The Regional Review

Volume II - No. 2

February, 1939


"National Park Service Makes Report on Nation's Zoos." The Federal Employee, Vol. XXIV, No. 1, January. p. 31.
----- "Interior Museum." Ibid., p. 7.
Awtrey, Hugh R.:
"The Challenge of Conservation." The Mercerian (Macon, Ga.,), Vol. XXV, No. 5, pp.2-3.
Babcock, Harold L.:
"1938 Field Guide to New England Turtles," Natural History Guides, No. 2, New England Museum of Natural History. 56 pp. Bibliog.
Bartlett, Katherine:
"Anthropology and the Museum." Southwestern Monuments Report No. 24, National Park Service, Washington. (Paper presented at Social Science section of American Association for the Advancement of Science, Albuquerque, N.M.
Buschmann, Florence X.:
"The Woman Who Saved Mt. Vernon." American Motorist, February, pp. 5-6; 17.
Cole, W. Storrs:
Stratigraphy and Micropaleontology of Two Deep Wells in Florida. Geological Bulletin No. 16. Florida Department of Conservation. 73 pp. Illus.
Gaines, S. H.:
Bibliography on Soil Erosion and Soil and Water Conservation. U. S. Dept. of Agriculture Publication 132. Supt. of Documents, Washington. 60 cents.
Gould, Charles N.:
"Starting a Museum in a Proposed National Park." Museum News, February. p. 11.
Graham, Joseph J.
The Florida Caverns at Marianna, Florida 23 pp. typed. Plates. (Geological report by student technician).
Griswold, Oliver:
"Beyond Key West." (Fort Jefferson). American Motorist, February. pp. 7, 12.
Kuerzi, Richard G.:
"Some Notes on the Birds of St. Lucie Country, Florida." (Concluded). The Florida Naturalist, Vol. XII, No. 2, January. pp. 31-36.
Lanford, N. F.:
"The Psychology of Museum Visitors." New England Naturalist, December, pp. 11-12.
Lehmann, William C.:
"Report on Tampa Bay Rookeries." The Florida Naturalist, Vol. XII, No. 2, January, p. 40.
Manucy, Albert C:
The Stetson Collection of Spanish Sources. January. 15 pp. typed.
------ Great Men and Great Events in the History of St. Augustine, and Ponce de Leon. January. Radio scripts. 9 and 10 pp.
Morrison, Millicent H.:
Wild Life -- and Rare -- in National Parks and Paradises Round the World. Foreword by Viscount Bledisloe, King's Stone Press, Long Compton, Shipston-on-Stour, England...40 pp. One shilling. (A brief directory to national parks in more than 30 nations).
O'Connell, Frank B.:
"Shelterbelts for Wildlife." Outdoor America. Vol. IV, No. 2, December. pp.4-5. Illus.
Parker, Arthur C.:
"The Old Genesee Valley Canal." Museum Service, Vol. XII, No. 2. pp. 44-45. Illus.
Phelps, Dawson A.:
The Significance of the Battle of New Orleans. January. 32 pp. typed.
Rice, B. M.:
"This Spruce Sawfly Menace." Yankee, Vol. V, No. 2. pp. 21-23. Illus.
Seaman Elwood A.:
Swift Creek Recreational Demonstration Area. 77 pp. typed. 47 photographs and drawings. (Wildlife report by student technician).
Semple, A. T.:
"Kudzu Repairs Erosion-Torn Areas in South." Soil Conservation, Soil Conservation Service, Vol. IV, No. 6, December. pp. 142-143.
Tennessee State Planning Commission:
Federal and State Organizations Concerned with Land Use in Tennessee, State Planning Commission Bulletin No. 12, Nashville. 50 cents.
U. S. Department of Agriculture:
Soil Conservation in the Karst Lands of Kentucky. Soil Conservation Service Circular. No. 490, Washington. 62 pp. Illus.
The Land in Flood Control. Office of Land Use Coordination, Miscellaneous Publication No. 331. 38 pp. Illus. Superintendent of Documents, Washington, 10 cents.
Wilshin, Francis F.
Numbers, Organizations and Casualties of Forces Engaged in the Siege of Vicksburg. December. 41 pp. typed.

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