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Natural Notes

The Natural Resource Challenge

The North Cascades: a unique and treasured ecosystem

Life zones in the North Cascades

Glaciers in the Cascades

Mountains in motion: an ever-changing environment

Combining air and water

Prescribing flames for preservation & protecdtion

Practicing the three R's

Alien plant invasion

The fungus among us

Those likeable lichen

Hazard tree: an opportunity for wildlife habitat

Revegetation in fragile highcountry meadows

Mountain goats

Black bears & grizzly bears a key link in salmon lifecycle and forest ecosystem

Have gray wolves returned to NOCA>

Secretive carnivores

Harlequin ducks

Cascades: home to the 'No-so-common' Loon

Bird diversity

Indicator species in water

Natural Bug Zappers

North Cascades neotropical breeders

Research Permit Summary 2001

World Wide Websites

Nature and Culture: partners in preservation

The Principles of Leave No Trace

issue cover
(HTML edition)

Natural Notes

Parks For Science

Inventory and Monitoring In The North Coast And Cascades Network: Partnership For The Future

North Cascades National Park Service Complex

Threatened Species

     Exponential Extinction?

     Threatened and Endangered Species In North Cascades National Park

     Threatened Gray Squirrels Get Attention

Forest Life

     Forest Carnivore Study: Missing Lynx?

     More Than Just A Pretty Song - Landbird Inventory

Aquatic Life

     Stream Habitats

     Aquatic Life In The Mountains

     Weeding And Wetland Restoration Around Ross Lake

Plant Ecology

     Botanical Foray 2004

     Key High Elevation Pine Threatened Across The West

Geology, Air & Climate

     Rapid and Gradual Change In The Pacific Northwest

Cultural Resources

     Links To The Past - Museum and Archives

     High Elevation Site Survey

Glacier Monitoring

     Glaciers Mirror Global Climate Change

What's Next?

     Possible Future Research Projects

What Can You Do?

Web Bases Resources

issue cover
(HTML edition)

Natural Notes

Dealing with Climate Change

Studying Parks, Making Partners

Environmental Change

     Melting Away: Glaciers Indicate Climate Change

Public can Review Plans for Ross Lake

Redside Shiners Present Uncertain Future for Bull Trout in Ross Lake

Changing Plant Life

     Restoring the Ecosystem with Native Plants

     Plant Studies

     How Climate Change Impacts Butterflies and Red Paintbrush

     How Climate Change May Be Impacting High Elevation Fungi

Threatened Species

     Western Gray Squirrels Receive Attention

     Threatened, Endangered Species Find Refuge in North Cascades

Forest Life

     Ravens' Aggressive Behavior is Unexpected

     Tuning in to Landbirds' Songs

Fire & Water

     Park Complex Recovers from Floods

     Fire Management Plan Uses Fire to Maintain, Restore Park Ecosystems

Cultural History

     9,000-year-old Campfires Found at Cascade Pass

     High Elevation Project Discovers Indian Camps and Travel Routes

     Links to the Past

What's Next?

     Tracking Hoary Marmots

     Looking for Marbled Murrelets

     Studying Mysterious Lives of Wolverines

Web Based Resources
