The Regional Review

Volume II - No. 3

March, 1939


Booth, L. Noel:
"How to Buy Linens for Camp." Camping World, Vol. V, No. 2, February, p. 21.
Borresen, Thor:
Final Report on Redoubt No. 9, Second Parallel. Colonial National Historical Park. December, 120 pp. typewritten. Illustrated.
- - - - -
Report on Embrasures, Gun, and Carriage for Fort Marion National Monument. February. 17 pp. Plates, bibliography and original tracing.
Brown, Alexander C.:
"The Old Bay Line of the Chesapeake: A Sketch of a Hundred Years of Steamboat Operation." William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine, Series 2, vol. 18, no. 4, Oct., 17 pp., illistrated, map.
Chamberlain, E. B.:
Frogs and Toads of South Carolina. The Charleston Museum Leaflet No. 12, 38 pp.
Conrad, Henry S.:
"Plant Associations on Land," The American Midland Naturalist Vol. 21, No. 1, January, pp. 1-27. Bibliography.
Crowe, F. Hilton:
Drake of England. 10 pp. mimeographed radio script. Fort Marion National Monument, Florida.
Florida Forest and Park Service:
    No date.
Highlands Hammock State Park. How to See the Hammock Best. pp. 1-12, map.
Ford, J. A.:
Archeological Exploration in Louisiana during 1938." Louisiana Conservation Review, Vol. VII, No. 4, Winter, pp. 15-7. Illustrated.
Georgia Department of Natural Resources
Biennial Report of the Department of Natural Resources 1937-1938. 87 pp. maps, tables and charts.
Georgia State Planning Board
Outdoor Recreation, Georgia. 57 pp. maps and illustrations.
Hamilton, A. E.:
"What Can [Organized] Camps Do to Make Democracy Safe in America?" Camping World, Vol. V, No. 2, February, pp. 5-7. Illustrations.
Johnson, Clarence L.:
"The Family of Marigny de Mandeville and the Fontainebleau Plantation 1700 -- 1938." (Concluded). Louisiana Conservation Review, Vol. VII, No. 4, Winter, pp. 47-51. Photographs and maps.
Manucy, Albert C.:
Pedro Menendez de Aviles, 8 pp. mimeographed radio script. Fort Marion National Monument, Florida.
- - - - - Gonzalo Mendez de Canzo, 8 pp. mimeographed radio script. Fort Marion National Monument, Florida.
McFarlin, James B.:
Highlands Hammock Trails. A Guide to the Plants Along the Laurel Oak Trail. Highland Hammock State Park, Florida, pp. 1-19.
McKenzie, M. A.:
"Dealing with Storm Damage in Central Massachusetts." Journal of the New York Botanical Garden, Vol. XL, No. 470, February, pp 43-45.
National Recreation Association
Proceedings of the 23rd National Recreation Congress. 137 pp. [New York].
Neel, Roda:
Pedro Menendez Marques, 7 pp. mimeographed radio script. Fort Marion National Monument, Florida.
Park, Thorns: "Analytical Population Studies in Relation to General Ecology." The American Midland Naturalist, Vol. 21, No. 1, January, pp 235-55. Tables and graphs.
Parker, Harry C.:     1939 "A Preliminary List of the Mammals of Worcester County, Massachusetts." 14 pp. Bibliography. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, Vol. 41, No. 7.
Rodman, O. H. P.:
"What Conservation Means." Yankee, March., pp 38-40.
Seagrave, Marion:
"CCC Hobbies". Yankee, March, p. 39.
Thompson, A. R.:
"Smothered Trees." The Highway Magazine, February, pp 31-33. Illustrated.
United States Department of the Interior, General Land Office: "Land of the Free." 18 pp. Illustrated maps.

sketch of waterway

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