Nature Notes

Vol. II June 1st, 1925 No. 21

The Attack of an Eagle

This attempt reminded me of a story told some time ago by C. L. Nelson of the Geological Survey which may throw some light on the methods used by the eagle in killing big game.

Mr. Nelson was doing some topographic mapping in the Southwest and had set up his planetable on the point of a cliff where the country below was spread out before him. As he was leaning over the table he saw a dark shadow fall over the map and dodged just as a large eagle flashed past him. Mr. Nelson thinks that it was the intention of the bird to drive him over the cliff and I have wondered if perhaps they did not use the same method of killing Goat or other big game too large for them to attack direct.


Superintendent Tomlinson was at one time Governor of a province in the Phillipines Islands inhabited by head hunters. He probably does not know that the nefarious practise is being engage in at present right under his eyes on Mount Rainier National Park.

The big black ant has responded to balmy weather of May and become quite a pest about the houses. Recently I have noticed several fierce duels being fought by these ants. Often the struggle is to the death and usually the victor drags away the body of his victim. The other day I witnessed a variation in this program. The victor carried away the head only of his enemy. I suppose he placed it on a stake before his hut in true headhunter style.

The females arrived on wings but apparently had no further need for such appendages so they shed them by the simple method of biting them off. Apparently the ant is a very capable person.


Two Douglas Squirrels wintered at Paradise Camp the past season. We have never known them to winter so high up before.

The horns of the elk and deer are growing almost an inch a day now and those of the elk are already a foot long and beginning to branch.

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