Vol. III |
October, 1939 |
Number 4 |
The Review acknowledges with appreciation the many
friendly comments with which its readers received the illustrative
sketches provided last month by Associate Engineer Tyler B. Kiener. It
also seizes this occasion to reconvey editorially to Mr. Kiener the
thanks which already have been expressed personally to him.
Devious and diverting are the editorial by-paths into
which The Review is led each month in its pleasant duty of
assembling the contributions of its unregimented staff of spare-time
writers. The journalistic spur trails may lead to a photograph, to a
map, or to some other device likely to illuminate the text. This month
they converged on a footnote (see page 5) to Arthur the Rat.
Joseph S. Hall, Columbia University fellow who
provided the arrestingly excellent story of his survey of native speech
in the Great Smoky Mountains, pointed out that the brief saga of
rodential Arthur is one of the handiest phonetic yardsticks that can be
used in measuring the speech of Americans. It tends to betray whether
one grew up on a Bostonian "a" or a Cotton States "r," because it
contains all essential sounds, just as the typist's sentence, "The quick
brown fox jumps over the lazy dog," includes all letters of the
Phonologically intrigued, The Review
telephoned to the juvenile departments of libraries and book stores; but
no one knew the Arthurian legend. A kindly lady volunteer inquired of
all members of her family and found none who had followed Arthur's
career. Another, equally fine, when asked whether she knew the story of
Arthur the Rat, smelled a mouse and replied chillily: "Certainly
not, Sir! And I should deem it appropriate for you to discontinue
any further queries of that character insofar as they may relate to me."
A male acquaintance, questioned in the corridor and scenting a new one,
drew into a corner and whispered "No, I haven't heard it. What is
In editorial desperation, The Review wrote to
Mr. Hall for a copy and it arrived by air mail. He explained: "The story
is a reduced version of Grip the Rat, which is well known to
students of American speech. . . There are many transcriptions of it. .
. I do not know its origin or how it came to be used in connection with
phonetic investigations."
A pall of gloom soon settled over The Review's
small but earnestly milling staff. For the tale of indecisive Arthur is
a stark tragedy in which probity, loyalty and firmness of purpose come
to naught while gross injustice prevails. Because, when fearless Arthur
refused to heed the hasty counsel of excited friends and abandon to the
vagaries of fortune the revered hearthstone of his ancestors, an entire
barn fell down on him.
The depressing episode leaves The Review
doubly uncertain whether it should accept the moral and cancel its
lease, or stand staunchly by its traditions against the threats of all
whomsoever. --H.R.A.
