Vol. II |
June, 1939 |
Number 6 |
In order to comply with new postal regulations
governing the distribution under frank of all governmental bulletins,
which become effective July 1, The Regional Review will make a
complete revision of its mailing list before issuing its next
Affected primarily by that revision will be those
readers who are not employees of the National Park Service and who have
not made a personal request, in writing, for regular receipt of
the monthly issues. Their names must be removed from the list unless a
signed request is transmitted to the Service at its regional
headquarters in Richmond. Non-employees whose applications for the
journal already are in our files need not repeat their requests. Not
affected by the new regulations are libraries and educational
institutions. They will continue to receive The Review.
With this issue, Vol. II, No. 6, The Review
completes its first year in swaddling dress. To jump to other rhetorical
figures, next month will mark the date which (a) new-wed partners are
wont to describe as the "paper" anniversary, and (b) more
pessimistically-minded citizens as the end of the honeymoon.
Thus openly confronted by three metaphors, The
Review hastens to be wary of commitments. It readily acknowledges
the uncountable errors of its infancy but, seeking to profit the best it
may by the weary record of human experience, hesitates discreetly before
obligating itself to idealistic reforms. It hopes with the utmost
sincerity, however, that it has achieved a few of the improvements for
which it has labored, somewhat ineptly perhaps, but with considerable
editorial perspiration, since that long past day of 1938 when Vol. I,
No. 1 emerged timidly from the awesome chrysalis of the multilith.
Meanwhile, it has received a good many encouraging words--so many that
it wonders whether adverse critics either fear to offend or disdain to
take the pains of citing flagrant sin. Always peaceable by nature, it
does not wish to provoke the boisterous clamors of a trouble hunt, yet
it wishes to invite each interested reader to feel at liberty to offer
any suggestions which he feels may promote its betterment.
In any case, a trifle emboldened but not yet
fearless, The Review will appear next month in the more matured
habiliments of Volume III with the hope that its new apparel will please
its most modish readers. Incidentally, a cumulative index of Volume II
is appended to this issue. New volumes are assembled semi-annually for
greater ease in reference and binding.
Region III Quarterly, a journal issued by the
Santa Fe regional headquarters, will make its debut during the first
week of July. Its attractive cover will show the new building occupied
by the regional office and there will be illustrations of outstanding
areas of the Far West.
The Review is happy to welcome a companion
bulletin to its humble editorial pew, and to wish for it a notable
longevity devoid of trial and care. --H.R.A.