By Carl P. Russell,
Regional Director.
Since the institution of monthly NOTES by Ansel F.
Hall in Yosemite in 1922, the idea of publication has grown until
nearly all of the major parks produce mimeographed leaflets, reports or
bulletins which appear regularly and are distributed throughout the
Service and to friends of the National Parks not connected with the
In some instances the original NOTES have been
adopted by cooperating organizations, such as the Yosemite Natural
History Association, and the mimeographed series has been converted to
printed form. In most instances, however, the "publications" have
continued as mimeographed pamphlets produced as a part of the routine
work of the Park Naturalist or other local executive. Whether printed,
multilithed or mimeographed the information which these little journals
carry has been seized upon by park workers and public alike. A purpose
is served.
The idea of National Park Service publication finds
its highest expression in THE PARK SERVICE BULLETIN which emanates from
the Editor-in-Chief, Washington Office. By direction of the Secretary of
the Interior THE BULLETIN is published as administrative information in
connection with the proper transaction of public business.
THE REGIONAL REVIEW of Region One seeks to join the
ranks of useful publications produced in the Service. It will not
parallel the course of THE BULLETIN which is national in scope and it
cannot take the place of any existing journal sent out from a National
Park. It can, we believe, aid in the coordination of the varied program
of work engaged in by the army of specialists who plan and direct the
activities of Region One.
It is approximately 2,000 miles from Acadia National
Park, on Mount Desert Island in Maine, to Fort Jefferson National
Monument, on the Dry Tortugas of Florida, and it is at least half that
distance from the Perry Peace Memorial, in Put-in-Bay, Ohio, to
Chalmette National Battlefield Site, on the Mississippi River below New
Orleans. Those four areas represent extremes of the geographical
composition of Region One but they serve to illustrate how widely
distributed are its activities and its staff members.
We believe that many employees in Massachusetts or New
York are interested, both professionally and personally, in knowing more
about what the Service is doing in Virginia or Mississippi, and that the
converse condition likewise is true. The Project Superintendent in a
state park of Ohio and the Junior Historian at a national monument of
Georgia have some Service interests in common and each probably would
like to be better acquainted with the kind of work which the other is
In recognition of those needs, we are beginning, with
this first number of THE REGIONAL REVIEW, the distribution of a simple
periodical record which will be designed primarily to convey general
information concerning major developments throughout the Region. It will
contain articles describing our various conservation-recreation
programs, brief notices on personnel assignments, publication items
which have particular reference to the Region, and other materials
likely to prove useful to employees in camp and office. In short, THE
REVIEW will be a house organ.
Perhaps an editorial implement of this type is
capable of performing a service for all of us in Region One, but that
capability is conditioned upon the cooperation of the field staff. We
shall be in need of your suggestions and contributions in order that THE
REVIEW may draw regularly upon a supply of fresh materials. Criticisms
will be welcomed.
Hugh Awtrey will guide the editorial work and Ira
Lykes is responsible for direction of the illustrating and the
mechanical work of producing each issue.
Carl P. Russell,
Regional Director.

(click on image for an enlargement in a new window)