A Brief History of a Mountaintop Motorway
Resident Landscape Architect,
Shenandoah National Park, Virginia
[Editor's Note: So numerous have been
the requests for details concerning the development of the Skyline Drive
from its inception in 1931 to the opening of its final unit some seven
months ago, and for an inventory of the facilities and services provided
along its route that The Regional Review is particularly glad to
present the careful account which follows.]


(click on image for an enlargement in a new window)
Occupying a choice area of more than 180,000 acres in
the famous Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia is Shenandoah National Park,
through which runs the recently completed 97-mile Skyline Drive. The park
is approximately 75 miles long, lying on the backbone of the Blue Ridge
and embracing some of its highest and most beautiful sections. The altitude
varies from 600 feet at the north entrance to 4,049 at the summit of
Hawksbill Mountain. But it is for the far-reaching views from the Skyline
Drive that the park is most widely known. Macadamized and smooth, with an
easy gradient and wide sweeping curves, the Drive unfolds to view innumerable
panoramas of lofty peaks, forested ravines and the patchwork patterns of valley farms.
The southern section of the park, with its 31-mile link
of the Drive, was opened officially to the public August 29, 1939, thus making
it possible to motor the length of the park from Front Royal to the southern
boundary at Jarman Gap [See map, page 5]. At this point the Drive connects with
the northern extremity of the Blue Ridge National Parkway, which has been opened
to travel for eight and one-half miles to Rockfish Gap near Waynesboro. The
parkway is virtually a skyline drive within itself because much of it, when
completed, will follow mountain ridges as it connects Shenandoah National Park
with Great Smoky Mountains National Park, in Tennessee and North Carolina.
It was on September 15, 1934, that the first section of the
Drive, 34 miles long, was opened for travel. This made available an extensive
region of the Blue Ridge in which was located the vast central portion of the
proposed Shenandoah National Park extending from Thornton Gap, where U. S. Highway
No. 211 crosses the ridge, to Swift Run Gap, where the historic Spotswood Trail,
U. S. No. 33, winds over the mountains. Within a year more than one-half million
visitors were attracted to this portion of the park.
Recognizing that additional facilities soon would be necessary
and responding to the public's desire for enjoyment of more of the famed Blue Ridge,
the Service bent every effort to finish the second link of the Drive from Front Royal
to Thornton Gap by the fall of 1936. That northern portion was opened officially
October 1, 1936, and for the next three weeks the travel was enormous on the 32-mile stretch.
Since the opening of the Skyline Drive in 1934 the Shenandoah National
Park has been leading all units of the National Park System in annual
travel. Below is a tabulation showing the attendance recorded by travel
Oct. 1, 1934-Sept. 30, 1935 |
516,637 |
149,408 |
Oct. 1, 1935-Sept. 30, 1936 |
694,098 |
203,525 |
Oct. 1, 1936-Sept. 30, 1937 |
1,041,204 |
300,974 |
Oct. 1, 1937-Sept. 30, 1938 |
954,967 |
280,909 |
Oct. 1, 1938-Sept. 30, 1939 |
911,612 |
270,833 |
The highest travel total for a single day occurred on
September 4, 1938, when 33,681 visitors entered the park in 8,800
automobiles. The month of August, 1937, which totaled 191,494 persons in
52,896 cars, brought the greatest number to the Shenandoah.
The possibilities of such a mountain drive were
suggested first in 1924. In a report of the Southern Appalachian
National Park Commission to Secretary of the Interior Hubert Work,
recommending the establishment of a national park in this area, it was
pointed out:
The greatest single feature, however, is a possible
skyline drive along the mountain top, following a continuous ridge and
looking westerly on the Shenandoah Valley, from 2,500 to 3,500 feet
below, and also commanding a view of the Piedmont Plain stretching
easterly to the Washington Monument, which landmark may be seen on a
clear day. Few scenic drives in the world could suprass it.
Nothing definite came from this report until six
years later when W. E. Carson, then chairman of the Virginia State
Commission on Conservation and Development, obtained an allotment from
the Federal Drought Relief Appropriation for construction of the initial
section from Thorn ton Gap to Swift Run Gap.
In 1931, work was begun on the Skyline Drive project
under the joint supervision of the Bureau of Public Roads [now the
Public Roads Administration] and the National Park Service, and by
autumn of 1932 rough grading of this 34-mile section had been finished.
Land for the establishment of Shenandoah National Park had not been
acquired completely at that time and none of it had been accepted by
the government. In order to proceed with construction work a 100-foot
right-of-way strip based on the preliminary road location was obtained
by purchase and donation. The road contractors had much difficulty in
getting their construction equipment to the top of the mountain, and in
one instance a new trail was built by a gasoline shovel before it
reached the skyline. A limited time was set for use of the allotted
funds and both design and construction work had to be speeded.
Horizontal curves had to be laid out in plain circular fashion and the
required superelevation was built into them. Minimum standards allowed
some of the horizontal curves to be built with radii of less than the
200 feet now effective so that time could be saved and excavation costs
kept within the funds available.
In order to eliminate extensive scars and expensive
rook retaining walls it was necessary to pierce Mary's Rook Mountain
with a 700-foot tunnel. A sub-contractor completed in a satisfactory
manner the job of boring through this solid granite. By careful
blasting both portals were preserved in their natural rock settings A
little more than three months was required to dig through, and several
springs were encountered during the blasting operations. Be cause some
of these still exist there is drippage from the ceiling in the winter
and spring seasons.
All this work was finished by the end of 1933 but
motoring was somewhat hazardous in wet weather as crushed rock for the
road bed had not been placed, nor had any guard walls been built on the
shoulders. In 1934 additional contracts were let to revise a few cases
of bad alignment, spiralize all horizontal curves, and to provide
bituminous surfacing. In designing the alignment and figuring
superelevation for the curves, a maximum speed of 45 miles an hour was
used although a speed limit of 35 miles is in effect at present. The
maximum gradient was 7.8 per cent, which occurs in only a few
On September 15 of that year the entire central
section of Skyline Drive was opened to public travel although guard
walls and many parking overlooks had not been completed. At the same
time reconnaissance and surveys were being made over the north section
of the park, extending the Drive northward to Front Royal. Ample time
was devoted to thorough study and design of the route. The terrain,
except for three or four miles on Dickey Ridge, was less rugged and
rocky then the previous section and it was not difficult to adjust a
good line to topography.
The roadway was increased from 30 feet, used on the
initial link, to 34 feet in width, which provides for a five-foot
shoulder between the 20-foot pavement and guard wall. All parking areas
and roadside view points were selected during the preliminary surveys
and in a few cases it was necessary to shift the road line to
accommodate a parking overlook. Public travel was mounting steadily on
the first link of the Drive to a point where an outlet for expansion
appeared urgent. A few months later, October 1, 1936, the new section
was completed and opened in time for motorists to enjoy the fall-colored
woodlands that reached their maximum beauty two weeks later.
In December, 1935, Secretary of the Interior Ickes
accepted deeds from the Commonwealth of Virginia conveying 176,429 acres
of land for establishment of Shenandoah National Park. On the following
July 3 the park was dedicated officially at Big Meadows by President
Roosevelt. By spring of 1936 all survey and design work had been
completed for a major portion of the Drive in the southern section of
the park from Swift Run Gap to Jarman Gap and construction had started.
The terrain throughout this section is extremely rugged and it was
difficult at times to locate the line where it best would serve its
scenic purpose without causing considerable scar to the mountainsides.
In several instances alternate routes were staked out so that careful
field study could be made. At one time it was thought that a 1,700-foot
tunnel would be necessary through Black Rock Mountain, midway in the
south section. Further investigation resulted in a sacrifice of
extraordinary views and alignment in favor of a location on the opposite
side of the ridge where excavation was much lighter and where eventual
maintenance work would be greatly reduced.
Because of the tremendous excavation involved in
building this road over the steep hill sides, cut by precipitous ravines
in the southern portion of the park, it was not practicable to retain
the 34-foot road section that was employed on the previous link of
Skyline Drive. In the interest of economy it had to be reduced to the 30
feet used originally on the first section of the Drive. All parking
places were included in the original design work and excavation
quantities were balanced with the general road project. The size of the
overlooks was increased somewhat over previous ones in order that both
cars and buses could maneuver with ease and safety. Along the total 97
miles of Skyline Drive, 67 parking overlooks have been installed with a
total parking capacity of 1,800 cars.
Because the Skyline Drive is an outstanding achievement in the
field of parkway development it has evoked the curiosity of many persons
with regard to the actual cost of building a road of this type on the
mountain top. The following table shows the approximate cost of the road
as a complete unit exclusive of subsequent bituminous treatments and
maintenance work.
| North Section (32 miles) |
Central Section (34 miles) |
South Section (31 miles) |
Construction |
$1,088,376 |
$1,212,826 |
$1,277,345 |
Road Surface |
102,326 |
87,357 |
99,183 |
Guard Walls |
46,346 |
97,073 |
160,000* |
Engineering |
98,129 |
173,223 |
130,000* |
Totals |
$1,335,177 |
$1,570,479 |
$1,666,528 |
* Estimate |
On the 97 miles the estimated average cost per mile
thus is approximately $47,000. The guard wall, of native stone construction, a major
portion of which has been completed, averaged about $1 the running foot.

SKYLINE DRIVE Just North of Swift Run Gap
In early 1937, with 66 miles of Skyline Drive completed and travel
attendance increasing each year, the Department of the Interior awarded
a contract for construction and operation of all concessions in the park
to the Virginia Sky-line Company, Inc., of Richmond. Under terms of the
contract, which runs for 20 years, the company took over operation of
existing dining and cabin facilities at Skyland and the restaurant
business already established at Thornton Gap and Swift Run Gap. In
addition, it agreed to establish, maintain and operate lodges, camps,
stores, cafeterias and gasoline stations. In return for those privileges
it pays the Department $1,250 annually, plus a percentage of the net
profit in excess of 6 per cent of the invested capital. Because
existing facilities were inadequate to take care of the increased park
traffic, it was estimated at the time the contract was awarded that
initial development of accommodations would amount to $300,000, with
additional expenditures necessary from time to time to meet
The operator began in April 1937, to fulfill his agreement by
enlarging and installing modern equipment at Skyland,
Thornton Gap and Swift Run Gap. By spring of the next year new roadside
stations were constructed at Big Meadows in the central section and at
Elkwallow in the northern section. Both of these stations, of attractive
design and fitting harmoniously into the landscape, are situated far
enough from the Drive, with all parking and service facilities in the
rear, not to encroach too seriously on the scenic value of the motorway,
but they still are readily accessible to the traveler. At both locations
there are parking areas for 50 automobiles; and light lunches, gasoline
and souvenirs may be obtained.
Simultaneously the operator began construction of a
somewhat larger unit at Dickey Ridge, on the Drive five miles south of
Front Royal. The concession building, opened to the public in May, 1938,
stands just off the Drive where views of a 300-degree arc command the
adjacent lowland country. The building contains a dining room for 60
persons, and an outdoor dancing terrace, in addition to a coffee shop
and a gasoline station. There are parking facilities for 110
automobiles. Later in 1939 twelve cabins of native chestnut, containing
from two to four rooms each with either private or joint baths, were
built with total accommodations for 60 guests.
In July, 1939, the Virginia Sky-line Company finished
extensive construction work on the lodge at Big Meadows about one mile
northwest of the Drive. Of native stone and chestnut, the building
rambles more than 300 feet in length and rests soundly on the edge of an
escarpment which affords interesting views of the valley and distant
mountain ranges. A large dining room, accommodating 150 guests and
finished entirely in native chestnut, is oriented so that diners nay
enjoy far-reaching views of the surrounding countryside. In addition to
a large lobby and lounge, 26 guest rooms (all with baths and some with
fireplaces), have been provided.
The lodge is virtually the beginning of the
development proposed by the operator in the vast area at Big Meadows,
although seven two-room cabins had been completed the previous year.
There is sufficient room for 150 to 200 cabins if the demand arises for
such an increase in lodging facilities, and adequate areas have been
planned for riding horse stables, game courts, outdoor theatre,
community building and museum. The Service already has completed a
campground and picnic area as part of the development.
All this work by the operator has been coordinated by
the Service through development drawings in the master plan and with the
help of the technical service in the field. The company employs its own
architect and maintains a small construction crew for erecting minor
buildings, while the larger units are let to contract. The Service has
been able to aid the operator under the CCC program by installation of
all utilities, and construction of roads, paths and parking areas in
all developed sections. Much of this work by the Service, as well as
other public developments in the park, probably never could have
been accomplished without the help of the Civilian Conservation

MARY'S ROCK MOUNTAIN TUNNEL A View from the South Portal
In 1933 and 1934 it was with some misgivings that the
National Park Service watched 1,000 young men of the newly organized CCC
move into the Shenandoah. It was thought that perhaps such a great
number of young men turned into the park would be difficult to control
with respect to their objective; but in the years since the camps came
all doubt as to the positive worth of the Corps has been dispelled.
In addition to the usual work of fire hazard
reduction, fire protection, erosion control, and the construction of
fire trails and roads, much has been accomplished in the recreational
development of Shenandoah National Park. Slope flattening, which was not
possible under the construction contracts of the Drive, has been in
progress during the last five years and approximately half the route now
is graded and planted.
Five years ago Pinnacles Picnic Grounds, five miles
south of Thornton Gap, was developed and made ready for use. Parking
accommodations for 170 cars, 20 fire places, 100 tables, five water
fountains and a standard comfort station, together with water and
sanitary system, were installed by the CCC. Since this first major
recreational development others have followed in rapid succession due to
the overwhelming demands made on the park by the increasing travel on
Skyline Drive. South River Picnic Grounds, three miles north of Swift
Run Gap, was developed and opened in 1935. Picnic developments followed
at Elkwallow, Dickey Ridge and Big Meadows. Total picnicking facilities
installed to date include parking space for 715 automobiles, 95 fire
places, 350 tables, 30 water fountains and six comfort stations.
Development of the first campground for trailers and
tents was finished in 1937 at Big Meadows. Popular approval of the
newly completed area was indicated when, five minutes after the opening
of the grounds, a camper appeared. There are 50 places provided for
trailers and 20 for tents, and all the necessary facilities for
convenient camping have been made available by the two standard comfort
stations, a laundry and shower building, 30 fire places, 45 tables and
six water fountains. It has been interesting to observe the use made of
tent space against trailer areas, the percentage to date being about
four to one in favor of the former.
It was noticed at the various entrance checking
stations as early as 1936 that Negro traffic was beginning to appear. In
1938 and 1939 the travel amounted to 10,311 and 9,542 persons
respectively. Accordingly, facilities were provided for them at an area
on Lewis Mountain. Public accommodations there include a picnic ground
with 40 tables, 12 fire places, parking areas for 42 automobiles, and a
comfort station, while the camp grounds offer facilities for about 30
tents and trailers. The park operator has a coffee shop under
construction, a structure identical in many ways to existing roadside
gasoline stations. Additional plans are under way for immediate
construction of three or four two-room cabins.
The Appalachian Trail, the longest marked foot trail
in the world today, extending 2,049 miles from Maine to Georgia,
traverses the length of Shenandoah National Park paralleling the Skyline
Drive. The old route, which was little more than a blazed path, has been
relocated and reconstructed by the CCC for the 96 miles routed through
the park. Eight trailside shelters have been completed along the trail,
five of which are locked cabins with supplies, and the remaining three
are of open lean-to construction. Fourteen more units, the majority of
which will be log and stone lean-toe, are in progress. Just as the
Skyline Drive furnishes motorists with relaxation and enjoyment of those
rare bits of scenic lore, so the Appalachian Trail provides recreation
for the hiker who can devote days to the exploration of this newly
developed national park.

Skiers at Sexton Knowll, near the Skyline Drive in
Shenandoah National Park, taking advantage of the recent heavy