Nature Notes

Vol. VI July 1, 1929 No. 7


Bear Cub vs. Ball

bear cub The other day a year old bear was meandering about Longmire when he spied a most unusual and interesting object. At least it was as far as he was concerned for some youngster had deserted an attractive toy -- a big red ball -- the like of which the bear had never seen. Now a year old bear is busy with the responsibilities of freedom. He has just been released from his mother's "apron strings" and has lots to learn. His naturally inquisitive nature does not hinder this process in the least. So when this cub saw the ball he hesitated only for a moment -- then weakened. Advancing cautiously he applied the pressure of his paw to the ball and the latter squeezed out from under and bounced up at his nose. This unexpected turn of events was followed by the business of a bear cub moving rapidly toward the nearest tree, and when a suitable height had been attained he turned to survey the scene. All was apparently peaceful so he climbed down and advanced bravely - but carefully - toward his opponent. At arms length he hesitated, then reached out and tapped the ball gently. Again bruin beat a hasty retreat. And again, finding himself whole and unscathed, he returned to repeat the process.

Finally he mustered enough courage to strut bravely up and jump bodily on the ball and upon the application of his teeth the bright toy shrunk ignomiously. Bruin's self respect was suddenly regained. He swaggered off in search of new adventures much like a small boy who has just "licked" his adversary from "over the tracks". Perhaps we should have stopped the fray before the ball succumbed but the amusing antics of the cub were worth the price of a new ball. What a movie that would have made!

And while we are still on the subject of bears you might be interested to know that we have several families of triplets and several of twins in the Park this year.

flattened red ball

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