The Regional Review

Volume I - No. 3

September, 1938


Roy Edgar Appleman, Acting Regional Historian, is a graduate of Ohio State and Columbia Universities and now is a candidate for the Ph. D. degree of the latter institution. He entered, the Service three years ago as a member of the staff of the Bronxville office.

V. R. Ludgate became a member of the Service in August, 1929, when he was assigned to Acadia National Park as Landscape and Planning Assistant to the Superintendent. Various transfers took him to Washington, George Washington Birthplace National Monument, Colonial National Historical Park (then a Monument), Shenandoah National Park and Great Smoky Mountains National Park. He came to the Regional Office after the consolidation of July, 1936, and now is Regional Landscape Architect. He is a Syracuse alumnus.

Sidney S. Kennedy, Park Planner engaged in administrative duties concerning the Recreational Study, has moved in five years from a CCC camp at Enfield Glen State Park, New York, to the Washington Office. He became an Inspector in 1933 and before his transfer to Washington in 1936 was Assistant Regional Officer in the Bronxville district office. He holds degrees from Michigan State and Harvard.

Captain K. T. Brunsvold, who describes so interestingly the activities of the Army's CCC Reclamation and Salvage Division at Fort Hayes, Columbus, Ohio, is well qualified to impart information on that novel enterprise because he is the officer directly in charge of the work under the general supervision of Major E. H. Besse.

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Date: 04-Jul-2002