The Regional Review

Volume IV - Nos. 4 & 5

April-May, 1940



REYNOLD E. CARLSON, formerly a Ranger-Naturalist in Yosemite National Park, has served for five years as Nature Activities Specialist of the National Recreation Association with headquarters in New York City. Most of his energies are devoted to organizing and conducting natural history institutes as a part of the Association's program. He is a graduate ('32) of the Yosemite School of Field Natural History.

RICHARD IVES, before becoming Director of Regional Planning for the Tennessee State Planning Commission last year, had contributed to the revision of the Memphis city plan. Earlier he was a member of the planning section of the Suburban Resettlement Administration's Greenhills project near Cincinnati, Ohio. He also made city planning and recreational studies for the development of the Rockefeller estate in Cleveland into a municipal park.

JULIAN HARRIS SALOMON entered the Service in 1935 and since 1937 has been a field coordinator in the Branch of Recreation, Land Planning and State Cooperation. His camping experiences date back to Ernest Thompson Seton's early camps. He was counselor and director in organization and private camps and was an instructor for eight years in the camp leadership course at Columbia University, and for shorter periods at Western Reserve, Syracuse and George Washington Universities.

ARTHUR STUPKA, born 35 years ago at Cleveland, holds two science degrees from Ohio State University and is an alumnus ('31) of the Yosemite School of Field Natural History. After service in Yosemite and Acadia National Parks from 1931 to 1935, he was transferred to Great Smoky Mountains National Park where he now is Park Naturalist.

LEO J. ZUBER, a native of Michigan, is a graduate of Wayne University and of the University of Michigan where he pursued advanced studies in geography. After serving for nearly three years as Senior Geographic Aide of the Tennessee Valley Authority, he became Land Use Planner for the Tennessee State Planning Commission.

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