TREATMENT RECOMMENDATIONS AND DEVELOPMENT ALTERNATIVES PRESERVATION APPROACH Following discussions with the park and regional staff and an evaluation and assessment of field and research findings, four primary issues were identified with regard to the use and management of the cultural landscape resources associated with Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site. These issues are outlined below, and specific treatments discussed in detail along with a range of development alternatives. The development alternatives include design guidelines that are consistent with existing National Park Service resource management policies. Both the treatment recommendations and development alternatives are focused on the long term stabilization, preservation, and rehabilitation of the significant historic features and patterns that comprise the Hubbell Trading Post cultural landscape. Documented, past treatments are detailed in Appendix 6. The selection of a preservation approach with regard to the Hubbell landscape was made after full consideration of the four approaches identified in the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties (1992) and the guidelines for their application as described in Guidelines for the Treatment of Historic Landscapes (1996). Each of the four approaches must be based upon thorough historical documentation and analysis of the landscape's significant components and character-defining features. The approaches include: Preservation the act or process of applying measures necessary to sustain the existing form, integrity, and materials of an historic property; Rehabilitation the act or process of making possible a compatible use for a property through repair, alterations, and additions while preserving those portions or features which convey its historical, cultural, or architectural values; Restoration the act or process of accurately depicting the form, features, and character of a property as it appeared at a particular period of time by means of the removal of features from other periods in history and reconstruction of missing features from the restoration period; or Reconstruction the act or process of depicting, by means of new construction, the form, features, and detailing of a non-surviving site, landscape, building, structure, or object for the purpose of replicating its appearance at a specific period of time and in its historic location. Following a thorough review of the park's enabling legislation and management objectives, a detailed assessment of the park's cultural resources, and consultation with the park manager and staff it was agreed that the approach of choice would be preservation of subsurface (archeological) resources and rehabilitation of above-ground (landscape) resources. The Hubbell landscape is a complex resource with an identified period of significance that covers a continuum of use from 1874 through 1967 with the primary period ranging from 1874 to 1930. However, it should be noted that in addition to the buildings, structures, vegetation, and archeological resources directly associated with the Hubbell landscape the park lands also contain prehistoric archeological resources that are significant resources in and of themselves. The selection of two treatment approaches was made to insure that significant subsurface resources continue to be preserved intact yet allow for the rehabilitation of significant components of the historic landscape. The rehabilitation of the Hubbell landscape will provide some flexibility in addressing several of the development and treatment issues identified by the author and the park staff yet allow for the retention of the overall integrity and historic character of this significant landscape resource. TREATMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Issue 1: Loss of Character Defining Features Over the last several years the Hubbell landscape has experienced a gradual loss of character-defining features that contribute to the overall integrity of the resource. Although these losses may not seem that important when the proposed changes to or removal of these features or landscape components are reviewed piece meal, it is the cumulative loss that eventually threatens the resource s integrity. Some examples of lost historic features include the gradual loss of the terraces that were characteristic of the small vegetable garden located west of the Hubbell residence; the replacement of historic stiles constructed in the vernacular style using wood boards and planks with a stile made of metal grating and steel pipe; and the gradual loss of the historic field road alignment in the vicinity of the big field. Oftentimes the loss of character-defining features is irreversible but fortunately for the Hubbell landscape the examples mentioned above are all reversible through appropriate treatments. The terraces of the vegetable garden can and should be re-established if cultivation of the garden area is continued. The historic stile that was recently replaced using a modern metal pipe and metal grating design should have been replaced or repaired using the same style of workmanship and materials wood and nails. This correction should be considered as documentation of the historic stile is readily available and the modern replacement does not convey the same character or feeling as the original historic feature. The gradual loss of the historic alignment of the service or field road that once followed the perimeter of the big field has resulted from the park maintenance staff altering the road through grading practices which have created new alignments and selectively abandoned sections of the historic road system. Maintenance of the full historic alignment should be reconsidered especially if rehabilitation of the big field is to be undertaken in the immediate future. These are but a few of the numerous examples of loss of significant character-defining features that make-up the Hubbell landscape and many of these features are lost through negligence or lack of knowledge. Over the years the emphasis for preservation management has been primarily focused on the buildings. If a feature had not been identified as particularly significant with regard to the historic resources of the trading post it was not treated accordingly. This report has attempted to identify the landscape's character-defining features and as such strongly encourages the preservation of each and every one. Issue 2: Vegetation Management The vegetation that is currently found throughout the Hubbell Trading Post landscape reveals the numerous changes that have occurred in and around this site over the past one hundred and twenty years. There are numerous historic plantings that were introduced to the site by the Hubbell family and are considered to be character-defining features associated with this significant landscape resource and therefore should be preserved through appropriate treatment actions. Recommendations for vegetation treatment are divided into four specific categories which include general site vegetation, fruit tree management, agricultural field vegetation, and management of exotic invasive plants in the Pueblo Colorado Wash area. Recommended treatments for general site vegetation are identified and discussed by landscape areas A through G while the other vegetation management categories are more specific to a single landscape area. The recommendations are described below. General Site Area A (Agricultural Fields and associated Irrigation Ditches): vegetation in this area is discussed under a separate category (agricultural field management) below. Area B (Residential Compound): This area contains myriad historic plant specimens that require preservation maintenance measures. These plants are identified below and include vines, shrubs, trees, perennials, and ground cover. Vines: The historic vines that have been identified within Area B include Silver Lace Vine (Polygonum aubertii) and Virginia Creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia). All identified vines are in a healthy and vigorous condition. Documentation efforts have revealed that the vines presently found on site were intentionally planted by members of the Hubbell family and should be preserved as significant features of the landscape.
Shrubs: The historic shrubs that have been identified within Area B include Lilac (Syringa vulgaris), Yellow Rose/Castio Rose (Rosa spp. "Harrison's Yellow" var.), Multiflora Rose (Rosa spp.), and Banana Yucca (Yucca baccata Torr.). These shrubs are presently in a healthy but somewhat overgrown condition. Documentation efforts have revealed that the shrubs identified above were introduced to the site by members of the Hubbell family while in residence on the property and should be preserved as significant landscape features. Recommended Action: Maintain the existing historic vegetation in a healthy, vigorous condition by accepted fertilizing, watering, pruning and thinning practices.
Trees: The historic trees identified within Area B include One Seed Juniper (Juniperus monosperma), Bitter Cherry (Prunus emarginata) and Western Choke Cherry (Prunus virginiana var.), Apricot (Prunus armeniaca), Cottonwood (Populus spp), and American Elm (Ulmus americana) and Siberian Elm (Ulmus pumila). Documentation efforts have revealed that several of these trees were planted on site by the Hubbell family, however there are also a few trees that were found to have historical precedent on site yet the existing specimens themselves are not historic. These include Apricot (Prunus armeniaca), Cherries (Prunus virginiana and P. emarginata), and Elms (Ulmus pumila and U. americana).
Perennials: The historic perennials identified within Area B are limited to a single mass of Iris (Iris germanica). There has been no documentation of the history of this plant.
Area C (Barn Lot and Corrals): This area contains no historic plant specimens that require preservation maintenance measures. However, it has been noted that vegetational changes are occurring within the area especially with regard to ground cover densities and in an effort to pro-actively address these changes the following management recommendations are provided. Groundcover: With decreased active use of the barn lot and corral, there has been a dramatic increase in the density of ground cover vegetation, primarily grasses with some forbs. These changes alter the overall character of the landscape and result in increased routine maintenance needs with regard to mowing or blading to keep the vegetation in a more "manicured" condition. Recommended Action: If possible the best maintenance action for this area would be to allow the park's horse to occasionally graze over the grasses and forbs that are spreading throughout this area. However, this might not be desirable due to the fact that there are numerous outdoor exhibits that might potentially be affected (horse rubbing or scratching on wagons, etc.). Ideally more foot traffic is needed to keep the vegetation trampled and under control but realistically occasional mowing is likely the answer. Area D (Specialty Gardens): The specialty gardens associated with the Hubbell landscape have been identified to include the three garden plots historically utilized for growing a variety of vegetables and the garden plot historically utilized for flower beds. Garden Plot Terrace East of Trading Post: According to interviews with Hubbell's grandchildren, the terrace next to the road in front of the store was "planted all in fruit and vegetable squash, watermelons, and other melons, corn, etc. After he (grandfather) was gone it was not used for that." Recommended Action: Although this area was used by J.L. Hubbell for his large vegetable garden plot it also adjoined his irrigated alfalfa fields and was later incorporated into a single 16 acre field while the vegetable garden was relocated to include two areas west of the family residence and south of the bunkhouse. Based on the land use history and existing management concerns, this area will be recommended for rehabilitation focused on re-establishing the alfalfa fields. Garden Plot South of Stone Building (HB-5): Interviews with Hubbell family members have revealed that the fenced in enclosure located to the south of HB-5 was at one time one of the primary garden sites for raising an assortment of vegetables for home consumption with any surplus either being shared with friends and neighbors or sold through the trading post. This was also immediately adjacent or east of Friday's corn patch. "The main vegetable garden was back where the trailer now is (behind HB-5), behind the little stone building. We raised spinach, kale, cabbage, green beans, tomatoes and other things. We put up fruits and relish, jelly and jam, but didn't usually preserve vegetables." Recommended Action: This garden area is recommended for rehabilitation as it has been documented as the primary garden area for growing vegetables and it boundaries are clearly defined by an existing post and wire. Even the small garden gate is still intact and in good condition. Over the years, numerous plum seedlings, saplings, and sucker sprouts have encroached upon the garden plot and will require aggressive removal prior to turning the soil for cultivation. Garden Plot West of Residence (HB-2): Interviews with Hubbell family members revealed that "to the west of the flower garden we had melons and then toward the fence we had sweet potatoes and peanuts. We planted peanuts only one year. We had some Indian corn here..." Recommended Action: This area is recommended for rehabilitation as a terraced garden to be used for growing specialty crops as it was historically. The historic terraces have been severely disturbed over the past several years as a result of plowing with no recognition of the importance of the terraces for irrigation purposes. The terraces should be re-established, the irrigation channel and head gates should be re established according to the historic documentation and the crops should be watered using a standard terrace-flooding method. This action will enhance the visitors appreciation and understanding of the agricultural history of the site. Garden Plot/Flower Garden North of Residence (HB-2): Beginning in the early 1920's the Hubbell family began to introduce flowers and other ornamental plantings to this area. LaCharles Eckel, Hubbell's granddaughter noted, "there was...some of the first flowers, there was a high wire fence and it was attached to the south wall (of the Leonard buildings) and came out and sweetpeas and things like that (were grown)." About this same time the "summer house" or shade ramada was added to the front yard. Following the demolition of the Leonard building complex in 1923, the family set about enclosing the yard area with the existing stone wall, laying in numerous flower beds, and adding the circular stone planter. Over the years this area has been used for growing a variety of flowers as well as vegetables, including corn. Presently, only a single bed of lilacs remain along with the plants found in the circular planter, along the sides of the shade ramada, and in narrow beds following the interior perimeter of the stone wall. Recommended Action: Due to the sensitive nature of the subsurface archeological resources associated with the original Leonard trading post and their potential to provide valuable information regarding the site's early development and history, no horticultural activities are recommended for this area with the exception of maintaining the existing historic vegetation presently in the area. Watering of any historic vegetation in this area should be kept to absolute minimum. The grassy terraced berm that runs along the front perimeter of the residence HB-2 should be retained, however the grass cover should be limited to this berm and not allowed to extend into the former flower garden. Watering in this area should be discontinued due to the severe impacts on the subsurface archeological resources associated with the Leonard Trading Post and the impacts to the existing historic ramada/gazebo structure. Area E (School House Tract): This area contains several historic plant specimens that are currently posing some management challenges for the park. The historic plants that have been identified within this landscape area include both trees and shrubs. Trees: The historic trees identified within this area include both Siberian and American elms (Ulmus pumila and U. americana), silver-leaved poplar (Populus alba), and the cottonwood (Populus spp).
Shrubs: The only historic shrubs identified within this area are the currants that line the southern boundary of the school house/chapter house tract. Little information has been located with regard as to when they were introduced and by whom.
Area F (Hubbell Hill): This area is outside of the park land ownership boundaries but because of its overall significance and integral associations with the Hubbell landscape it is addressed throughout this report. The vegetation associated with Hubbell Hill is typical of the naturally occurring native vegetation found on steep slopes and hillsides throughout the Navajo Reservation lands. Numerous members of the Hubbell family are buried on the knoll of this hill. Although a few grave markers have been placed on the hill and the family would occasionally place cut flowers around the graves they abided by Roman's wish as he told Dorothy, "don't make this look like a grave yard. Just let it look like a hill and let the native vegetation come back in." Recommended Action: No Action. Area G (Reservoir, Main Irrigation Canal, and Ganado Dam): As with Area F, this is outside of park's land ownership boundaries. Because these features do not have direct associations with any vegetation management issues no recommended actions are provided. Recommended Action: No Action. Fruit and Nut Tree Management Area A (Agricultural Fields and associated Irrigation Ditches): With the exception of the one apricot tree located in the interior courtyard of the Hubbell residence and a couple of small plum trees in the vicinity of the residential compound, the remainder of the historic fruit and nut trees associated with the Hubbell landscape are located within Area A. Currently there are several surviving historic fruit and nut trees within the Hubbell landscape. These trees are all in a state of decline as they have not received appropriate maintenance and management actions in several years. It should be noted that these trees are susceptible to a host of pests and diseases and will therefore require active maintenance if they are to be preserved. Some of the more common pests include the codling moth, the cankerworm, grasshoppers, aphids, scale, curculios, Japanese beetles, and borers. Following National Park Service procedure, an integrated pest management (IPM) approach should be implemented to insure the use of approved biological controls versus non-approved chemical solutions. Fruit Trees: As early as 1903, J.L. Hubbell submitted an order for hundreds of apple trees to be planted on his Ganado, Arizona homestead known as Hubbell Trading Post. In addition to the apple trees Hubbell also planted mulberries and apricots. Due to the arid climate that is so characteristic of the Ganado area, the trees were located along the irrigation ditches constructed to water the agricultural fields and spaced approximately 20 feet on center.
Other Field Trees In addition to the numerous historic fruit and nut trees that are found within Area A (agricultural fields and irrigation ditches), there are several rows of historic cottonwood trees and a single row of elm trees. These trees have been documented as having been planted by the Hubbell family during the historic landscape's period of significance and as such should be preserved. Cottonwood (Populus spp.): These trees were introduced to the landscape by the Hubbell family and with time have become dominant visual elements of the site. Their preservation and when necessary, replacement in-kind is recommended throughout the landscape. Recommended Action: To avoid additional loss of these character-defining trees it is recommended that they have sensitively performed periodic pruning to remove any dead and dying branches prior to becoming hazardous trees and creating health and safety hazards that will result in their total removal. Occasional watering is also recommended until the rehabilitation of the irrigation system is undertaken. Along the upper terrace of the wash, west of the residential/trading post complex there is a row of 8 very large cottonwood trees whose condition ranges from fair to poor. They are in need of cyclic maintenance to remove any dead and dying branches. They also should be scheduled for gradual replacement using the same species as these trees are all nearing their natural life expectancy. Another line of cottonwoods is found along the arroyo just west of the housing and maintenance areas. Again these trees are in a state of natural decline as they reach their average life expectancy (70 to 80 years). Removal of dead and dying branches will help to prolong their existence however plans should be made to gradually replace them with new trees of the same species. One lone cottonwood in poor condition marks the north south line of this agricultural field and it is located immediately west of the residential and trading post complex. Based on the presence of down and dead cottonwood trees along this same orientation it may be surmised that the line was once defined by the presence of these trees. The one surviving tree needs immediate care to continue its struggle to survive. Agricultural Field Management As early as 1902 J.L. Hubbell began clearing lands for agricultural operations at the site of his trading post. Initially Hubbell attempted to irrigate his farm lands by establishing a small reservoir or dam along the Pueblo Colorado Wash and utilizing a lifting ram type hydraulic pump to carry the water to his irrigation channels. This soon proved unsuccessful and he established a larger dam north of Ganado and constructed a larger irrigation canal that extended over 2.5 miles to his property and provided adequate water for his approximately 110 acres of cultivated land. Although Hubbell started his fields by planting oats and rye, his primary field crop was alfalfa. According to interviews with Dorothy Hubbell, "the first year we had to start a new bed we would plant oats and sometimes rye. We did the same if we plowed up a field to reseed it. We did not raise any wheat." The fields have been abandoned since the late 1950's. The last time water ran through the irrigation ditches was noted in the mid 1960s by John Cook, first Superintendent of the newly established historic site. The fields have slowly been revegetated with a combination of native and exotic plant species and have at various times been heavily populated by communities of prairie dogs. At the present time no vegetation management actions are conducted by the park with regard to any of these fields and they continue to revert to desert scrubland. One of the treatment and development alternatives identified and described in the following sections of this report is for the rehabilitation of this agricultural landscape and its irrigation system. It is the recommendation of this author that only if the rehabilitation of the agricultural fields is undertaken should there be any attempted management actions with regard to the vegetation in the now abandoned fields. If rehabilitation of the fields is not to be undertaken, the fields should be left to naturally succeed and vegetation monitoring should be conducted to document the successional process. If it is decided to pursue the rehabilitation alternative the fields will require extensive clearing of all existing vegetation (and prairie dogs) to allow for the re-establishment of the historic checks or terraces and the planting of desired crops. The recommended management actions for this alternative are provided for in detail in the following section on development alternatives. Exotic Invasive Species in Pueblo Colorado Wash Following their introduction in the 1940's there has been a dramatic increase in both Russian olive (Eleagnus angustifolia) and salt cedar (Tamarisk chinensis) throughout the Pueblo Colorado Wash. However, it has been just over the past several years that the spread of these exotic invasive species has reached almost unmanageable proportions and seriously begun to affect both the visual quality of the historic site as well as the native plant populations. Photographs dating from the mid 1960's show the wash as still fairly open with large clumps or masses of vegetation scattered along its edges. Today the wash is an almost impenetrable mass of exotic species with few if any open views across in either direction. In an effort to regain some of the visual quality of the historic site and allow native plant materials the opportunity to regain a foothold within the vicinity of the wash it is recommended that an active vegetation management program be implemented within the park boundaries for the reduction of exotic invasives such as the Russian olive (Eleagnus angustifolia) and the salt cedar (Tamarisk chinensis). The smaller diameter trees can likely be eradicated using an efficient product known as the "weed wrench" or by cutting the larger stumps at or near ground level and treating with an approved herbicide. In the upper wash areas away from active water flow the cut stump treatment is recommended using the product Garlon 3-A (Triclopyr-DowElanco). It should be noted that the herbicide must be applied to the cut surface within 2 to 3 minutes of making the cut, using wick application or painting. If the product is not applied quickly the effectiveness of the systemic is lost. For the plants that are to be removed from areas within close proximity to the water flow another product is recommended. Again using cut stump treatment, the product Rodeo (Monsanto) should be applied using either wick application or painting of the stump. As with the Garlon, the product must be applied within minutes of making the cut to assure effectiveness. The recommended reduction and removal of exotic invasive species should be coordinated with the NPS Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Coordinator for the Intermountain Region. This project might be undertaken using volunteers or day labor crews under the supervision of an experienced natural resource manager to insure proper plant identification, desired density reduction, and safety measures are followed. Issue 3: Erosion Control Historically, erosion has been a continuous problem within the Hubbell landscape as a result of the fine sands, intermittent yet at times extremely heavy precipitation, and generally sparse vegetative cover. Hubbell recognized the potential for problems with erosion when he decided upon an irrigation method for his extensive farm fields. To better control the flow of water across his lands and prevent both water waste and erosion resulting from discharge into the Pueblo Colorado Wash, he selected to use the check or terrace irrigation method. This method allowed him to gradually step the terraces across the field and effectively slow the water as it neared the drop down to the wash. As evidenced from numerous historic photographs as well as personal accounts from area residents, the Pueblo Colorado Wash has changed from a wide shallow wash to a deeply cut arroyo over the past 95 years. It is assumed that the same is true to some degree, of the adjoining drainages or washes that feed into the Pueblo Colorado. Beginning in the 1940's the Hubbell family along with a variety of government agencies began to address the erosion problems in the area of the wash primarily by introducing vegetation in an effort to slow the downcutting processes. By the 1930's the vegetation along the wash had been severely depleted by both overgrazing and trampling and the open sandy wash offered no resistance to the flood of waters that periodically flowed through its channels. As early as 1976 the National Park Service initiated erosion control measures within the Pueblo Colorado Wash by constructing large steel and rock gabions, primarily as splash blocks and later as wingwalls along the southern embankment. In 1984 erosional activities affecting archeological site HUTR-10 were slowed as the site was buried with sterile soils and stabilized using a covering of filter fabric. A few years later in 1987 stabilization work was undertaken on the Sand Dune site. Following the mitigation of disturbed and unstable sections of the site additional gabions were placed below the embankment in the Pueblo Colorado Wash. During the early phases of field investigations for this study it was noted that erosion continues to be a problem within the Pueblo Colorado Wash as well as along its adjoining drainage or arroyo to the south (immediately west of the park housing area) . In addition, the gabions are a fairly dominant visual feature as one enters the historic site. The recommendations provided in this section address four areas and provide:
Pueblo Colorado Wash During the summer of 1995 it was determined that excess fill soils were available as a result of the new housing construction project within the park. In lieu of hauling this material off-site it was determined that it could be placed in the gaps behind the steel wire and rock gabions in the Pueblo Colorado Wash. Several tons of fill material were placed between the south embankment and the gabions with some material covering sections of the gabions. It has recently been noted by park staff that a variety of plant materials has started to become established and will eventually serve to soften the overall visual impact of the engineered structures. With this in mind it is recommended to further improve upon the visual quality of the gabions and increase their stabilization effects by re-introducing native willow to the immediate area by placing bundles, matting, or sprigs into and around the gabions. The bundles, matting, or sprigs can be anchored using a variety of methods (figure 106). This bio-engineering approach is both cost effective and can be installed using either volunteer or day labor provided there is a knowledgeable technician on hand for overall supervision. An earlier study conducted by Ertec noted that "individual hydraulic structures...represent only one component of a successful treatment system. All of the gullies in the drainage network need to be treated by a combination of geomorphic, vegetation, and engineering measures." [192] The study continues by stating that researchers have "found that some tributary gulleys can be controlled by vegetation management alone, if their base levels are controlled by gulleys that are structurally treated." [193]. This finding has been applied to the following recommendations for the side drainage.
Side Drainage / Arroyo West of Housing Area It is primarily the west side of this drainage that has recently experienced some degree of slumping and active erosion. This is also the area that historically supported the irrigation lateral for the 16 acre field to the west. Several of the historic stone headgates have or are in the process of falling into the drainage as a result of the slumping activity. This ongoing erosional activity should be halted, especially if the park has future plans to rehabilitate the adjacent agricultural field and re-establish the flow of water through the historic irrigation lateral. It is recommended that some degree of recontouring the severely slumped sections of the embankment be undertaken to create a stable slope. This can be achieved using a combination of both cut and fill and then anchoring the recontoured slope using either a geo-grid or filter fabric with either log cribwork interlayed with live willow brush bundles or with a polymer grid and brush packing (refer to figure 106). Even a combination of these two approaches might be appropriate. Field investigations noted that there are currently two varieties of native willow growing within this drainage. The masses of willow could easily be trimmed for selective branches to be woven into bundles or matting, and it is likely that the drainages in the surrounding area could provide additional cuttings for this use. A quick review of area aerial photographs would reveal these locations. Regardless of the exact technique selected, it is strongly recommended that the final appearance be "soft" and in keeping with the historic scene. This is important to maintain the integrity of the landscape. Such an approach can be more cost effective, environmentally friendly and innovative as well as being visually sensitive to the historic landscape resource. It is more compatible with the vernacular and seems to be more effective than the more heavy handed erosion control measures that are used across reservation lands (figure 107). A strong consideration in favor of the bio-engineered approach is that volunteer labor crews can be recruited from native plant societies, permaculture groups, and the community at large to assist in the installation process. Protection and Erosion Control Measures for Exposed Tree Roots on School House / Chapter House Tract As a result of years of uncontrolled visitor circulation in and around the school house/chapter house tract following the removal of a post and wire fence that followed the top of the embankment, the large roots of the historic elm trees have been severely exposed and the soils around them compacted. As visitors continued to scramble up and down the embankment and erode the unstable soils, the exposure of the tree roots increased thereby degrading their overall condition and posing safety hazards to visitors.
In 1987 a layer of fill was placed over the exposed roots but nothing was done to remedy the uncontrolled traffic that caused the erosional problem. By 1992 the root were again exposed, the surrounding soils compacted, and the trees declining in health as a result. In the summer of 1993 as field work was being initiated on this report, the author was asked to address the visitor circulation problems and subsequent erosion problems in this area and develop a design recommendation that could be installed as soon as possible. After reviewing a variety of historic documentation including numerous historic photographs a design alternative was proposed for an accessible route into the visitor center/administrative office building and stabilization of the erosion in the area of the tree roots. As per the approved access design (figures 108, 109, 110, 111), additional fill will be placed over the tree roots and surrounding ground plane to facilitate a new pedestrian flagstone walk connecting the trading post and the visitor center building. The historic post and wire fence alignment along the top edge of the embankment will be replaced to provide both a visual and physical barrier to visitors and control their access to the site, thereby preventing them from walking up the embankment and over the tree roots. Issue 4: Routine Maintenance and View Management Because the entire 160 acres that comprise the Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site fall within the designated boundaries of the cultural landscape and include not only a vast array of significant, character-defining landscape features as well as significant architectural and archeological resources, all routine maintenance activities should be evaluated for potential impacts to the site's resources. Routine maintenance activities should focus on the long term preservation of all of the site's significant resources and should be evaluated from an integrated, multi-disciplinary perspective. This should include even the most basic of maintenance actions such as controlled watering of the historic lawn to ensure that the surrounding areas (ie. the original trading post complex) are not adversely affected by run-off waters or insuring that repair of historic features such as the stile are replaced "in-kind" with like materials. Even though the park housing and maintenance areas are located within an approved development zone for management the need for appropriate view management is essential as this area marks the entry into the historic site. The re-establishment of the row of cottonwoods that once marked the edge of one of the historic agricultural fields (now the park housing area) should be considered to provide an historically appropriate view screen for the new housing area. The cottonwoods should be planted using the approximate location and spacing as was used historically. The introduction of an earthen berm or a thick vegetative hedge two ideas that have been proposed by others, should be avoided as these treatments will likely draw more attention to the area. Other view management concerns should routinely be addressed prior to the introduction of any new or contemporary features within the historic landscape ranging from signage to picnic facilities. The preservation of existing desirable views should also be considered with regard to proposed developments on adjacent lands beyond the park boundaries. The park staff should work with the community and potential developers to encourage the use of compatible materials, building scale, colors and overall siting to avoid unnecessary impacts to the visual quality of the historic resource.
DEVELOPMENT ALTERNATIVES Issue 1: Rehabilitation of Agricultural Landscape and Gardens In an effort to enhance the visitor's experience of the Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site, it is recommended that both the agricultural fields with their associated fruit and nut trees and irrigation system and the vegetable gardens be considered for rehabilitation by the park. While the rehabilitation of one or both of the vegetable gardens will be relatively straightforward with only a few issues and concerns, the rehabilitation of one or more of the agricultural fields and the fruit and nut trees requires a much higher commitment from the park staff and introduces a number of issues and concerns that must be addressed in a comprehensive manner. The following discussion is arranged to cover the proposed rehabilitation action, issues or guidelines that need to be addressed, and general concerns with regard to resource management and overall operations. Vegetable Garden West of Hubbell Residence This garden area was utilized by the Hubbell family for specialty crops including corn, beets, sweet potatoes, and peanuts. As mentioned previously the beds were terraced and irrigated using the check system that Hubbell established for his larger alfalfa fields. This rehabilitation of this garden could greatly enhance the site's interpretive quality in addition to providing fresh produce for park staff. Guidelines for Rehabilitation: The terraces were a significant character-defining feature for this garden and should be re-established to reflect their historic layout (figure 52). The use of a small irrigation ditch with simple stone headgates was also significant, however it was fed by and part of the much larger irrigation system that fed the entire field system. Ideally, the rehabilitation of the irrigation system is recommended. However, due to the fact that the main irrigation system won't be operative for several years an two alternative watering sources are recommended drip system or covered soaker hoses. Both of these alternatives have low visibility and are water conservative making them much more desirable than the park's current method of using an above ground rotating sprinkler. Crops grown in this garden plot should represent those that have been documented to have been cultivated historically. While using some of the historic or heirloom plants would be desirable and would provide valuable interpretive material for visitors, it is not essential. Concerns: The primary concerns with regard to the proposed rehabilitation of this garden plot involve labor and pest management. Tending a garden of any size is labor intensive and will require a commitment by park staff or volunteers. Pest management will also require a commitment and should follow Park Service policy and regulations to insure that only those products approved for use and following the Service's Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach should be utilized. Vegetable Garden South of the Stone Bunkhouse Following J.L. Hubbell's management and operation of the trading post, this garden plot became the family's primary vegetable garden site. The variety of vegetables grown within this plot was immense and seemingly changed from year to year as was common with most vernacular gardens. No terraces were evident during field investigation but a former park employee noted that the area was cultivated by the NPS years ago and this activity might have obliterated any early terrace features. [194] If not, it is possible that row irrigation was utilized in this area. Several years ago the park submitted a proposal to rehabilitate this garden plot, however the area was not planted. The rehabilitation of this garden plot would serve to pull visitors into the surrounding landscape and would function as a discovery site for photographic opportunities and well as interpretive exhibit. Guidelines for Rehabilitation: Other than maintaining the original layout of this enclosed garden plot there are very few guidelines recommended for the rehabilitation of this garden. By clearing and plowing the area within the enclosure, rows can then be established and again either a drip irrigation or soaker hose watering system can be utilized. The use of overhead sprinklers is strongly discouraged as it is not visually compatible with the historic landscape and is extremely wasteful of water in an arid environment. Again, it is recommended that heirloom varieties be considered for cultivation as they have the potential to contribute to a landscape interpretive program and the visitor's overall experience within the historic landscape. Concerns: As with the garden west of the Hubbell residence, the primary concerns with regard to the proposed rehabilitation of this garden plot involve labor and pest management. Tending a garden of any size is labor intensive and will require a commitment by park staff or volunteers. Pest management will also require a commitment and should follow Park Service policy and regulations to insure that only those products approved for use and following the Service's Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach should be utilized. Agricultural Fields Of the five terraced agricultural fields established in 1902 by J.L. Hubbell and used for the cultivation of oats, rye, and eventually alfalfa, three are being recommended for rehabilitation treatment (figure 111). The two fields that are not recommended for rehabilitation include the field to the far eastern edge of the homestead that has been converted into the park's housing and maintenance areas and the western field that has apparently always been a challenge to keep irrigated due to the fact that it is higher in elevation than the surrounding lands. In addition to the fact that the western field was difficult to cultivate and likely produced low yields historically, concerns regarding the potential for increased erosion of archeological site HUTR-10 resulted in this field being removed from the area recommended for rehabilitation. The three fields that are recommended for agricultural rehabilitation include the field immediately north of the Hubbell reservoir, east of the trading post and the two fields (within the Big Field) that are located west of the lane and south of the corrals. In addition to rehabilitating the irrigated terraces for the cultivation of forage crops in these fields, the rehabilitation might also include the re-introduction as well as the preservation of many of the fruit trees along the irrigation laterals. Guidelines for Rehabilitation: In order for crops to be reintroduced to the Hubbell landscape, irrigable waters must be available. The completion of the reconstructed Ganado Dam and Reservoir is a first step in this direction yet there is still a great deal of work necessary before water will once again flow on the Hubbell lands. In rehabilitating the fields it is imperative that the historic check or terrace irrigation system be retained as it not only provides much needed water control to prevent erosion but is a highly visual character-defining feature of the historic landscape. The terraces are still readily evident today and their dimensions, grade, and overall layout is described by Peterson. [195] The re-establishment of the terraces should follow the historic patterns which according to Peterson included "twelve to fifteen yard wide terraces, each dropping from top to bottom (generally east to west) but maintained grade between borders (generally south to north) and then dropped a foot or so to the next terrace. This process was repeated on down the ditch. Once established, check irrigating was relatively simple, as water was let into each terrace and ran on it until it was completely flooded." [196] In following the historic model for re-establishing the terraces, the historic patterns of the irrigation system must also be followed to insure an operable system. All of the stone headgates along the various laterals have been located and are included on the existing conditions base map. Most of the stone from these structures is still found within the general vicinity of each headgate although new stone will be required for many due to weathering and exfoliation of the softer limestones. The use of other means of getting water to these fields areas should be considered if waters are not available through the existing irrigation system. The re-establishment of the fields is critical to the rehabilitation of this historic landscape. The cultivation and rotation of crops grown historically is recommended and might include oats and rye to establish the field as the Hubbells did then follow those nurse crops with alfalfa. The alfalfa should provide a relatively low maintenance crop compared to other field crops or grains as once it is established it should just require cutting and mowing two to three times per year. There should also be a local market for the alfalfa as it is quite costly when brought in from outside markets for local use. It should be noted that alfalfa can be a very water consumptive crop and if water proves to be scarce in the area other forage crops such as Pauite orchard grass or smooth brome should be considered in lieu of the alfalfa. The rotation of crops should be practiced regardless. With the potential for limited irrigation water the park should consider the use of rotation/fallow cycles with the two fields to the west to reduce water consumption yet retain the open character of the historic fields. The use of cover crops such as rye with a perennial grass should be considered for the fields that are in a fallow and unirrigated cycle. This can later be tilled under for "green manure" and the cultivation rotation can begin again. Concerns: There are numerous concerns and issues that need to be addressed prior to deciding upon a rehabilitation treatment for the Hubbell agricultural landscape. These concerns range from environmental or natural resource and NPS policy requirements to staffing and operational/management needs. Some of the environmental concerns include the removal of the existing prairie dog community, water run-off and potential erosion problems associated with run off, and pest management involving both the crops and possible mosquito concerns resulting from the re-introduction of water to the site. As with the discussions regarding the preservation of the existing historic fruit trees, there are numerous pest management concerns that must be addressed by the park prior to implementing a rehabilitation treatment and introducing additional fruit trees and field crops. The pests that are associated with fruit tree management include borers, codling moths, cankerworm, grasshoppers, aphids, scale, curculios, and Japanese beetles. Pests associated with alfalfa include weevils, beetles, caterpillars, armyworms, aphids, and cutworms to name but a few. If rye or oats are used as crops to prepare the beds, they too have pests that will require management and control including Hessian flies, chinch bugs, saw flies, jointworm, and of course armyworms. The National Park Service has policies and regulations which prevent the use of many off the shelf pesticides that are routinely used by farmers. An Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach is required and will require a great deal of staff time and coordination with the 1PM coordinator for the Intermountain Region. Although it has been suggested that the park work out an agreement with an outside party to perform the farming activities this will require many hours of close supervision to insure that the historic guidelines are met as are the requirements of the IPM approach to management. Historic leasing agreements can be very time consuming for staff and with Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site having a limited staff this needs to be considered thoroughly. Ideally, an 1PM coordinator or specialist should be on site to deal with the day to day management issues that will likely result from the rehabilitation of the agricultural landscape. Additional concerns involve the repairs of the extensive 2.5 miles of irrigation canal that leads from the Ganado Reservoir to the historic site. This system is in need of major repairs and will require many labor-hours to complete them. The Park Service should pursue a multi-agency agreement that will jointly fund the cost of repairs and operation/maintenance of the system. The work might be best completed using a job corps type approach that will benefit the community as well as the park. Agreements will also be needed to insure the use of the Hubbell reservoir and access to the head ditch and any laterals that are not solely on Park Service property. Issue 2: Circulation Historically and to the present day circulation in and around the Hubbell landscape is characteristically informal. As early as 1902 the family had installed boardwalks to reach from one point to another and over time these were replaced with a variety of materials from simple stepping stones to a sidewalk in the vicinity of the residences and guest hogan. The Park Service has honored the family's vernacular approach to circulation by retaining the gravel parking area and entry drive. The NPS did improve both the parking area and entry drive by surfacing them with gravel over a reinforced and well prepared subgrade. The vernacular nature of the circulation system has been retained by avoiding the use of pavements for these areas and the use of simple stepping stones to facilitate circulation from one point to another such as along the narrow alley between the main residence and the trading post, or simply creating a worn foot path such as that found between the staff housing area and the trading post complex. With the conversion of the school house to the community chapter house a flagstone walk was added to provide easy access into the old school building. Years later as the building was converted to serve as administrative offices and visitor center and the adjoining pumphouse was converted to provide restroom facilities for visitors and staff alike, additional walks were added to accommodate easy access. In an effort to improve access to this area, a new design meeting federal standards and guidelines for accessibility was developed and although it retains much of the character and feeling of the earlier design there are some changes to the overall alignment. The new accessible design provides for access in and around the school house/chapter house tract including two accessible parking spaces, the public restrooms, and the visitor center/administrative offices and with minimal effort will provide for easy access to the trading post (refer to figure 109). Circulation immediately around the Hubbell residence, manager's residence, and guest hogan is also readily accessible yet the rest of the compound and many of the historic structures do not meet the new guidelines for accessibility. Due to the informal character of the historic compound and surrounding agricultural area the introduction of formalized hard surface walks would have an adverse effect upon the overall integrity of this resource. It should be noted however that the relatively level and hard packed ground surface does generally provide a stable, firm, and slip resistant surface for visitors to traverse. Issue 3: Visitor Interpretation While this report provides abundant historical information that might readily supplement the park's existing interpretive programming it also stresses the need to encourage visitor's to informally explore the Hubbell landscape and experience it first-hand as one of the Hubbell family's guests might have done. The introduction of formal interpretive waysides and other signage is strongly discouraged as it quickly alters the character of the landscape from an historic experience to a Park Service experience. The landscape has so much to offer visitor's without the addition of a new layer of features such as waysides. A brochure focused on the Hubbell landscape's evolution and development through time might be of interest to many of the park's visitors and would allow them to discover the site's special areas and features on their own yet also provide them with some historical perspective and understanding of the changes they see. The proposed rehabilitation of the vegetable gardens could provide for an interactive interpretive program that would allow visitors to see some of the crops that were historically grown by the Hubbell family. Many of the historically documented vegetable species and varieties grown by the Hubbell's are still available today through speciality nurseries such as Heirloom Seeds and Native Seed Search, two of several such organizations that specialize in the preservation of historical plants for commercial sale. Issue 4: Associated Lands Briefly this study addresses some of the associated lands that are significant with regard to the Hubbell's historic land use patterns and continue to be significant to the Hubbell landscape to the present day. These include Hubbell Hill, the holding pond - reservoir and adjoining field to the north, and Ganado Dam and the main irrigation canal. Other adjacent lands are significant in their potential to have effects upon the visual quality of the historic landscape and its overall character. Hubbell Hill This prominent landscape feature is highly significant with regard to the Hubbell property in that seven of the Hubbell family members are buried there and it was used by the family as a place for contemplation and escape. If ever the future acquisition of this site from Navajo Nation is possible, it may be desirable. However the hill should remain undeveloped and unchanged as it has remained throughout the years. In fact, members of the family personally requested that the hill be left natural and not made to "look like a cemetery." Holding Pond-Irrigation Reservoir (and Adjoining Agricultural Field to the North) Although never officially included within his homestead boundary, Hubbell constructed this reservoir to provide irrigation waters to his surrounding fields. The small field located immediately north of the reservoir was also cultivated by Hubbell and was part of a much larger 16 acre field. Both of these areas are outside of the park boundary and under private ownership. If the park hopes to rehabilitate the agricultural fields associated with the Hubbell landscape, the use of the historic reservoir is essential as it will facilitate the use of the historic irrigation system for not only the field to its north but to the big field located to the west. It is recommended that the park strive to work out an agreement with the current owner to allow for rehabilitation of the reservoir and the irrigation head ditch and lateral ditches. The agreement could be beneficial to the owner as it would provide him irrigable waters to his small field as well as to the Park Service fields beyond. Ganado Dam and Main Irrigation Canal Over the past several years, the National Park Service has actively worked for the reconstruction of the Ganado Dam and reservoir and finally in May of 1994 the project was underway. In September of 1994 the dam was completed and the Bureau of Reclamation noted that within three to five years there should be adequate water in the reservoir to allow for irrigation uses. For the park to consider rehabilitation of the agricultural fields the 2.5 miles of the main irrigation canal must be operable and provide service from the newly established reservoir to the historic site. The next step for the National Park Service is to work with the Ganado Farm Board to encourage the rehabilitation of the main canal and its operational features such as the flumes, reverse siphons, and sluice gates. It is possible that this can be undertaken as a multi-agency and community effort using a combination of day labor, work-corps, and volunteer crews. Other Adjacent Lands The surrounding lands that fall outside of the park boundary are very significant with regard to the overall integrity of the Hubbell landscape in that they provide the setting for this historic resource. Although there have been some changes over the years with regard to development there have only been minor changes with regard to land use. Much of the land around the park is open in character and continues to be used for open range. The developments that have occurred are sited so that they have minimal, if any visual impacts to the historic resource. Because of the open visual character of the surrounding landscape proposed new developments on adjoining lands have a strong potential for adversely affecting the overall setting for this site. The introduction of large scale structures, high density exterior lighting, or other similar commercial or non-residential development in the immediate vicinity of the park could have detrimental effects. It is therefore recommended that the park become actively engaged with the community, adjacent landowners, and potential developers to help identify potential conflicts and to work to ensure that proposed new developments are visually compatible with the historic resources of the park (scale, materials, colors, design, etc.) if at all possible. SUMMARY This Cultural Landscape Report is designed to provide the reader with an understanding and appreciation of the cultural landscape values of Hubbell Trading Post. It documents the significance of the park's historic landscape and delineates the character defining elements. In order to assist in preservation of the Trading Post's landscape values, this chapter also presents treatment recommendations for four major issues that affect the historic landscape and provides alternatives for development in four areas that would improve upon the integrity of the historic landscape and ensure its long-term preservation.
hutr/clr/clr6.htm Last Updated: 26-Apr-2004 |