ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We greatly appreciate the contributions of the following people: Katmai National Park and Preserve staff, especially Dave Morris, Superintendent, Loren Casebeer, Chief Ranger, and Kathy Jope, Resource Specialist, provided essential support logistically during on-site investigations. Robert L. Carper, Senior Historical Architect, Denver Service Center, Western Team, did an earlier investigation which was quite valuable in the preparation of this report. Robert L. Spude, Historian, Alaska Regional Office, provided support in the production of the HABS drawings and reproduction of graphics for the report. David C. Anderson, HABS Architect, produced all HABS drawings and assisted in photographic documentation. Lois V. Hull, Secretary, Division of Cultural Resources, Alaska Regional Office, typed the final report. Everett W. Gibbs, Editor, Planning Division, Alaska Regional Office, edited the final report. Joaqlin Estus, Historian Harvey M. Shields, Area Archeologist David E. Snow, Historical Architect
katm/fures_cabin/ack.htm Last Updated: 26-Mar-2008 |