Anon.: 1939 |
"National Park Service Makes Report on Nation's Zoos." The
Federal Employee, Vol. XXIV, No. 1, January. p. 31. |
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"Interior Museum." Ibid., p. 7. |
Awtrey, Hugh R.: 1939 |
"The Challenge of Conservation." The Mercerian (Macon, Ga.,),
Vol. XXV, No. 5, pp.2-3. |
Babcock, Harold L.: 1938 |
"1938 Field Guide to New England Turtles," Natural History
Guides, No. 2, New England Museum of Natural History. 56 pp.
Bibliog. |
Bartlett, Katherine: 1938 |
"Anthropology and the Museum." Southwestern Monuments Report
No. 24, National Park Service, Washington. (Paper presented at Social
Science section of American Association for the Advancement of Science,
Albuquerque, N.M. |
Buschmann, Florence X.: 1939 |
"The Woman Who Saved Mt. Vernon." American Motorist,
February, pp. 5-6; 17. |
Cole, W. Storrs: 1938 |
Stratigraphy and Micropaleontology of Two Deep Wells in
Florida. Geological Bulletin No. 16. Florida Department of
Conservation. 73 pp. Illus. |
Gaines, S. H.: 1938 |
Bibliography on Soil Erosion and Soil and Water Conservation.
U. S. Dept. of Agriculture Publication 132. Supt. of Documents,
Washington. 60 cents. |
Gould, Charles N.: 1939 |
"Starting a Museum in a Proposed National Park." Museum News,
February. p. 11. |
Graham, Joseph J. 1938 |
The Florida Caverns at Marianna, Florida 23 pp. typed.
Plates. (Geological report by student technician). |
Griswold, Oliver: 1939 |
"Beyond Key West." (Fort Jefferson). American Motorist,
February. pp. 7, 12. |
Kuerzi, Richard G.: 1939 |
"Some Notes on the Birds of St. Lucie Country, Florida."
(Concluded). The Florida Naturalist, Vol. XII, No. 2, January.
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Lanford, N. F.: 1938 |
"The Psychology of Museum Visitors." New England Naturalist,
December, pp. 11-12. |
Lehmann, William C.: 1939 |
"Report on Tampa Bay Rookeries." The Florida Naturalist, Vol.
XII, No. 2, January, p. 40. |
Manucy, Albert C: 1939 |
The Stetson Collection of Spanish Sources. January. 15 pp.
typed. |
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Great Men and Great Events in the History of St. Augustine, and
Ponce de Leon. January. Radio scripts. 9 and 10 pp. |
Morrison, Millicent H.: [1938] |
Wild Life -- and Rare -- in National Parks and Paradises Round
the World. Foreword by Viscount Bledisloe, King's Stone Press, Long
Compton, Shipston-on-Stour, England...40 pp. One shilling. (A brief
directory to national parks in more than 30 nations). |
O'Connell, Frank B.: 1938 |
"Shelterbelts for Wildlife." Outdoor America. Vol. IV, No. 2,
December. pp.4-5. Illus. |
Parker, Arthur C.: 1939 |
"The Old Genesee Valley Canal." Museum Service, Vol. XII, No.
2. pp. 44-45. Illus. |
Phelps, Dawson A.: 1939 |
The Significance of the Battle of New Orleans. January. 32
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Rice, B. M.: 1939 |
"This Spruce Sawfly Menace." Yankee, Vol. V, No. 2. pp.
21-23. Illus. |
Seaman Elwood A.: 1938 |
Swift Creek Recreational Demonstration Area. 77 pp. typed. 47
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technician). |
Semple, A. T.: 1938 |
"Kudzu Repairs Erosion-Torn Areas in South." Soil
Conservation, Soil Conservation Service, Vol. IV, No. 6, December.
pp. 142-143. |
Tennessee State Planning Commission: 1938 |
Federal and State Organizations Concerned with Land Use in
Tennessee, State Planning Commission Bulletin No. 12, Nashville. 50
cents. |
U. S. Department of Agriculture: 1938 |
Soil Conservation in the Karst Lands of Kentucky. Soil
Conservation Service Circular. No. 490, Washington. 62 pp.
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The Land in Flood Control. Office of Land Use Coordination,
Miscellaneous Publication No. 331. 38 pp. Illus. Superintendent of
Documents, Washington, 10 cents. |
Wilshin, Francis F. 1938 |
Numbers, Organizations and Casualties of Forces Engaged in the
Siege of Vicksburg. December. 41 pp. typed. |