DANIEL B. BEARD has carried on wildlife studies in
northeastern and southeastern states and completed a faunal survey of
the proposed Everglades National Park since he first entered the Service
five years ago as a CCC camp foreman in New York. An alumnus ('30) of
Syracuse University, he was born in 1906 in Flushing, New York, the son
of the famous boys' leader and naturalist. He now is a member of the
Washington staff of the Wildlife Division.
EDWIN L. GREEN, JR., a native of South Carolina,
graduated from his state university in 1931 and pursued advanced studies
at the University of North Carolina and the University of Tennessee. He
entered the Service in 1935, had several assignments in biological
research in North Carolina state parks, and was transferred later to
Washington as a member of the staff of the Wildlife Division.
RALEIGH C. TAYLOR'S name was not included on this
page last month when he contributed an article on the Petersburg Crater.
He was born at Ansted, West Virginia, and is a graduate ('31) of the
University of Virginia. He entered the Service in 1933 and has been
enrollee, research assistant, ranger-historian and junior research
technician. He now holds the latter position at Petersburg National
Military Park.
FRANK E. WHITEHOUSE entered the Service in June,
1934, with an assignment in a CCC camp in Ohio. He was transferred two
years later to the regional office engineering staff and has been on
duty in Richmond ever since. Born in Buffalo, he was a student at Ohio
State University when America entered the World War. He enlisted in the
Navy, was selected for special training at Annapolis and won a
commission. He later resumed his college study and received an
architectural engineering degree in 1922.
Biographical facts concerning WILLIAM P. BRANDON
appeared on this page in Vol. II, No. 5.
