Nature Notes

Vol. II July 9, 1924 No. 4


Instead of wandering around the latter part of June this year in several inches of snow, park visitors have found themselves in the midst of magnificent wild flower fields. Nature, never satisfied, always striving for something new - set the date for the spring flower show two weeks early and by the same more definitely cancelled the annual ski tournament which is held the first of July. Flower conditions in the summer of 1907 when John Muir visited the park and wrote "Nowhere on earth have I found such abundant sub-alpine fields of flowers," must have been similar to what they were in June this year. Mount Rainier National Park is perhaps better known the world over for these wonderful flowers than for any one feature. The mountains, the glaciers, the cascading streams and the forests may be equalled if one looks far away enough, but no park has been so favored in the way of wild flowers. Following closely upon the snowdrifts - in fact, pushing their way through their edges the white and yellow Avalanche Lilies, the rich Magenta Indian paintbrush and the delicate Western Anemone have already covered the entire valleys, but still they come. In the woods and in the meadows, scores of other varieties are rapidly finding their places grand ensemble.


A large cougar and some twenty birds are being placed on exhibition at the Park Naturalists office in Paradise Valley this week. These add greatly to the "card-index to the big outdoor museum" as we are trying to make the naturalists serve.

Exhibits of fresh flowers have also been arranged both at Longmire and Paradise Valley and will be maintained along with the lectures, Nature Guide field trips and information service through the season.

A small exhibit of flint and stone implements used by local Indians of times past has also been arranged. It shows not only the types of arrowheads, etc. but the various materials used in their construction. A little later colored enlargements of birds, animals and flowers and a set of pressed flowers will be added and the exhibit of live trout installed.


The men of the National Park Service take the attitude of hosts to you, our personal guests. It is our desire to help you enjoy your stay in every possible way. Do not hesitate to ask any of the men in uniform for information or similar service and be assured you will receive the best he can give you.

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