Nature Notes

Vol. II September 10, 1924 No. 12


With this issue of Nature News Notes the Nature Guide Service closes its second season. With the addition of two new men to the staff and heavier travel the service has reached more than three times as many people as last season.

Information service has been maintained, a small educational museum built up, Nature Guide field trips taken twice daily and illustrated lectures on the natural features of the Park given each evening.

From 500 to 1000 people have been served daily by the information bureaus, 400 daily have listened to illustrated talks by the Nature Guides and an average of 50 a day have gone on Nature Guide trips.

During the season some 90,000 people have come into more or less personal contact with the service and many thousands more have read Nature News Notes and used them in newspaper stories and educational work.

A great deal of the credit for the fine work done this season is due to Rangers Preston Macy, Charles Landes and P. M. Fogg who were assigned to this service by the Superintendent. I am sure the thousands who have read their stories, gone on trips with them or heard them lecture will agree with me in this.


The next edition of Nature News Notes will appear October first and monthly thereafter until next June. We are greatly indebted to the many newspapers and individuals who have made such fine use of this material. During the winter season the Park Naturalist is ready at all times to be of any possible service to individuals or organizations who desire information or material concerning the Park and the Nature Guide Service will be continued in a modified form at Park headquarters for the benefit of the thousands of visitors who fortunately have discovered that some of the finest scenes, bracing weather and exhilirating sport is to be had after mother nature has spread her mantle of downy white over the forests and flower fields to protect them during their long sleep.

This year will see a lively winter season in the Park. The auto road will be kept open as far as Longmire and hotel service provided. Tobagganing, skiing, sleighing and dog team races will furnish sport for our visitors. If you have never visited the mountains and forests in still dead of winter and driven through the ermine-trimmed woods when the white moon rides high and the nights are almost as light as day you have missed an experience worth living for.

Within a few years Mount Rainier National Park bids fair to become as famous for winter sports as St. Moritz or Lake Placid.

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