Nature Notes

Vol. V August 22, 1927 No. 8


The deer like many other wild animals, have in certain regions become so accustomed to the automobile that are constantly passing along the roads that they will often stand at the edge of the woods and watch the cars go by.

Apparently however an aeroplane is a different matter. Recently the local forest patrolman turned off his usual route a bit in order to drop a note to a friend at Paradise Inn. As he zoomed low over the meadow about the Inn, in order to deliver his message, three deer apparently greatly frightened by the huge noisy bird dashed from the woods and fled across the open space in the direction of the canyon.

By: Ranger-Naturalist Robt. Johnson.

What does he do with those cookies? This question was directed at one of the rangers as a chipmonk made the seventh get-away with a fresh fig-bar. Wishing to satisfy the curiosity of the questioner as well as his own the ranger followed the rodent, and thus disclosed the mystery. At the first a soft dusty place in the trail was chosen. There chipmonk started to dig a hole for the burial, but presently a shrill note from a sentenial on a nearby tree caused him to change the plan. However, the delay was of short duration for a few more jumps brought "chippy" to a nice heap of ashes which offered a soft place to dig. Near the peak of this dusty ash heap, the fig bar was buried, and the evidence thereof destroyed. No other fellow would find this cookie, for chipmonk carefully scratched his tracks out as he backed away from the spot where the food was buried.

By: Ranger-Naturalist Robt. Johnson.

We usually think of a tug-of-war as a delightful game, especially appropriate for a picnic contest. Such a contest between a salamander and an earth worm is an entirely different matter. With the earthworm the outcome means life or death. With the salamander success is regarded with a good meal. In this story, which occurred near Fairy Lake, the salamander renewed the struggle many times attempting to drag the worm from its burrow. Many times the earth worm took a new anchorage, working back farther into its burrow, while the salamander rested. Here the story ends, for a tender hearted tourist rebuffed the Amphibian for its valor, and allowed the earthworm to disappear into the soil.

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