Nature Notes

Vol. II August 6, 1924 No. 8


Billy is the pet black-tail buck commonly found around the Inn at Paradise. Of recent weeks he has been getting very much in the public eye by some quite un-deer-like pranks. Soon after Billy's arrival at Paradise he startled a hundred or more guests by poking his inquisitive nose through one of the lobby doors. However that did not satisfy his curiosity so he deliberately walked in and followed by an interested "field" he ambled over to the drinking fountain to quench his thirst at the bubbler. Then after a casual survey of the entire lobby which lasted several minutes he walked out again.

Some one asked Dr. Zillman, the clerk on duty if Billy registered. "He already has reservations" was the answer and apparently it was true for early the following morning the little spike buck was found lying contentedly in one of the beds of a bungalow tent.

One the following evening Billy had his room changed and occupied a pile of mattresses in the basement of the annex and apparently enjoyed variety for he spent the next night in the garage. Recently he has become attached to the public auto camp where the supply of cake and cube sugar is more abundant and where he finds an admiring audience at all times. Unlike his wilder brothers Billy seems actually to enjoy a human following.

At another time the young black-tail came near wrecking the exhibit of flowers at the Park Naturalist's office by climbing onto a bench and eating many of the specimens from the vases.

See Rainier first is a slogan of Billy's and within a short time past he has taken nearly all the regular trips except the Summit. One day he went as far as the ice on Pinnacle Peak walking the log across the Paradise river twice. He goes with the guides to the glaciers and follows the horses on the Skyline trail. By the close of the season Billy should be able to qualify as a hardened tourist - that is, if his stomach successfully withstands the strange diet it is being fed.

by Park Ranger Preston Macy

The most abundant fish in the Park is the Eastern Brook trout, the fellow with pink spots. The coloration of the Brook trout is variable, due to his location and environment and age plays an important part in the color. One kept in captivity loses the bright colors attained in the streams and lakes.

The food of the Brook trout in streams is largely aquatic insects, while in ponds and lakes it subsists mostly on small fishes.

The 1920 Reflection lakes and Lake Louise were stocked with Eastern Brook trout. Several thousand fingerlings were planted in each lake and now have spread down both Stevens and Tatoosh creeks from the outlet of the lake so that fishing on this locality is continually growing better.

There have been many fine trout taken this season, weighing as much as 4 pounds 4 ounces, this being the record catch from Lake Louise.

Two fine specimens of Eastern Brook trout are displayed in an aquarium in the Park Naturalist's office at Paradise and are always a center of great interest and attraction. Fishing is allowed in the Park although it is a game preserve because we can restock artificially. No license is required. Ten fish over ten inches long are the limit for any one day.

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