A fragrant bouquet for the historians popped out of
The Review's mail of the month. It came from the General Society
of the War of 1812, which was enthusiastic in its praise of Roy
Appleman's fine article, A National Military Park for Old
Hickory, (v. Vol. I, No. 3), and Charles W. Porter's entertaining
study, Perry at Put-in-Bay---Echoes of the War of 1812, (v. Vol
I, No. 4). The compliment was not merely a gesture of acknowledgment. It
was accompanied by a request from the Secretary General that
reproductions of the articles be made available to all officers and
members of the Society, an organization composed of descendants of the
soldiers and sailors of America's second war with Britain.
Those articles are but two examples of the rich
harvest of research fruits now being reaped in widely scattered parts of
Region I. The Review seizes this occasion cordially to invite,
not only historians, but other researchers as well, to offer for
general reading (100 college and university libraries and many
learned societies are receiving this issue) the excellent contributions
which they are capable, on the basis of studies already completed, of
adding to the expanding volume of America's biography as a nation.
It is gratifying to announce that Thor Borresen, of
Colonial National Historical Park, soon will present an article on
General Simon Bernard, one-time engineer of Napoleon I and planner of
our Atlantic and Gulf coastal fortifications of the nineteenth century,
and that Raleigh C. Taylor is preparing a new study of the technique
employed by coal miner-soldiers in the construction of the historic
Crater tunnel of Petersburg National Military Park. Meanwhile, Dr.
Alfred F. Hopkins, of Morristown National Historical Park, whose recent
injury in a fall on the ice is recorded regretfully here, is making
ready nevertheless to offer a paper on rifles and muskets used during
the Revolutionary War.
The wintry landscape on the December cover is Samuel
O. Smart's drawing of a photographed scene at Hickory Run Recreational
Demonstration Area, Pennsylvania. The outsize Christmas Tree in the left
foreground is one of Nature's own streamline jobs. It is a little too
robust to be placed in a living room as the traditional hitching post
for the wind 'em-up train of Junior and the silken deedaddles of the
Lady of the House. But it serves admirably as a seasonal reminder that
That Man is here again.
The Review wishes to voice a sincere hope that
our overweight friend from the north may bring to all Superintendents,
Inspectors and Technicians a long-needed surcease from reports and job
comments; to all typists and stenographers a refreshing respite from
their grumpily omniscient bosses and to the rest of us, the toiling
masses, an ample stocking-load of one-eyed jacks, split-whiskered kings
and many of life's other minor goodies.