Nature Notes

Vol. VI July 29th, 1928 Summer Season No. 3


Strange as it may seem to the casual observer, bird life is never as abundant in the wilderness as it is in the cultivated regions.

Up until the time of the Biological Survey made by the Government in 1919 some one hundred and five species of birds had been listed in the Park. Since that time we have added new visitors or residents until now the list totals about one hundred and twelve. The Grebe, a seagull, two ducks, the Snowflake, one Sandpiper and one Owl have been added.

Last issue of Nature News Notes mentioned the discovery of the Least Sandpiper as a park visitor.

A few days later Assistant Chief Ranger Macy brought in a long-eared owl which he found dead in Reflection Lake.

On the 20th the naturalist noted a large duck on Louise Lake. The bird, apparently a female Mallard was flushed from the water near the inlet about 6 A.M. and circled the lake three times in gaining sufficient altitude to carry her over the divide in the direction of Reflection Lake.

Pintail, Red-breasted Merganser, and Harlaquin are the ducks previously listed and although it was not possible to make positive identification the naturalist is sure it is a new species to the Park.

By Floyd W. Schmoe, Park Naturalist.


The Long-eared Owl (Asio Wilsonianus) is intermediate in size between the Great Horned Owl and the Screech Owl which are the only other eared owls of the Park. Mrs. Bailey gives the length as 13 to 16 inches. The specimen noted measured 18 inches. Ear tufts are conspicuous, and ear openings are very large. The usual color is yellow-brown and buff with black barring and spots. Just how our specimen came to fall in the lake is not known but there had been a dense fog the previous night and it may be that the owl, a night prowler, flew into the water by mistake and was unable to rise again.

By Floyd W. Schmoe, Park Naturalist.

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