Nature Notes

Vol. IV December 1, 1926 No. 14


Bears have been especially abundant, until recently, about the Winter Lodge and provide a daily vaudeville show for the keepers and their guests. One bear rolled an eight gallon jar of country sausage off the kitchen porch, broke it was a powerful paw and got away with the better part of the contents. How he survived is a wonder. Another bear made off with a loaf of stale bread tossed him by the chef and climbed a nearby tree to avoid his pursuing brothers. So far so good, but when he reached the comparative safety of his perch he could not refrain from telling his tormentors what he thought of them. In doing so he dropped the loaf from his mouth. Moral....well we will let you draw your own.

Ranger Macy described an interesting tug of war which he recently witnessed at Paradise Valley between a five pound marten and a ten pound chunk of short-ribs, with a Gray Jay as self-appointed coach and judge. By many short backward lunges and much patience the marten finally won and disappointed into a dense clump of alpine trees with his prize, much to the disgust of the jay who was left out entirely at the ensuing feast.

animal eating food

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