Nature Notes

Vol. VII August, 1929 No.


A Shy, Mysterious Visitor

sketch of magpie Probably to many of the readers of Nature News notes the Magpie is an old friend - or should we say acquaintance, for few hld this bird in high esteem. However he seldom condescends to pay us a visit and when he does his appearance causes no little interest.

He generally prefers the campanionship of his kind but a few days ago one of these fellows dropped in upon us - a lone, mysterious adventurer whose striking black and white plumage was set out in bold relief against the snowbanks. Many of his deeds have placed him in the class of villian; and how well his appearance is allied with his reputation. Handsome, sly, sagacious and with sharply contrasted black and white markings his appearance is akin to that of the old time melodramic villian who smirked behind jeweled fingers when he came to "get the poipers". One is inclined to the belief that all the Magpie needs is the customary black silk hat!"

But if this fellow's appearance bordered upon the unexpected his manner of departure was just as startling for suddenly the grrey, storm clouds swallowed him up and he had departed from whence he came.


Each winter the Mountain Goat must, of necessity, retreat to lower elevations. And each winter these animals have been reported upon Cougar Rock, two miles from Longmire Springs. This year is no exception. They may be seen almost any day sunning themselves on the ledges of their rocky retreat and their presence always arouses interest. On Cougar Rock, while they may be seen, they are far removed from the possibility of anyone trying to get to them. The Mountain Goat's aversion to man and all features with which civilization carries with it is marked and their winter abode does not suffer from this unwanted companionship.

These same goat, no doubt, will be found next summer high up among the rocky crags in the vicinity of Van Trump Park.

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