Nature Notes

Vol. VII January, 1929 No. 1


Concerning Our Museum

We are now definitely established in the Museum - the building that originally served as Administration Headquarters of the Park - and all exhibits that were removed from Paradise Valley last fall have been put in place. Already quite a lot of interest has been shown on the part of the public and we are hoping that this building with its included display will be the nucleous of a finer and more modern structure as the Nature Guide Department develops. Work has already been started on additional exhibits of interest and as far as possible duplicates of present displays will be made for use in other parts of the Park during the summer season.

The other day Ranger Frank Greer, who has known Mt. Rainier National park since the early days, dropped in with a collection of old photographs that picture the striking changes that have come about in but a few years. The old horse drawn stages that operated in an unhurried manner over dangerous roads between Longmire and Paradise Valley; the tent camp that served as the only accommodation for travelers at that point; early parties on Paradise and Stevens Glaciers peering into the deep crevasses; a summit party of the early days preparing for the ascent (my how the ladies must have shudderethe thought of being photographed in knickers; the early auto stages -- these and many others, all with costumes to match that brought forth many reminiscences and many a chuckle.

Copies will be made of these old prints for inclusion in the Museum Album of the early days. The Naturalist would appreciate similar loans or donations of a historic nature that have a direct bearing upon Mount Rainier National Park.

A cordial invitation to visit the Museum is extended all our visitors and the Naturalist will endeavor to answer any questions pertaining to the Mt. Rainier region that may come up.

sketch of Park Museum

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