The Regional Review

Volume VI - Nos. 3 & 4

March-April, 1941

South Carolina Parks Open

palm trees
Edisto Beach State Park

Following a special course of study under the supervision of recreational specialists, the State Park Superintendents will fling open the doors to South Carolina's Parks on June 1st of this year. There is every indication that this opening date will find a record attendance in the Palmetto State's beauty spots and recreational areas.

One of the lovely South Carolina State Parks is Edisto Beach. Located on Edisto Island, 20 miles southeast of Adams Run, this attractive semi-tropical park which bounds the broad Atlantic, covers 1,255 acres. For recreational, historical and scientific interests it is unsurpassed by any other of the state parks. Yesteryear it was the haunts of the great, hairy mastodon and of strange, three-toed horses. Today it is recognized as one of the natural masterpieces of the South Carolina Coast, and should be one of the most popular resorts during this summer.

--- R. A. Walker.


The old Mission San Jose de Aguayo at San Antonio, Texas has been added to the National Historic Sites administered by the National Park Service. It is regarded as one of the three finest Spanish missions in North America.

San Jose Mission is the first National Historic Site to be designated outside Region One by Secretary Harold L. Ickes under the authority granted the Secretary of the Interior in the Act of Congress of August 21, 1935. The others are: Hopewell Village and Old Philadelphia Custom House in Pennsylvania; Federal Hall Memorial in New York City and Vanderbilt Mansion near Hyde Park, New York; Salem Maritime in Sal em, Massachusetts; Fort Raleigh on Roanoke Island, North Carolina; and Jamestown Island and Manassas Battlefield in Virginia.

The original name of this new National Historic Site was Mission San Jose y San Miguel de Arguayo. It was established at the instigation of Father Antonio Margil by Captain Juan Valdez on February 23,1720.

We have received so many requests for literature on the national parks and monuments of the region that we are incorporating in this issue a complete list of our publications to date. With the exception of those which are indicated as being for sale by the Superintendent of Documents, copies of all publications may be obtained from the Regional Office.

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