Vol. II |
March, 1939 |
No. 3 |
The Review announces regretfully its inability
to comply with further requests for copies of any issues of its Volume I
(1938) with the exception of Nos. 4 and 6 (October and December).
Several dozen letters asking for back numbers have been received this
month but it has been necessary to respond negatively to most of them.
Copies of the first three issues were exhausted many weeks ago and there
have been so many demands for Vol. II, No. 1 (January, 1939), that it
likewise no longer is available. Many university and public libraries
are desirous of completing their files of our modest organ and The
Review seizes this occasion to urge all readers who may have no
interest in preserving back numbers to retransmit them so that they may
be made accessible to others.
Everyone knows how the pale fires of our faith in
humanity may be rekindled and flame brightly anew on those rare
occasions when the mail brings in a letter which 1) has no postage due;
2) requests nothing, and 3) conveys an unsolicited kind word. Such was
the singularly agreeable experience of The Review this month when
Harry Clemons, University of Virginia Librarian, commented:
"The arrival of the February 1939 number of The
Regional Review moves us to reiterate our appreciation of this
publication and our gratitude for the inclusion of this library on the
regular mailing list. The articles and the notes are alike interesting
and useful for reference."
It was pointed out long ago that streams of water
received generous recognition when the various Recreational
Demonstration Areas of the Region were named. There are a run, a brook,
and seven creeks. The latter, which certain good colleagues will
maintain steadfastly and to the bitter end are cricks and not
creeks at all, includes that arch heels-snapper-backer, Hard Labor,
which, despite the suggestion of travail and suffering, is a gentle land
where children play and timid wild flowers grow. Considering those
circumstances of nomenclature, it appears to be more than idly diverting
that some of the demurer young ladies who camped last summer at Crabtree
Creek habitually referred to that fine bucolic area as "Cobb's Creek."
Can it be that we have overlooked a sociological bet in ignoring Crab
Orchard or Quadruplicate Roses Recreational Demonstration Area?
It was reported on this page two numbers ago that
Superintendent Kahler, of Fort Marion National Monument, Florida, is
receiving a liberal education concerning that two-and-a-half-century-old
Spanish outpost by reading the comments which visitors are invited to
set down as they register. The Review now wants to add a
postscript before dropping the whole matter. It is about the comment to
end all comments, contributed recently by a good lady who made a careful
inspection of the venerable coquina fortifications, the oldest built by
white men in the United States, and advised their harrassed
"The fort seems to be a little too old-fashioned and
out of date."