Nature Notes

Mount Rainier National Park

Vol. IV August 25, 1926 No. 9

Issued weekly during the summer season; monthly during the winter months, by the Mount Rainier National Park Nature Guide Service.
By: F. W. Schmoe. Park Naturalist.

By: F. W. Schmoe.

Beautiful day. With District Ranger Macy left station about 8:00 A. M., crossed Nisqually Glacier, climbed moraine to Cushman Crest, and to summit of great lava cliff just below the Wilson Glacier.

Discovered that point of rock projecting up from the floor of the canyon which in the past has caused the lower ice cascades of the Nisqually has begun to appear above the ice. Next year the Nisqually will flow around an island of rock about a mile above its terminus as does the Tahoma Glacier now.

On south side of lava cliff discovered huge crack similar to earthquake crack in places twenty feet across and forty feet deep. Can be traced for half a mile parallel with the glacier. Used as den for numerous coyotes and marmots in places. In other places filled with water.

Numerous goat trails and dust beds found. Goat wool on many bushes. Tracks everywhere but all made before the rain of last week.

Continued on to elevation of 7,500 feet alongside Wilson Glacier. Found part of carcass of large animal, presumably goat. Carried there by coyote, no doubt, as remainder of carcass not found. Followed high crest of cirque to west until overlooked Van Trump Glacier and Park. Found goat beds and tracks recently made here. Apparently band of a dozen or so including several small kids. Could see no animals however. Likely avoided us in masses of timber line trees.

Found coyote den recently constructed. Two openings some thirty feet apart on opposite sides of small ridge. Tunnel large enough to crawl in for distance of six or eight feet. Great quantity of fresh dirt at lower entrance.

Continuing down cleaver beyond Cushman Crest saw fine two point buck. Did not see us. Was feeding at edge of woods.

Stopped for a few minutes to watch battle between two large hawks, likely red-tail and golden eagle. Eagle avoided attacks by dodging until it has attained an elevation of several thousand feet by series of broad circles then dived swiftly to west distancing pursuers.

Many deer tracks in lower meadows and upper edge of the woods. Continued on down through forest to lower end of Nisqually Glacier then up road to Tramway Trail. Large bear proceeded us up trail. Picked up truck on road at head of trail and arrived Paradise Valley 5:00 P. M.

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