CCC Forestry
Chapter 1
THE WORD "forest" has been variously defined. As men
have become better acquainted with the forest and its uses, the
definitions have changed. It is difficult to reconcile some of the
earlier definitions of the forest as "a waste grounds belonging to the
king" (Blackstone), with such modern definitions as "a complex
association of trees, shrubs, and other plants in which each individual
plays some part in the life of the community" (Graves and Guise). Some
foresters recognize management as a factor in the definitions, but
forests can and do exist without the slightest semblance of
To the forester, the forest embraces more than trees
and shrubs. It is an association or community of trees, shrubs, soil
and soil organisms, animals, birds, and insects, each of which exerts
important influences on the ultimate character and value of the area.
This association should extend over a considerable area. The farm wood
lot of less than 5 acres would not be classified as a forest, although
it is possible to practice forestry in it.
Trees in the forest usually differ from those grown
in the open or in orchards. Their shape and the absence of lower limbs
is a result of natural pruning by mutual shading. It is possible to have
a number of "wolf" trees in a forest. These low-crowned, wide-spreading
individuals do not have typical forest form, but they exist as forest
Thus we see that "forest" is a term that cannot be
sharply defined. A small tract, called by foresters a wood lot, may be a
forest to a city dweller. The easterner may consider the extensive
areas of chaparral and manzanita in the Southwest as brushy wastelands,
although they are important watershed forests.

For the purpose of this book, let us define the
forest as an association of trees (as in large plantations with no
undergrowth), or shrubs (as in the watersheds of the Southwest), or both
(as in the hardwood and mixed forests), growing on a considerable area,
upon which it is possible to practice forestry.
What Is a Forest?

The forest.

Forest grown trees.

Open grown trees.
Part of the forest heritage of the West.

Brush forest.
"Forestry" like the term "forest" has been defined in
many ways. In Europe the first definitions of forestry laid stress on
the ability of the forest and the forester to produce and maintain game
for the royal hunt. The old European forester was game keeper and
policeman of the hunting preserve.
When a scarcity of timber supplies became evident in
the Old World and its danger was forecast in America, forestry became
the raising of continuous timber crops, and game production was
relegated to minor importance. With further study of forests and forest
influences, scientists discovered that protection of important watersheds,
distribution of precipitation, erosion prevention, and partial
control of drying winds were important forest functions. Many forest
areas are managed largely with these ends in view, timber production and
game management being of secondary consideration.
In recent years increased leisure time has created a
demand for another forest product which in some areas exceeds all others
in importance. This product, not measurable in dollars and cents or in
cords or board feet, is recreation.
Some definitions of forestry imply that the
profession is one to be practiced on nonagricultural land. Forestry may be,
and is, practiced on land which, if cleared of trees, would be far
better agricultural soil than that on which many farmers are struggling
to grow crops of corn or potatoes. Much poor farm land now under
cultivation would be better employed raising trees. An ideal plan might
be to convert the submarginal land (that which can barely produce an
income from farm crops) into forests, and such forested lands as might
produce profitable agricultural crops into farms. That ideal situation
has not been reached, so forestry is practiced on rich as well as on
poor land.
Forestry is the production and maintenance of the
many and varied products of the forest. It has been defined as a
science, but it is a combination of many sciences such as botany,
biology, physics, and mathematics. It has been defined also as an art
(the application of these sciences). The sciences are fundamentals upon
which the art is based. Forestry includes the study of these sciences
and their application, which is the art. Hence forestry may be simply
defined as the science and art of managing forests so that they yield
continuously their maximum of wood products, values, and

No wood is wasted in the Old World.
See Ch. II, p. 31.

Steep slopes make poor farms, but they can support good forests.
Science or Art?
Forestry Defined.
A tree is a woody plant exceeding 10 feet in height,
with a single stem unbranched for some distance above the ground. Trees
live on from year to year, increasing in height and diameter each
season. They differ from shrubs in: (a) their manner of
branchingshrubs branch at, or close to, the ground; (b) the
ultimate height attainedtrees commonly reach 180 to 200 feet and
occasionally more than 300 feet, shrubs rarely exceed 25 to 30 feet and
are usually much smaller; and (c) the shape of their crownstrees
develop crowns characteristic of the species, shrubs with indefinite
stem arrangement rarely assume a characteristic form. Certain species,
however, such as the sumacs and willows, which are properly classified
as trees when growing in favorable locations, may become shrubby under
adverse conditions.
The tree is composed of three main partsroots,
stem, and crown. Roots extend deep into the soil and anchor the
tree against strong winds. They search out the mineral elements and
water necessary for maintenance of tree growth. Large roots bear smaller
rootlets, and these rootlets in turn bear fine, hairlike roots which
absorb the dissolved nutrients from the soil and transfer them to the
rootlets, from whence they begin a journey through the roots to the
The stem (shaft, trunk, or bole) is a mass of
elongated cells or tubes tightly bound together with other smaller cells
and shielded against mechanical injury and extreme temperatures by a
protective covering of bark. The vital or living mass of tissue in the
stem is a thin sheath of active cells, called cambium, separating the
bark and wood. Through the tubes of the new wood, inside the cambium,
the dissolved food substance passes to the crown.
The crown includes the branches, twigs, leaves, and
buds. The wood structure of the branches is similar to that of the
trunk, the cambium layer and conducting tubes extending to the tips of
the smallest twigs.
Many theories have been advanced to explain the flow
of water and food from the roots to the crown. Early students of plant
physiology attributed the ascent of sap to capillary action. Capillarity
is the tendency of liquid to rise in fine tubes. If a fine glass tube,
open at both ends, is placed upright in a vessel of water, the water
level in the tube will be higher than that in the vessel. The smaller
the tube, the higher the water will rise. Oil rises in a lamp wick by
capillary action; and water will ascend a dry stick if one end is
dipped into a vessel of it. The height to which liquid may rise by
capillarity is limited, however; it is impossible for sap to reach the
crowns of large trees like the redwood and sequoia by capillarity
Another force, long thought to be the cause of sap
ascension, is atmospheric pressure. As leaves transpire water, according
to this theory, a vacuum is created. Atmospheric pressure was thought to
force sap upward to fill the void. The action of atmospheric pressure
may be observed in the common mercury barometer. The greatest height to
which water can be raised by atmospheric pressure is about 32 feet, but
sap in trees rises to many times this height.
Pressure exerted by the roots has also been credited
with causing sap ascent. That root pressure is an active force may be
seen when a tree has been cut, especially in the springthe stump
will "bleed." This force also is limited and cannot transport sap to
great heights.
The most generally accepted explanation of sap
ascension is the "cohesion" theory. The column of water in a tree may be
likened to a long string. A pull exerted by transpiration (release of
water vapor by the leaves) on one end of this string causes movement all
along the line to the roots. Energy for this process is supplied by the
sun. As the sun evaporates the transpired water, it draws the water
column upward to the leaves. Water under such circumstances has a
tendency to stay together, or cohere. Cohesion is greater in sap than in
pure water. The transpiration pull on the sap is sufficient to move the
column to great heights, and the cohesive force of the sap is strong
enough to hold the fine columns or "strings" together. Although no one
vessel or group of vessels extends the entire length of the tree, there
does exist an unbroken series of columns that zig-zag in many directions
from the leaves to the roots.
Plant physiologists are still seeking explanations
of the details involved and the movement of sap is still being
investigated. It is probable that all the forces mentioned in this
connection contribute to sap ascension. Clearer and more definite
conclusions may be obtained by further research.
However this may be, by some force or series of
forces the sap (water and dissolved nutrients) is carried to the leaves.
The leaves are, in effect, small factories where the raw materials are
manufactured into food. Each leaf bears many small pores or mouths,
called stomata, through which it takes in air. Air is composed of
nitrogen and oxygen, with small quantities of argon and carbon dioxide,
varying amounts of water vapor, and minute quantities of other elements.
Carbon dioxide is separated from the rest of the air by the leaves and
is combined, in the presence of sunlight, with water and other
elements. Wood is composed chiefly of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen. The
carbon is derived from the air, and the oxygen and hydrogen from the
soil water that has ascended to the leaves. Mineral elements from the
soil comprise about 1 percent of wood. It is these earthy constituents
that remain as ashes when wood is burned.
The tree's raw food must be dissolved in water so
that it can ascend to the height of the crown, and when the raw
materials, including water, are combined with carbon dioxide much
unnecessary water remains. This is given off (transpired) through the
pores of the leaves and is evaporated by the sun.
After manufacture, the elaborated food material
returns downward through the cells and tubes of the inner bark, to the
twigs, branches, trunk, and roots. The channels of food transportation
in a tree may be compared with the blood streams in a human
beingblood being carried to the lungs to acquire oxygen, and then
flowing to the growing parts of the body.
A cross-section of the trunk reveals a series of
rings, one for each year of the tree's life. In a large tree the
innermost group of rings is dead, hard, brittle, and stiff. The
function of this core of heartwood is to maintain the tree in an upright
position. Around the heartwood is a sheath of younger wood or sapwood.
The sapwood, still alive, helps in the transportation of food and water.
Surrounding the sapwood is a fine layer of small cells, called the
cambium, which is really the growing portion of the stem.
Elaborated food from the leaves travels downward
through the inner bark and is diverted laterally into horizontally
arranged cell groups or rays. Cambium cells absorb this food substance
and grow.
Cells increase in number by cell division. A cell
grows and splits into two smaller cells; the two small cells grow, and
each splits into two more. By cell division and growth, the cambium
forms new wood on its inner side and new bark on the outside.
The wood growth early in the season (spring-wood) is
formed when the trunk must transport vast amounts of water and food;
therefore, its cells and tubes are large and thin-walled. The
"summerwood" is composed of smaller, heavier-walled cells. This difference
in cell structure produces the visible annual rings which can readily be
seen on the stump of a tree. It is possible to tell the age of a tree by
counting the rings from the center or pith, to the cambium. The tree's
history is shown in a cross-section of the trunka poor growing
season results in a narrow ring, a rich season in a wide one, and fires
leave tell-tale scars. Removal of nearby competing trees also is
indicated by the wider rings.
As the cambium manufactures new wood it increases in
size, forcing the bark outward. The older bark, being dead, cannot
stretch and expand. Consequently it cracks into the plates, ridges, or
scales that are characteristic of some trees. The eucalyptus, or blue
gum, sheds its bark annually. The bark of the redwood, on the other
hand, remains for years, becoming very thick and ridged before
To perform the functions of growth, the tree must
have heat and light in addition to water, minerals, and air. The
manufacture of raw food by the leaves requires sunlight. In a dense
forest the leaves soon disappear from the shaded understory and the
trees develop new ones in the canopy. Some trees are better able to
withstand shade than are others. These are known as "tolerant" trees.
Beech, hemlock, and balsam fir are examples of tolerant trees, whereas
black locust and the larches are intolerant. But no tree can live very
long without some sunlight. All growth processes of a tree require
energy which is derived from light and heat. Tree growth is negligible
in winter. In the extreme North, trees are often stunted and small
because their growth is retarded by lack of sufficient heat.
According to their sizes, Gifford Pinchot has
classified trees into seven groups:
1. Seedlings: Trees of seed origin, up to 3
feet in height.
2. Small saplings: Trees 3 to 10 feet
3. Large saplings: Trees more than 10 feet in
height, and up to 4 inches in diameter.
4. Small poles: Trees 4 to 8 inches in
5. Large poles: Trees 8 to 12 inches in
6. Standards: Trees 1 to 2 feet in
7. Veterans: Trees more than 2 feet in



See Wood Technology, p. 151.

Water rises higher in fine tubes.

Oil rising by capillarity.

Mercury rises by atmospheric pressure.

Resin flowing from stump by root pressure.

Cohesion of liquid.

Section of leaf.

Transportation channels in wood.

A ring for each year's growth.

Three stages in cell division.

Trees Must Have Light and Heat.

The term "forest floor" is often confused with
"forest cover." The forest floor is that covering lying close to the
mineral soil under the forest. Forest cover includes trees, underbrush,
and herbaceous growth.
The forest floor resembles a rug in its make-up. It
is compact in its lower layers and lighter in its upper layer. It is
made up of fallen leaves, twigs, pieces of bark, fruits and nuts,
rotting logs, down trees, and other vegetative matter. It consists of
both plant and animal life.
There are actually three layers of the forest floor.
The first one, resting on and merged with the mineral soil, is a mass
of humus. It is damp, dark in color, and composed of thoroughly decayed
litter (fallen leaves, twigs, and bark). The middle layer is made up of
partially decayed litter. The character of the leaves, twigs, and other
components may be seen in the compound, and in it animal life and
chemical forces are at work reducing this mass to completely
disintegrated organic matter which gradually changes into soil. It is
humus in the making.
The third and topmost layer is exposed to the air. It
is made up of newly fallen leaves, twigs, and wood particles. This leafy
covering is to the forest floor as the nap is to a rug. Raindrops falling
on this cover are checked and broken up, and the run-off enters the
spongy soil. When air currents pass through the forest this mass of
litter keeps the soil from drying.
Bacteria and fungi in the forest litter make
decomposition possible. Humus is changed into soil more readily in
locations where the seasons are warm and long. On the other hand, where
the seasons are short, the litter accumulates in greater quantities and
protects the soil and roots from killing freezes.
The Forest FloorFallen Leaves, Twigs, and Bark.

A section of the forest floor.
Like a Huge Sponge.
See pp. 20, 22.
Swarming Bacteria, Rapidly Growing Fungi.
Trees in the forest are comparable to human beings in
a social or economic community, except that the tree's inherent savage
struggle for existence is more openly ruthless than man's subtle,
diplomatic schemes to get ahead. As there are classes of people in the
economic and social scales, so there are classes of trees in the forest
community, as follows:
Dominant: Overtopping the rest of the
Codominant: Beneath the dominant but receiving
full sunlight on top and sides of crown.
Intermediate: Beneath the codominant,
receiving sunlight on top only; growth retarded by dominant and
codominant classes.
Suppressed: Beneath all other living classes;
receiving little or no sunlight; little chance for recovery.
Dead: Trees which have succumbed in the
Each tree succeeds in its life struggle only to the
extent that the trees in the higher crown classes allow it to succeed.
When the larger trees are removed, through death, lumbering, or silvicultural
cuttings, the intermediate and suppressed ones have a chance
to recover. Some trees, however, cannot reestablish themselves when
released from long suppression.
The life and death struggle results in a survival of
the fittest. On some sites and under certain conditions the fittest tree
may be an important timber species. On others it may be a weed for which
the lumberman can find no market. The forester attempts, through wise
use of the axe (removal of certain trees) and underplanting, to convert
the stand to trees of economic value.

Competition for soil nutrients (foods) often results
in well developed and widespreading root systems. Competition for light
usually develops tall, straight survivors, and that is one of the
reasons trees are placed close together in plantations. Such spacing
causes the ultimate death of over half the seedlings, but the trees that
survive usually are well formed timber trees devoid of large lower
Practically all trees are tender when young, and are
susceptible to scorching by direct rays of the sun. Foresters protect
such trees by planting them beneath "nurse" trees. The beech with its
thin canopy is an excellent nurse tree. It guards against the direct sun
rays but permits enough light to filter through to sustain the young
trees beneath it. Intolerant trees, that is, trees unable to withstand
excessive shade, planted under young beech soon harden and reach for
more sunlight, finally overtopping the beech.
Some treesthe locust and Scotch pine for
examplesadd nitrogen to the soil through nodules formed on their
roots. Trees like spruce which ordinarily perish on poor, sandy soil may
still be grown on such sites if mixed with nitrogen-producing
Other trees have poisonous effects. It has been noted
that often no vegetation except grass will grow beneath the black
walnut. Poisons given off by the roots of black walnut may be fatal to
any woody vegetation with which they come in contact.
Let us follow the struggle for existence in a forest
in its natural state, one in which forestry is not being practiced. We
will assume that the forest consists of large white pines and hemlocks.
The larger pines have overtopped the hemlocks and are dominant, but
beneath their shade the tolerant hemlocks are thriving.
As the older pines die and succumb to insects and
decay, openings are left in the canopy. Ordinarily a dying tree
produces an abundance of seed in its final years. These seeds and those
of neighboring trees fall to the groundto the dense brush-covered
areas of laurel and rhododendron, to the open spaces in the shadows of
towering pines and hemlocks, and to the sun-lit patches of forest floor
vacated by dead trees. Warm rains cause the seed to sprout. Those in the
thickets are quickly choked by the brush, those in the shadows die from
lack of light, but those in the openings put forth tiny stems and roots.
While they are tender and succulent, the seedlings are in constant
danger from all the herbivorous animals of the forest. Deer and other
browsing animals feed on the new leaves, and birds eat the tender
sprouting seed.
After the first season, barely half the crop is heft,
Where there is no protective leaf canopy, heavy rains gouge the
seedlings from their beds, frost kills many more, the scorching rays of
the sun burn up their unprotected buds and needles, and brush and weeds
compete with them for possession of the openings and for the food
elements in the soil. A few of the trees, however, become established in
favorable spots.
The following spring the older trees burgeon forth,
with new shoots and leaves, to fill the holes in the canopy; the shade
deepens, and the seedlings begin a new struggle for light, water, and
food. As the snow melts, they become exposed once more to the deer and
rabbits; and late frosts retard their growth.
The closing of the canopy of the older trees allows
sufficient light for seedling growth and protects them from the direct
rays of the sun. But as the canopy closes more and more each year the
shade becomes too intense. Being less tolerant than the hemlock, the
young pines yellow and begin to die. If the canopy remains closed, all
the young pines will die and the tolerant hemlocks will have full
possession of the area. But now a storm blows down a large overmature
pine. This permits more light to reach the understory. Responding to
the light, many of the young pines recover, and rapidly grow to reach a
place in the sun. Growth of the hemlock also is accelerated. All this
time numerous insects and diseases are attacking the trees, and an
intense competition for soil, water, and food takes place. The weakened
trees succumb to these attacks, and the stronger ones take possession of
the root and crown space vacated by their dying neighbors.
Thus the trees pass through the sapling stagethe
intolerant white pines gaining dominance because of their striving
for additional light. They are now tall saplings with pointed crowns and
straight boles which excess shading has made limbless.
Overtopping the hemlocks, however, does not give the
pines full possession of the site. The tolerant hemlocks thrive well in
the shade; and when the pines settle down to grow in diameter, the
hemlocks continue to grow in height. Since pine demands more light than
hemlock, successive generations of competition for a site usually result
in the complete suppression of the pine. White pine seedlings cannot
endure the dense shade of mature pines, but hemlock can establish itself
under shade.
Although this is the story of but two species,
similar struggles go on wherever two or more trees are contending for
the same limited area. Shrubby and herbaceous plants enter into the
struggle particularly in the earlier stages; insects and diseases are
often determining factors in the ultimate plant growth.
Classes of Trees are Like Classes of People.

1. Dominant,
2. Codominant,
3. Intermediate,
4. Suppressed,
5. Dead.

Young trees are suppressed in dense forest.
Tolerant species may thrive in dense forest shade.

Root competition.

Closely spaced.

Widely spaced.

Nitrogen nodules on roots.

Tolerant hemlocks under pine.

Young pines start in openings.

Pines die in dense shade.
A New Struggle.
Pines Must Have Light.

Pines respond to light.

Pines reach for the sun.

Hemlocks reproduce in shade.

The forest is an association of trees, shrubs, and other forms of life.
The forest is much more than trees and shrubs. It is
a complex association of many forms of life, struggling together and
against each other to grow and reproduce. Competition for light and food
in the forest usually results in tall, straight trees free of large
lower limbs. Often, however, this survival of the fittest does not
produce the best timber species or the species best adapted to man's
Forestry, by applying the knowledge of tree growth,
soils, spacing, planting, improvements, and protection to timber
production, has directed the forces of nature to fulfill man's
The tree is almost as complex as the forest itself.
It is a living plant, comparable in many instances to man. Like man, it
needs air, light, heat, water, and food for its growth. Its roots
penetrate deep into the ground in search of food material; its trunk
carries the raw food to the crown where the leaves combine it with
elements from the air to form nourishment for the growing cells.
Billions of minute cells and tubes make up the
substance we know as wood, and each year many more cells are added
through the growth of the cambium layer. As the cambium grows it adds a
new layer of wood on its inner side and a new layer of bark on its outer
side. In the spring the cambium grows large cells with thin walls, but
in the summer smaller thicker-walled cells are grown. The difference
between the spring and summer wood may readily be seen on a cross-section
of the tree trunk; and it is possible, by counting these annual
rings, to determine the tree's age, and by examining the size and condition
of the rings, to study the tree's history and to predict future
The transportation of food material from the roots to
the crown is a subject which has long interested scientists. Many
explanations have been attempted but the most generally accepted one is
the "cohesion theory" which likens the columns of sap to a series of
strings pulled upward by the sun's power to evaporate moisture
transpired, or given off, by the leaves.
One of the important components of the forest is the
forest floor (the soil, humus, and litter). It is from this source that
the tree receives most of its food. In cross section the forest floor
appears as a number of intermingling layers of leaves, twigs, and other
litter in various stages of decomposition, resting upon and merging
with the mineral soil. Bacteria and minute insects live in the soil
layers and hasten the disintegration of litter into rich soil.
The forest floor acts as a huge sponge in absorbing
rainfall and snow melt, retaining some of it for plant use but
permitting most of it to trickle slowly into springs and streams to
maintain constant flow.
Tree roots in the forest floor compete for water and
food, while their trunks and crowns struggle for light. Consequently
different classes of trees appear. Those seed which have been fortunate
in falling in open spaces or on good soil thrive and grow into healthy
trees; others, less fortunate, fight a losing battle against natural
forces. Some trees are endowed with power to resist shade and will live
on year after year in the shadows of towering neighbors. Grazing animals
eat or trample young seedlings, insects and diseases maintain a constant
attack so that only a small percentage of the seeds which reach good
soil finally become timber producers.
Refer to Forest Competition, p. 9.
The Tree, pp. 3, 7.
Wood Structure and Growth, pp. 6, 7.
Refer to How Sap Rises, pp. 4, 5.
Refer to The Complex Forest Floor, pp. 8, 9.
See Tree Classes, pp. 9, 10.
Refer to Tree Enemies, pp. 58, 59.
Last Updated: 02-Apr-2009 |