Nature Notes

Vol. XVI March - June - 1938 Nos. 1 & 2


Acuminate. Taper pointed.

Acute. Pointed.

Akene. A small, dry, 1-celled 1-seeded indehiscent fruit.

Angiosperms. Seed plants with ovules and seeds within an ovary.

Annual. Lasting but one year.

Aril. An exterior covering about certain seeds.

Axil. Angle formed by a leaf, or branch, with the stem.

Axillary. Occuring in the axil.

Berry. A pulpy, juicy fruit like a grape.

Bi-. Two or twice, as in bi-pinnate.

Biennial. Plants lasting two years; flowering the second year only.

Bipinnate. Twice pinnate (See pinnate).

Bract. A much reduced leaf.

Calyx. The outer series of segments of a flower (corolla is the inner series). When only one series is present it is considered as the calyx.

Campanulate. Bell-shaped.

Capsule. A dry seed pod that opens naturally.

Catkin. A deciduous, elongated spike of flowers as in the willow.

Cleft. Cut.

Compound. Composed of two or more parts.

Cordate. Heart shaped.

Corolla. The series of segments within the calyx in a flower; usually very showy.

Corymb. A flat or convex flower cluster with branches arising from different levels on the stem and blooming from the outside toward the center.

Crenate. Referring to a leaf margin - with rounded teeth.

Cuspidate. With a slender, sharp point at the tip.

Cyme. Like a corymb but blooming from the center toward the outside.

Deciduous. Referring to leaves which fall from the plant each fall.

Dentate. Toothed.

Dissected. Cut deeply into numerous small divisions.

Drupe. A fruit containing a stone.

Elliptic. Oval or oblong.

Entire. Referring to leaf margins which are not toothed, notched or divided in any way.

Glabrous. Without hairs.

Gymnosperm. A plant with its seeds not inclosed in an ovary.

Herbaceous. Not woody.

Hirsute. With stiff hairs.

Imbricate. Overlapping like shingles on a roof.

Incised. Deeply cut.

Involuere. A whorl of bracts about a flower, umbel or flower head.

Lanceolate. Narrow; lance-shaped.

Leaflet. A division of a compound leaf.

Linear. Narrow with parallel margins.

Ob. Upside down.

Obcordate. Heart shaped with the pointed end at base.

Oblanceolate. Lance-like but narrowing toward base.

Oblong. Several times longer than wide.

Obovate. Wider above middle.

Orbicular. Circular or nearly so in outline.

Ovate. Widest toward base.

Palmate. Spreading like the fingers of the hand from a central point.

Panicle. A compound raceme.

Pedicel. A flower stalk or stalk of a flower cluster.

Perennial. A plant that lives from year to year.

Petiole. The stalk of a leaf.

Pinnate. Referring to a leaf with several leaflets that are arranged upon opposite sides of a central axis.

Prostrate. Flat upon the ground.

Pubescent. Covered with numerous fine, soft hairs.

Raceme. A flower cluster in which several to many flowers are borne upon a central axis, each flower borne singly upon separate stems.

Recurved. Curved backward.

Revolute. Curved or rolled under and backward.

Rotate. Wheel-shaped.

Samara. A winged fruit as in the maple.

Serrate. Toothed, the teeth pointing forward.

Sessile. Lacking a stalk or stem as in the case of leaves of some plants.

Simple. Not compound.

Spatulate. Shaped like a spatula.

Spike. A flower cluster in which several to many f1owers are borne upon a central axis, each flower lacking a stem being sessile upon the axis.

Tendril. A thread-like portion of some plants which is used in climbing.

Umbel. An umbrella-like flower cluster.

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