ROY EDGAR APPLEMAN: (See inside covers of the Review,
Vol. 1, No. 3, and Vol. II, No. 1).
THOR BORRESEN, born in Kragero, Norway, sailed the
sea, served two years in the United States Army during the World War,
performed the duties of assistant superintendent during the eight-year
restoration of old Fort Niagara, Youngstown, New York, and, since 1934,
has been a member of the staff of Colonial National Historical Park,
Yorktown, Virginia, where he now is Junior Research Technician. He
studied architecture, interior decorating, and designing at Pratt
Institute and at the Eva Fay Studio, New York.
FRANK HILTON CROWE, a collaborator in this issue, was
born 32 years ago near Little Rosebud Reservation, South Dakota, but has
been a resident of Florida since 1912. After attending the University of
Florida and Rollins College, he was a railroad employee, deck officer on
a steamship editor of Tampa Life and, two years ago, became Tampa
editor of the Federal Writers' Project. He now is local supervisor and
historical research editor for the project at St. Augustine.
ALFRED FRANCIS HOPKINS, a Doctor of Medicine, is an
expert in old American furniture, in weapons used in America's wars and
in military uniforms. Born in Pennsylvania, he received his education in
private schools of Austria and France and at Georgetown University. He
served in the Motor Transport Corps during the World War, was employed
later by the United States Shipping Board and, after a period as member
of the staff of Colonial National Historical Park, became Museum Curator
at Morristown National Historical Park, New Jersey, the position which
he now holds.
HERBERT E. KAHLER, soon after signing his article on
Hot Shot Furnaces in this issue, was transferred from the
Superintendency of Fort Marion National Monument to that at Morristown
National Historical Park. The title which appears on page 11 is,
therefore, now anachronistic. (See inside back cover of The
Review, Vol. I, No. 4).
ROBERT C. ROBINSON: (See inside back cover, Vol. I,
No. 4)
