Nature Notes

Vol. VI September, 1929 No. 11


Mr. J. B. Flett, author of our flower book -- "Features of tho Flora of Mount Rainier National Park" -- was a visitor on several occasions this summer. Mr. Flett was for several years on the Ranger force of the Park during which time he spent a great deal of time in the study of the flora of the region and is possessed of a greater knowledge of this feature of the Park than possibly any other living person.

On his several visits he aided the Nature Guide Department in collection and identification of specimens and his last visit, in spite of the fact that he could not walk about a groat deal, he found a fern (Dryopteris oregana) that had never been reported before in Mt. Rainier National Park. This fern was found in the Ohanapecosh District in the south eastern corner of the Park -- a region that is frequented by only the most hardy hikers.


The activity on the part of our animals in preparing for the winter and the changing of the landscape from one of floral beauty to autumnal golds and reds reminds us that the summer season of 1929 is rapidly drawing to a close. We hope that the many thousands of people who have taken the Nature Walks, visited our Museum and Natural History Displays, utilized our Trail Guides, heard our talks on the Natural History of the Park, walked over the Nature Trails and enjoyed Nature Notes understand more fully the features of Mt. Rainier National Park and will, in the event they come again, look us up a second time. The appreciation on the part of our visitors in regard to our efforts along these lines has been one of the most pleasant features of this work.

Beginning with this issue of Nature Notes we start our winter schedule of one issue per month. And in reminding you that we are always open for suggestions that will aid us in improving this bulletin we would also like to ask that, in case your address has been changed, that you advise us of the fact so that our mailing list may be kept up to date at all times.

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