Nature Notes

Vol. IV August 11, 1926 No. 7


Elevation is a topic of eternal interest. Questions frequently asked in any mountains country are, "What is the elevation here", and "What is the elevation of the peak", or "How does this or that mountain compare in height with other well known peak."

The following list of elevations above sea level, of the high points of the world, and especially of North America, is as accurate as we are able to determine. Elevations change materially - there are no such things as "The eternal hills", especially when many of them are capped with shifting snow and ice, or even shifting rock, - and improved methods and more favorable opportunities give us corrected data almost daily. Even the United States Geological Survey cannot give us the exact elevation of many of our highest peaks with certainty. The figures given as in feet.

Mt. Everest, 29,002, India, highest known peak.
Kangchenjunga, 28,150, India.Mount Columbia, 12,740, Canada.
Kabru, 24,015, India.Mt. Temple, 11,626, Canada.
Trisul, 23,406, India.Mt. Lefroy, 11,220, Canada.
Siniolchum, 23,000 India.Mt. Whitney, 14,500, highest peak in
United States, California.
Tian-Shan, 23,600, China.
Aconcagna, 23,080, highest of So. Am.
Sorata, 21,700, Bolivia.Mt. Ebert, 14,420, Colorado.
Chimborazo, 20,498, Andes.Mt. Rainier, 14,408, Washington.
Huascaran, 20,000, Andes.Longs Peak, 14,165, Colorado.
Mt. McKinley, 20,300, highest in No. Am., Alaska.
Mt. Logan, 19,850, highest in Canada.
Mt. St. Elias, 18,100, Alaska.Mt. Shasta, 14,162, California.
Mt. Kilimanjaro, 19,680, highest in Africa.
Mt. Blanc, 15,781, highest in Europe.
Kenia, 18,620, Africa.Pikes Peak, 14,126, Colorado.
Ruwenzori, 16,815, Africa.Mt. Adams, 12,307, Washington.
Mount Reasa, 15,217, Italy-Switzerland-France.
Matterhorn, 14,782, Switzerland.Mt. Hood, 11,225, Oregon.
Dychtan, 17,054, Caucasus.Mt. Baker, 10,730, Washington.
Mount Ararat, 17,000, Armenia.Mt. Washington, 6,300, New Hampshire.
Elbruz, 18,470, Caucasus.Mt. Mitchell, 6,711, North Carolina,
highest mountain in eastern United States.
Mount Kea, 13,954, Hawaii.
Fuji-San, (Fujiyama) 12,365, Japan.
Mt. Aorangi, 12,349, New Zealand.
Charles Louis Range, 16,730, Dutch New Guinea.
Pico de Teyde, 12,740, Island of Teneriffe, Atlantic Ocean.
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