by Ranger Naturalist Theodore Robb
Mount Washburn is the summer home of many Rocky Mountain Bighorn
Sheep (Ovis canadensis). They can be seen feeding and climbing up and
down the steep, rocky ledges just below the summit of Mount
One day while pointing out the sheep to a group of visitors, a very
interesting scene was enacted by two mother sheep teaching their lambs
to climb the steep rocks.
The mother sheep were leading the way around the jagged, almost
perpendicular rocks of the mountain side and the lambs were attempting
to follow. At one place the lambs, evidently becoming frightened,
bleated in a pitiful manner but the fond mothers paying no attention to
their youngsters, walked to a wider ledge of rock farther on and
stopped. The lambs, seeing their mothers on a place of safety cried and
cried. The mothers uttered encouraging advice on how to cross the
dangerous ledge and the poor little lambs after hesitating and standing
and crying, finally gave up their childish antics and centered their
attention on the dangerous trip to mother and safety.
The trip of a few feet was probably a great lesson and a thrilling
trip for the two lambs, and both mothers and children plainly showed
their enjoyment when the lesson was over.
Members of the group greatly enjoyed the rare privilege of watching
this little episode in the lives of Nature's children.
by Ranger Naturalist Wayne Replogle
The "skillets" who made the roads through the dense Yellowstone
forests under the leadership of Captain Spurgin, while General Howard
pursued Chief Joseph, certainly deserved the name "engineers" with
highest honors.
On July 3, I sought out these section of road leading from the
terraces west of Alum Creek across the short section of the plateau
which was the only means at that time of getting from Hayden Valley to
these Otter Creek Valley, some distance above Chittenden Bridge. It was
the section traversed by Captain Spurgin and his wagon train.
My findings were tremendously interesting. The train having ascended
the terraces and on to the plateau, found the going hard, no doubt, for
a great number of trees were necessarily cut with what appeared to be
four inch blades, none too sharp. Most stumps left standing were about
three feet in height, which probably permitted the high axled wagons to
pass over them without trouble. Several shallow gulleys were crossed and
in each case they had been crudely filled with dirt with a stone center
for drainage purposes. In one or two places there had been some grading
done to insure a safer descent or ascent from a gulley fill.
The trail was marked by long narrow blazes, ten to twenty inches
long, cut by an axe, and I presume the same type of axe used to blaze
the trees as was used to fell them. The old blazes are in many cases
obliterated save for a slight bark scar, while others are from one to
four inches in depth. The blazes are followed from east to west and may
be traced in a continuous line although the trail is overgrown and in
many cases trees have reached a diameter of eight inches or more.
Having followed the trail to the brink of the plateau above the
famous slides, I then began the search for the famous rope burns, which
resulted from the wrapping of ropes around trees to slowly let down
wagons some 600 feet below, by slipping the rope "dallys" (wrappings). I
found eight prominent trees with well preserved burns, stationed from
top to bottom some 75 to 150 feet apart. Some burns had been eradicated
by the growing of uninjured bark but for the most part there were as
many as three circle burns on each tree. The living trees with burns are
from ten to twenty inches in diameter with burn marks apparently having
been made by one-half or three-quarter inch ropes. In the descent many
adjacent trees were scared or bent as the many wagons were let down over
the lengthy precipice. It must be remembered that the feat was one of
the most remarkable in early Yellowstone history and although given a
peculiar name by the soldiers for no particular reason at all, we should
remember that Spurgins' Beaver Slide is yet traceable and has not
completely degraded into the long list of early history mysteries.