In the summer of 1920, Robert Sterling Yard published The Nation's
Parks, a richly illustrated 16-page booklet. It was, as Yard wrote, "issued
by an association of citizens which seeks the finest possible upbuilding of a
system destined to become one of our most valuable economic assets, and to
promote the widest possible uses of the parks by all the people."
During the course of the next two decades, Yard irregularly published the
National Parks Bulletin.
In 1942, Yard's successor, Devereux Butcher, began
publishing the National Parks Magazine. A complete archive of
National Parks Magazine
is available for viewing.
Below is an archive of selected back issues of the
National Parks Bulletin; to view, simply click on the magazine
cover. An index of the Table of Contents for each issue can also be
viewed by clicking on the Table of Contents listing (above each
decade), as well as on the year (at left).