Monthly 8:196-202, Nov. 1902. The Ascent of Mount Rainier (Same in Muir, John--Our National Parks, 1901. pp. 29-31.)

Scientific American 139:342-3, Oct. 1928. Up Snow-clad Peaks; climbing a mountain of the Rockies where glaciers are plentiful. H. O. Warren.

Sierra Club Bulletin 16:63-6, Feb. 1931. A Friendly Visit in the Northwest. W. L. Huber.

Sierra Club Bulletin 6:1-6, Jan. 1906. Ascent of Mount Rainier by the Sierra Club, 1905. E. M. Ratcliff.

Sunset 16:49-55, Nov. 1905. How We Climbed Rainier. R. Glascock.

Travel 27:20-3, 56, 58, May, 1916. Tenderfoot Ascent of Mount Rainier. C. B. Beery.

Travel 37:21-4, May, 1921. Assailing the Ramparts of Mt. Rainier.

Washington Historical Quarterly 1:77-81, Oct. 1906. The First Attempted Ascent of Mount Rainier by W. F. Tolmie, 1833. Includes extracts from diary of W. F. Tolmie.

Washington Historical Society 2:402-64, 1915. Ascent of Mt. Tacoma. Hazard Stevens.

Washington Historical Quarterly 21:18-22, Jan. 1930. Mount Rainier Centennial.

Washington Magazine 2:51-4, Sept. 1906. Climbing Mount Rainier Alone. F. O. Ortman.

World Today 9:1047-1053, Oct. 1905. Climbing Mount Tacoma. A. S. Monroe.

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