Nature Notes

Vol. VI October, 1928 Summer Season No. 7


When you return to Mount Rainier National Park--and we hope that you do--there will be a brand new Community Building at the Paradise Camp Grounds for you to enjoy. It is a beautiful structure, constructed in rustic style with huge beams of Alaska Cedar, by the way, this Alaska Cedar is cut from our own Silver Forest and is overlaid with slabs of the same material. The Alaska Cedar, notwithstanding the long period of time since this area was burned over, is still as sound and perfect as any timber on the market and it is being utilized so that the young trees, which are fast erasing the scar of the fire, may have the proper chance.

From the rear windows of this building one may view the entire valley to the west and the rugged Tatoosh Range, while from the opposite side a superb view of the Mountain itself may be obtained. It occupies a wonderful location and will be "headquarters" of all camp activities in Paradise Valley. Here the Nature Guide fireside talks and lectures illustrated with colored lantern slides will be given each night during coming seasons and most everyone will find the exhibits of flowers, trees, animals and birds of interest in acquainting oneself with the wild life and natural history of the Park.

This is but another indication of the National Park Service's efforts to help the average person to appreciate the beauties of nature. Already a similar building is in use at Longmire Camp Grounds--erected by the government and offered for the free use of the public.

sketch of Community Building

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