We are able this month to make a tentative final
report on the results of wearying if not exhaustive researches into a
lexicographical problem which challenged our every resource. The study
had its immediate origins a few weeks ago but the true root of the
matter no doubt remains to be found in the mists of rhetorical antiquity
when inventive pedagogues first began to talk about that elusive trinity
of the written word: Unity, Coherence and Emphasis.
It came about because of recurrent letters in the
office "day book" which get under way like this: "We wish to acknowledge
receipt of your letter of even date. . ." The phrase carried a
splendid ring of authority about it and each of the letters apparently
disposed satisfactorily of whatever vexatious problem had come up. It
was the element of mystery, however, that lifted the communications out
of the drab workaday groove and upward to those shining epistolic
heights which the writer of official mail may attain only when, after
passing that unnamed Alpine village, he repeats, ten thousand times ten
thousand, that thaumaturgic refrain "Excelsior!"
Concealing, their glossological shame under a bushel,
our faithful agents combed the office, leaving no tome unlearned, and
interviewed a total of (this is the truth) 17 persons. They reported
1). No one admitted personally writing of even
2). No one was positive what it means;
3). Webster is inconclusive, and
4). A half-dozen English translations were
Confronted by that tangle of linguistic
circumstances, The Review, ever ready to lend a hand to the
bootstrap of harassed authors who seek to modernize their style,
recommends as an alternative to the introductory sentence already
quoted: "Your welcome favour of the 22nd inst. (or ult.) to hand and in
reply beg leave to advise . ."
A business-like compliment for Randolph A. Walker
came in this month from Camping World, a leading publication of the
outdoor field. Its editors praised, and asked permission to reproduce,
his excellent article, "How a State Operates Organized Camps," which
appeared in the December issue of The Review. Mr. Walker (Randy
to friends), is Assistant State Forester in charge of the Division of
Parks of the South Carolina State Forestry Commission.
Herbert Kahler is always learning something new about
Fort Marion National Monument. For the usual "Please Register" sign the
Superintendent substituted: "Your registration and comments will be
appreciated. As a result he is accumulating a prodigious store of source
materials which, if he chose, might be put together some day as Les
Mysteres Inedits et Formidables du Voyageur Americain.
Running about neck and neck in frequency are the
comments that (a) Fort Marion "Needs fixing up," and (b) that it "Has
too much fixing up." Bedroom slippers and other symbols of fireside
felicity are suggested by the concession that the monument is "Homey."
Still uninterpreted, however, is the observation that the venerable
outpost of Spain's New World is "Just like Brooklyn."
left to right) John V. Larkin (N. Y.), John C. Diggs (Pa.), Harley L.
Potter (N. Y. and Ohio), J. E. Bishop (Va.), J. H. Gadsby (Supervising),
Robert F. Wirsching (Ala.), Daniel T. Blaney (Tenn.), George W.
Nostrand (N. Y. and N. J.).
(Standing, left to right) Reginald D. Bryant (Ky.),
Bailey J. Locher (Va. and W. Va.), Gerald Hyde (Mass. and R. I.), C. R.
Vinten (Fla.), S. M. Woodward, Jr. (Ga.), Graham Rushton (La. and
Miss.), Melvin B. Borgeson (Supervising), J. L. Duford (S. C.), Raymond
M. Schenck (D. C., Md. and Va.), and Edouard N. Dube (Me., N. H. and
C. G. Mackintosh and Donald C. Hazlett (both N. C.)
do not appear in the photograph.
The week of January 16-21 was marked by two events of
region-wide interest: Mr. Tillotson, formerly Superintendent of Grand
Canyon National Park, assumed his new duties as Regional Director on
January 16, and on the same day the 20 Inspectors of the region gathered
here for three days of conferences concerning Service activities.
Several members of the Washington staff, the Liaison Officers, the
Procurement Officers and some of the Superintendents were present at the
sessions and at the dinner dance given on the evening of January 18 by
the Richmond National Park Service Association as a compliment to Mr.
and Mrs. Tillotson, Miss Jean Tillotson, Dr. Carl P Russell and Mrs.
Russell. Dr. Russell, formerly Regional Director and now Supervisor of
Research and Information, received from the Association a photograph
album and a "diploma," the latter bearing the signatures of 229
employees. A minstrel show, which revealed hitherto unsuspected talents
of regional and field artists, was a roundly applauded feature of the