The Regional Review

Volume I - No. 5

November, 1938



Although he leaves behind him the associations of 16 years in the "Canyon Country," where he served in various capacities from general foreman to Superintendent of Grand Canyon National Park, MINER R. TILLOTSON, Regional Director-designate of Region One, writes that he expects to enjoy his transcontinental jump from Arizona to Virginia.

"I am very positive," he said, "that I will like Richmond and Region One, that I will find just as congenial friends there, and that I shall like the work, the people and the country immensely." And Mrs. Tillotson, he adds, "is just as much interested in the National Park Service and in Park people as I am."

Superintendent Tillotson, as announced in The Review of last month, will replace DR. CARL P. RUSSELL, Regional Director since the summer of 1937, who will go to Washington as Supervisor of Research and Information. The new Regional Director is expected to assume his duties early in 1939.

Born on October 2, 1889, in Vermillion County, Indiana, Mr. Tillotson received his early education at Lebanon and was graduated in 1908 from the School of Civil Engineering of Purdue University. For the next 11 years he held engineering and administrative posts in the United States Forest Service and was Supervisor of Cleveland National Forest, near San Diego, when he resigned to become construction engineer with the Standard Oil Company of California. He reentered federal service in 1921 and was assigned briefly to Yosemite National Park. The next year he was transferred to the newly established Grand Canyon National Park as General Foreman, soon became Assistant Engineer, later Park Engineer and, from April, 1927 to the present, has been Superintendent.

Mr. Tillotson, co-author with Frank J. Taylor of Grand Canyon Country, is a member of Delta Upsilon, California Academy of Sciences, American Society of Civil Engineers, Rotary, Arizona Public Health Association, American Civic and Planning Association, a 32d Degree Mason, El Zaribah Temple, Phoenix, Arizona, A. A. O. N. M. S., and Al Malaikah Temple (Honorary), Los Angeles, A. A. O. N. M. S.

Mr. and Mrs. Tillotson will bring with them to Richmond a daughter, Miss Winifred Jean Tillotson, who now is a student at the University of Arizona, A son, Wishard Dean, is manager of the Fred Harvey House at Canadian, Texas.

Tillotson and Mather Plaque

Assistant Wildlife Technician DAN BEARD of Region One has been transferred to the Wildlife Division of the Washington Office to fill the position vacated by Associate Wildlife Technician James O. Stevenson, who recently became Assistant Manager at Aransas Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, Corpus Christi, Texas. Mr. Beard had spent more than eight months in conducting studies in the Everglades.

ERNEST HUYETT, Contract Examiner in the Regional Office, has accepted a Civil Service position with the American Battle Monuments Commission of Washington. Mr. Huyett has been with the Richmond Office since August, 1936.

WILLIS KING has been transferred from his Ranger-Naturalist position at Great Smoky Mountains National Park to that of Assistant Wildlife Technician. The change was effective October 15. Mr. King's headquarters are still at Gatlinburg, Tenn.

DR. LAURENCE M. DICKERSON, who recently filled the Regional wildlife technician position vacated by William J. Howard, has resigned to accept a Civil Service appointment as Regional Biologist, Region III, Soil Conservation Service, with headquarters at Dayton, Ohio. Dr. Dickerson began his new duties November 15.

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ALBERT PAUL BROWN, who had been for more than eight years a land scape architect of the Service until illness forced him to withdraw recently for treatment, died this month in Roanoke, Virginia. A native of Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England, he came to the United States in his youth and was naturalized. He entered the Service in San Francisco and was transferred to Richmond during the reregionalization of 1936. Miss Mary Young, a cousin, of Hythe, England, is the nearest surviving relative.

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DONALD C. HAZLETT, Assistant Inspector assigned to Cape Hatteras National Seashore (Project), has been elected to membership in the American Association for the Advancement of Science. A geologist, he will be affiliated with the Association's branches of geology, geography, engineering, botany and zoology.

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