ENDNOTES [1] Summarized from Richard M. McMurry, The Road Past Kennesaw: The Atlanta Campaign of 1864, National Park Service, 1972. [2] All information concerning the history of the Kennesaw Mountain Battlefield Association is from B. C. Yates, Origin and Expansion of Kennesaw Mountain Battlefield Park, 1941. 9 [3] Report of Commission Created to Inspect the Kennesaw and Lost Mountain and other Battlefields in the State of Georgia, 1926, War Department Records, 1892-1937, Record Group 79, Box 43; Report 117 to accompany H. R. 59, To Create a National Memorial Park, Kennesaw Mountain, Georgia. [4] Ibid. The commission also made recommendations concerning the Peachtree Creek site. It discovered that property owners along the creek had offered to donate all the land from the city's boundary to the Chattahoochee River along Maj. Gen. George H. Thomas' line of march. The Fulton County commissioners had also made assurances that a road system would be built. But the deal was held up because the land which the city owned had been obtained under a city charter that stipulated it would be used for sewage disposal; using the land for any other purpose would require amending the city charter. [5] Report of Inspection by William S. Browning, Acting Inspector General, June 9, 1931, War Department Records, RG79, Box 43. [6] James M. Laubach, Lt. Colonel, Quartermaster Corps to Quartermaster, November 11, 1931; George Dern, Secretary of War to Representative Malcolm Tarver, July 3, 1933; War Department Records, RG79, Box 43. [7] Report of Inspection by Inspector General, June 5, 1933, War Department Records, RG79, Box 43. [8] Cobb County Times, June 27, 1935; Kennesaw Mountain NBP Files, hereinafter cited as KEMO Files. [9] Memo from Oliver G. Taylor, Deputy Chief Engineer of the Eastern Division, Branch of Engineering, WASO to Mr. Holmes, October 11, 1935; Olinus Smith to Taylor, December 18,1935; KEMO Files. [10] Smith to Taylor, December 18, 1935; Atlanta Constitution, January 8, 1936; Marietta Journal, January 13, 1936; KEMO Files. [11] Holland to Tarver, November 9, 1935; Smith to Tarver, November 24, 1935; Smith to Demaray, December 23, 1935; NPS Central Classified Files, 1939-1949, RG79, Box 2590. [12] Marietta Journal, "Three Additional Parcels of Land to be Condemned," December 12, 1936; Atlanta Constitution, "Land for Kennesaw is Condemned," January 22, 1937; KEMO Files. [13] Cobb County Times, "Hearings Start on Kennesaw Suits," February 10, 1937; KEMO Files. [14] Marietta Journal, "Park Tract Value Placed at $180,000," February 17, 1937; Cobb County Times, February 18, 1937; Marietta Journal, "Citizens Give Valuation of Park Section," February 22, 1937; KEMO Files. [15] Cobb County Times, "Kennesaw Park is Endangered," March 11, 1937; Marietta Journal, "Brown Dissents with Valuation of Two Members," March 11, 1937; KEMO Park Files. [16] Atlanta Constitution, "Stalemate Over Land May Balk Kennesaw Park Project," March 14, 1937; KEMO Park Files. [17] Ibid; Atlanta Journal, "KMBA Group Asks Action Once and For All," April 13, 1937; KEMO Park Files. [18] Cobb County Times, "Concerted Push Started to Get Kennesaw Land," July 15, 1937; KEMO Park Files. [19] Marietta Journal, "$ 9000 Award May Result in Appeal," July 22, 1937; Cobb County Times, "National Park Seen as Certainty At Last," July 23, 1937; Atlanta Journal, "Kennesaw Land Valued at $9000," July 22, 1937; KEMO Park Files. [20] Marietta Journal, "Federal Jury Awards $35 Per Acre to Cobb Woman for Proposed National Park Area," July 23, 1937; Mariettta Journal, "Land Valuation Agreed on Three Mountain Tracts," July 26, 1937; KEMO Park Files. [21] Mariettta Journal, "Jurist Sets Value of Kennesaw Tract at $16,000," August 1937; KEMO Park Files. Transcript of Record, U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals, 5th Circuit. Kennesaw Mountain Association v. U. S. of A.; Federal Records Center, Atlanta, Georgia. [22] Atlanta Constitution, "Kennesaw Verdict Will Be Appealed," August 12, 1937; KEMO Park Files. [23] Marietta Journal, "KMBA Filed Appeal to Federal Verdict with Circuit Court," November 11, 1939; Marietta Journal, "U. S. Supreme Court Denies Plea," March 6, 1939; Cobb County Times, March 9, 1939; Atlanta Journal, "Lawyer Protests Government Offer for Kennesaw Mountain," May 22, 1939; KEMO Park Files. [24] Atlanta Journal, "Kennesaw Land Dispute Entered by Bondholders," June 11, 1939; Marietta Journal, "Kennesaw Land Petition Dropped by U. S. Judge," July 24, 1939; Atlanta Journal, "Kennesaw Land Dispute Flares Up in New Front," April 27, 1941; KEMO Park Files. [25] Memo, B. C. Yates to Director, January 3, 1939; Tarver to Acting Director, A. E. Demaray, January 10, 1939; Director Amo B. Cammerer to Tarver, January 31, 1939; NPS Central Files, RG79, Box 81, Folders I-5 "General." [26] Marietta Journal, "Kennesaw Mountain Memorial Park Amended to Allow More Land Buying," August 3, 1939; Secretary of the Interior to Chairman Andrew J. May, Committee on Military Affairs, April 19, 1939; KEMO Park Files. [27] Marietta Journal, "Park Heads Seek Title to 1000 Additional Acres," October 10, 1939; KEMO Park Files. [28] Assistant Interior Secretary, E. K. Burlew to Harold D. Smith, Director of the Bureau of the Budget, November 11, 1939; NPS Central Files, RG79, Box 81, Folders l -5 "General." [29] Chief Counsel, G. A. Moskey to Smith, January 24, 1940; NPS Central Files, RG79, Box 81, Folders l -5 "General." [30] Cobb County Times, "New Section of Land Goes Into Park," July 17, 1941; KEMO Park Files. [31] Moskey to Superintendent, May 5, 1941. One of the most fascinating aspects of the story of land acquisition at Kennesaw Mountain is the persistence with which Holland pursued his goal of obtaining what he felt was just compensation for the lands of KMBA. He was not a man who accepted defeat easily. Following the court's initial ruling Holland embarked on a relentless letter writing campaign. On November 28, 1938, he wrote to Senator Richard Russell that the government was being unfair. People like his mother had invested everything they had in the KMBA, he asserted. To settle for the government's offer would mean financial ruin for them. When he did not get the response he wanted, he began to write to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, again citing the impending doom for his "dear old mother." Mrs. Holland also became involved when she wrote to Interior Secretary Harold Ickes in 1940 and urged him to send someone to investigate. But Ickes, citing the court ruling, stated that the issue had been decided. But Holland would not give up. In 1943, and again in 1946, he wrote to Senator Russell, and when Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park was declared officially established in 1947, he responded by demanding to know who had decided the litigation was complete. The response from the government was that the Justice Department had made that decision and that it was final. See: Holland to Russell, November 28, 1938; Holland to Roosevelt, December 29, 1938; Mary Tate Holland to Ickes, May 27, 1940; Ickes to Mrs. Holland, June 13, 1940; Holland to Russell, May 28, 1943 and November 20, 1946; Holland to Yates, December 15, 1947; Acting Assistant Conrad Wirth to Holland, January 13, 1948; NPS Central File, RG79, Box 2590. [32] Associate Director, A. E. Demaray to Superintendent Randolph, October 23, 1933; Randolph to Demaray, November 1, 1933; NPS Central Classified Files, 1939-1949, Record Group 79, Box 2586, hereinafter cited by box number. [33] Report of A. Robert Thompson, Forester to Director, January 30, 1934; Box 2586. [34] Final Construction Report of Associate Engineer, Charles W. Griescom, March 24, 1936; Record Group 79, Box 81, hereinafter cited as RG79, Box 81; Assistant Landscape Architect, Kenneth Simmons to Superintendent Randolph, March 8, 1934, Box 2594. [35] Cobb County Times, January 31, 1935; Cobb County Times, "Work Underway at Park Site," April 25, 1935; "Six Year Work Program for 1939-1944," December 15, 1937; KEMO Files. [36] Report of Civil Works Administration Work -Oswald Camp to Randolph, April 25, 1934; Box 2594. By 1965, the honeysuckle was considered an exotic species and eradication efforts were initiated. [37] Cobb County Times, "Work Progresses on CCC Camp," April 21, 1938; Cobb County Times, "110 CCC Boys Arrive at Marietta Camp," June 2,1938; KEMO Files; Acting Regional Director, H. R. Roberts to Director, September 23, 1938; Box 2595. [38] Superintendent's Monthly Narrative Reports, 1939, hereinafter cited as Monthly Reports; Box 2588; Acting Director Demaray to Tarver, July 7, 1939; Box 2590. [39] Cobb County Times, "Permanent Improvements Mark Kennesaw Park Development," October 24, 1940; History of Kennesaw Mountain NBP, February 1941 -February 1948, B. C. Yates, 1948, 1; Yates to Director, April 13, 1939; KEMO Files; Monthly Reports, 1940-1941; Box 2588. [40] Monthly Report, October 1939; Superintendent's Annual Report, 1940, hereinafter cited as Annual Report; Box 2588. [41] The existing road, built by the War Department, was abandoned. The new road was intended to be the first part of a loop around Cheatham Hill. Parking was to be provided at the Confederate fort north of the monument, at a point west of the monument near a proposed observation platform, and south of the monument. From the Dallas Road intersection, the new road was to extend north to Burnt Hickory. 1934 CWA Map, Cheatham Hill Memorial Park, R. D. Field, Engineer. [42] Marietta Journal, "Kennesaw Park Road Work Begins," March 11, 1940; KEMO Files; Monthly Reports, March 1940, June 1941; Box 2588. [43] History, Yates, 1948, 2-3; Yates to Director, October 22, 1940; KEMO Files; Monthly Reports, June-August 1939; Box 2588. [44] Cobb County Times, "Scenic Road to Kennesaw Mountain Approved," January 16, 1941; KEMO Files; Yates to Regional Director, January 18, 1941; Engineer's Report, February 11, 1941; RG79, Box 81. [45] Acting Regional Director, Fred Johnston to Yates, June 10, 1940; Director Arno Cammerer to Olinus Smith, August 12, 1940; Box 2594. [46] Marietta Journal, "Kennesaw Mountain Road is Nearing Completion," September 10, 1941; Cobb County Times, "Kennesaw Mountain Road to Open First of October," September 11, 1941; KEMO Files; Acting Director Demaray to Acting Secretary Burlew, October 26, 1940; RG79, Box 81; O. Smith to Regional Director, July 19, 1940; Acting Superintendent George Wilkins to Director, June 27, 1941; Acting Director Demaray to Wilkins, July 3, 1941; Box 2594. [47] Monthly Reports, November 1943, May 1944, November 1946, January 1947; Box 2588; Newton Drury to Representative James C. Davis, March 15, 1948; Box 2594. [48] Cobb County Times, "Road to Top of Kennesaw Mountain to be Opened This Winter," August 24, 1950; Marietta Journal, "Seek U. S. Aid for Road Up Kennesaw," August 24, 1950; Cobb County Times, "County Begins Construction on Road to Kennesaw Mountain," January 18, 1951; Cobb County Times, "Chamber of Commerce Demands Immediate Work on Road to Kennesaw Mountain," December 7, 1950; KEMO Files. [49] Regional Director Tillotson to Director, August 4, 1939; RG79, Box 81; Monthly Reports, May 1939 and November 1939; Box 2588. 1939 Master Plan. [50] Acting Director Demaray to Acting Regional Director, May 14, 1940; Yates to Director, July 10, 1940; RG79, Box 81; Monthly Report, April 1940; Box 2588. As late as 1965, a modified version of a loop road was still part of the proposed development. The Master Plan for that year called for it to run west of, and parallel to, Old Mountain Road, cross over Burnt Hickory, cross over Dallas Road, and continue south past Cheatham Hill to the Kolb Farm. [51] Superintendent to Regional Director, May 12, 1967; Acting Regional Director to Superintendent, June 8, 1967; Superintendent to Regional Director, September 13, 1967; KEMO Files. [52] Director to Acting Regional Director, April 25, 1969; KEMO Files. [53] Chief, Office of Land Acquisition and Water Resources, Eastern Service Center to Regional Director, December 11, 1970; KEMO Files. [54] Superintendent to Regional Director, December 18, 1972; KEMO Files. [55] Despite the ambitious plans, implementation of the Mission 66 program at Kennesaw Mountain NBP was slow because of the strained relationship between Superintendent Yates and the regional office. Enjoying the patronage of Rep. James C. Davis, Yates had for years shown an independence that made his relations with regional officials difficult. Allegations of various acts of wrongdoing, including the charge that artifacts donated to the park wound up in his personal collection, prompted the regional office to withhold funds for Mission 66 projects. Not until Congressman Davis left office in 1963 was the region able to force Yates out. His successor, Dick Boyer, succeeded in putting park development back on track and was able to accomplish all the Mission 66 goals. Chief Historian Ed Bearss to Deputy Associate Regional Director, Southeast Region, March 24, 1994. [56] Marietta Journal, "Contract Let for Visitor Center," June 20, 1963; Monthly Report, July 1963; KEMO Files. [57] Completion Report, November 2, 1964; Monthly Report, May 1964; Superintendent to Regional Director, May 22, 1964; KEMO Files. [58] Regional Director Thomas J. Allen to Director, February 15, 1946; RG79, Box 81. [59] Director Newton B. Drury to Regional Director, February 15, 1946; RG79, Box 81. [60] Historic Structures Report, Part 1, ArchitecturalData Section, Charles S. Grossman, January 1962; Historic Structures Report, Part 2, Architectural Data Section, Charles S. Grossman, January 1963. [61] Grossman, HSR, Part 2, 2-10. [62] Completion Report; Monthly Report, October 1966; KEMO Files. [63] Completion Report -Roads, Parking Area and Walk, Visitor Center and Residence Areas; KEMO Files. [64] Monthly Reports, February 1963, July 1963, November 1963, February 1964; KEMO Files. [65] 1939 Master Plan. Monthly Report, April 1964, April 1965, May 1966, November 1966, March 1967; Annual Report, 1972; Marietta Daily Journal, "Scouts Map 20 Mile Trail At Park," June 9, 1963; KEMO Files. [66] Marietta Journal, "Funds Asked for Monument at Battlefield," January 28, 1963; Cobb County Times, "Kennesaw Mountain Memorial Nixed in State," March 14, 1963; Marietta Daily Journal, "Kennesaw Park Monument Expected to Cost $6500," June 20, 1963; KEMO Files. [67] Annual Reports, 1972 and 1976; KEMO Files. [68] Annual Reports, 1972-1976, 1987-1988; KEMO Files. [69] Annual Reports, 1972-1977, 1982-1983, 1985; KEMO Files. The burglar/ fire alarm system in the visitor center was installed by United Security Systems for $3300. [70] Annual Reports, 1972-1988; KEMO Files. [71] H. C. Landrau, Historical Technician, Chickamauga/ Chattanooga NMP to Vern Chatelain, Chief, History Division, March 5, 1934; Box 2594. Yates began his employment under the Emergency Conservation Work Program at Chickamauga and Chattanooga NMP, but was detailed to Kennesaw Mountain. On March 2, 1937, he converted to an NPS position. His duties included education activities, supervision of National Youth Administration guides, and survey of all physical and historic features of the park. On April 9, 1937, he was appointed acting superintendent. [72] CWA Program of Research and Education, Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Site, December 22, 1933 -April 19, 1934; Box 2594. 30 [73] Cobb Count Times, December 6, 1934; Administrative History: Expansion of the National Park Service in the 1930s, Harlan D. Unrau & G. Frank Williss, National Park Service, 229. [74]Marietta Journal, January 10 & 17, 1935; KEMO Files. [75] Acting Regional Director Herbert Evison to Acting Superintendent, February 23, 1939; Box 81. [76] Yates to Appleman, February 24, 1939; Box 81. [77] M. R. Tillotson, Regional Director to Yates, March 7, 1939; Box 81. [78] Cobb County Times, August 24, 1939; KEMO Files. [79] Yates to Director, Civilian Conservation Corps, December 18, 1940; Monthly Reports, May-September 1939, Box 2588. [80] Monthly Reports, May, June, August, September, October, 1939; Box 2588. Yates to Director, March 7, 1939; Cobb County Times, "National Park May Display Old 'General, '" March 16, 1939; KEMO Files. [81] Yates to Regional Director, April 20, 1940; Box 81. Acting Regional Director Lisle to Superintendent, August 18, 1947; Box 2595. [82] Comments by Kahler, May 22, 1941; Marietta Journal, August 20, 1940; James L. Aikman, Jr., Historical Technician to Appleman, August 22, 1941; Box 81. [83] Historical Technician's Monthly Reports, June 1943-September 1946; Box 2589. [84] Annual Report, 1948; Box 2587. [85] Mission 66 Prospectus, May 10, 1956; KEMO Files. [86] Annual Report on Interpretation, 1965; KEMO Files. [87] Annual Report on Interpretation, 1960; Superintendent's Monthly Report, July 1960; KEMO Files. [88] Annual Report on Interpretation, 1963 and 1964; KEMO Files. [89] Annual Report on Interpretation, 1963 and 1964; KEMO Files. [90] Annual Report on Interpretation, 1964; Superintendent's Monthly Reports, February 1963, December 1963, August 1965; KEMO Files. [91] Annual Report on Interpretation, 1964, 1965, 1967, 1968; Superintendent's Monthly Reports, November 1963, July 1964, May 1965, October 1965; KEMO Files. [92] Annual Report on Interpretation, 1965, 1966, 1967; Superintendent's Monthly Reports, November 1966, December 1966, March 1967, April 1967; Superintendent's Annual Report, 1969; KEMO Files. [93] Annual Report on Interpretation, 1966, 1967; Superintendent's Annual Report, 1968; KEMO Files. [94] Interpretation in the National Park Service: A Historical Perspective, Barry Mackintosh, National Park Service, 1986, 68. [95] Marietta Daily Journal, July 19, 1970; Annual Report on Interpretation, 1969; Superintendent's Annual Report, 1969; KEMO Files. [96] Staff Meeting Minutes, May 27, 1969, July 18, 1971; KEMO Files. [97] Staff Meeting Minutes, March 22, 1971; KEMO Files. [98] Environmental Education Report -Timber Ridge ESA Project, February 10, 1972; Annual Report, 1972; KEMO Files. [99] Marietta Daily Journal, June 16, 1971; Superintendent's Annual Report, 1972, 1977; KEMO Files [100] Superintendent's Annual Report, 1980; KEMO Files. [101] Kennesaw Mountain NBP Management Objectives, 1971, 4-5; KEMO Files. [102] Annual, 1972; KEMO Files. [103] Superintendent's Annual Report, 1968, 1972. Staff Meeting Minutes, July 8, 1966, June 25, 1967, December 14, 1970; KEMO Files. [104] Superintendent's Annual Report, 1973, 1975; KEMO Files. [105] General Management Plan, 1984, 9; KEMO Files. [106] Superintendent's Annual Report, 1975, 1980; KEMO Files. [107] Superintendent's Annual Report, 1986, 1988; KEMO Files. [108] General Management Plan, 1984, 9-10; KEMO Files. [109] Monthly Report, Aug 1941, December 1941, January 1942; Box 2588. [110] Monthly Reports, January 1942, March 1942, June 1944, 1945; Box 2588. Annual Report, May 1945; Box 2587. [111] Monthly Reports, December 1963, February 1964, October 1965, January 1967, February 1967, April 1967. Staff Meeting Minutes, February 19, 1969; KEMO Files. [112] Annual Reports, 1967, 1972; KEMO Files. [113] Annual Reports, 1973, 1984; KEMO Files. [114] B. C. Yates, History of Kennesaw Mountain NBP, February 1941-February 1948, 1948, 1. Monthly Reports, March 1940, November 1943; Box 2588. [115] Yates, History of Kennesaw Mountain NBP, 4. Monthly Reports, May 1944, July 1944, August 1944; Box 2588. Annual Reports, 1942, 1945; Box 2587. [116] Originally, the Atlantic and Western Railroad; later the Louisville and Nashville. [117] Yates, History of Kennesaw Mountain NBP, 5. Monthly Report, September 1939; Box 2588. [118] Monthly Reports, March 1944, April 1944, May 1944, June 1945; Box 2588. Annual Report, 1944. O. B. Taylor, Regional Soil Conservationist to Regional Engineer, July 28, 1943; Box 2590. Taylor named the three priority areas for soil conservation work: the new headquarters area; the Cheatham Hill area; and the old fields between Cheatham Hill Road and John Ward Road. [119] Monthly Report, October 1940; Box 2588. E. M. Lisle, Acting Regional Director to Director, May 17, 1941; Associate Director Demaray to Acting Regional Director, June 6, 1941; Box 2595. [120] Early NPS managers recognized that 100% restoration of the historic scene would be very difficult, if not impossible. James Aikman, Historical Technician to Regional Director, July 14, 1943; O. B. Taylor, Regional Soil Conservationist to Regional Engineer, July 28, 1943; Box 2590. [121] Superintendent's Annual Report, 1982; Atlanta Journal/ Constitution, "Civil War Roundtable Groups Rattled Cages to Get Earthen Works on Mountain Restored," July 19, 1984; KEMO Files. [122] Superintendent's Annual Report, 1986; Marietta Daily Journal, "Monument Bird Back on Perch," July 7, 1991; KEMO Files. [123] Jackson W. Moore, Jr., Allen H. Cooper, John W. Walker, 1985-1986 Archeological Investigations at the Kolb Farm Battlefield Site, 1989, 13. [124] Ibid, 14-15. [125] 1939 Master Plan, Sheet #2, "Roads, Trails and Developed Areas." [126] 1939 Master Plan, Sheet #4, "Utilities." [127] 1939 Master Plan, Sheet #2, "Restoration." [128] Mission 66 Prospectus, May 10, 1956, 11, 15-16. [129] Mission 66 Prospectus, May 10, 1956, 13-14. [130] Mission 66 Prospectus, May 10, 1956, 17-18. [131] Mission 66 Prospectus, May 10, 1956, 25 and 30. [132] Mission 66 Prospectus, May 10, 1956, 8-9. [133] Mission Prospectus, May 10, 1956, 9. [134] Management Objectives, 1971. [135] General Management Plan, 1984, i-ii. [136] General/ Management Plan, 1984, 5-11. [137] Monthly Report, April 1940; Box 2588. The aircraft beacon was later operated by the Federal Aviation Administration. When the new visitor center-was built in 1963, the cable to the beacon had to be relocated, but was again put underground. In 1984, the FAA discontinued use of the tower and in 1985 it was tom down. Annual Reports, 1983 and 1985; KEMO Files. [138] Monthly Reports, September 1940; November 1940; September 1941; Box 2588. [193] In 1966, Marietta wanted to put in overhead power lines along Old Mountain and Burnt Hickory roads. The park denied the request and asked that they be put underground. The city did not want to do this because of the additional cost. One rumor that subsequently circulated was that Mayor Howard Atherton had asked a congressional representative to help pressure the NPS; the mayor denied the rumor. Marietta Daily Journal, "Mayor Denies 'Pressure' Rumor," October 9, 1966; For other examples of how the park dealt with utility requests see, Marietta Daily Journal, "County Wants to Put Water Line Through Part of Kennesaw Park," April 9, 1980; Marietta Daily Journal, "Developer Says Hidden Lines 'Unreasonable, '" October 18, 1966; KEMO Files. [140] Staff Meeting Minutes, April 29, 1966; July 8, 1966; August 19, 1966; KEMO Files. One of the more unusual requests was made in 1942, when the Georgia State Guard asked for permission to develop a small rifle range within the park. The request was denied. Acting Director, G. A. Moskey to Superintendent, March 19, 1942; Box 2595. [141] Atlanta Constitution, "Kennesaw Park Tries To Solve People 'Problem,'" April 13, 1974; KEMO Files. [142] Transportation Study 1-2, 18-24. Annual Report, 1974; KEMO Files. [143] Atlanta Journal, "Park May See New Regulations," November 11, 1982; Marietta Daily Journal, "Park Plans Crackdown on Alcohol," February 13, 1983; KEMO Files. [144] Marietta Daily Journal, "Concept s Changing for Battlefield Park," February 19, 1984; KEMO Files. [145] Atlanta Journal, "Kennesaw Mountain Battlefield Park Sees Rules for Best Interest," February 28, 1985; KEMO Files. [146] Atlanta Journal/ Constitution, "U. S. Park Service Head Visits Kennesaw Amid Controversy," October 3, 1985; KEMO Files. [147] Buddy Darden to Acting Regional Director, March 23, 1984; KEMO Files. [148] Acting Regional Director to Darden, April 13, 1984; KEMO Files. [149] Superintendent Bullard to Files, April 23, 1984; KEMO Files. [150] Atlanta Journal, Constitution, "Park Ranger Skirmishes to Defend Battlefield," September 1, 1988; KEMO Files. [151] Atlanta Journal, "Feds Sue UGA's Davison Over Park Easement," September 24, 1987; Atlanta Journal/ Constitution, "Davison Drops Plans for Battlefield Road," March 19, 1988; KEMO Files; U. S. A. vs Fred C. Davison, U. S. District Court, Northern District, Case #CA1: 87-CV-2090-RCF. [152] Atlanta Journal/ Constitution, "Historic Panel Says It Will Skirmish Over War Trenches," October 27, 1988; Marietta Daily Journal, "Park Fights to Preserve Its History," April 16, 1990; KEMO Files. [153] Marietta Daily Journal, "Cruisers Clog Kennesaw Park Roads," April 6, 1988; Atlanta Journal/ Constitution, "Kennesaw's Battlefield Under Development Siege," August 7, 1989; KEMO Files. [154] Atlanta Journal/ Constitution, "Kennesaw Park Superintendent Bans Bicycles from Unpaved Roads, Trails," September 10, 1989; Marietta Daily Journal, "Park Shuts all Trails to Bikes," September 25, 1989; KEMO Files. [155] Superintendent Ivan Smalley to Regional Director, April 27, 1944; Regional Director Oliver G. Taylor to Ryburn G. Clay, Georgia Highway Department, May 3, 1944; Regional Landscape Architect to H. J. Spelman, Public Roads Administration, August 3, 1945; Acting Director to Spelman, September 20, 1945; Spelman to Thomas Allen, Regional Director, November 26, 1945; Box 81, Folder 1. [156] Regional Director to Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, September 19, 1984; Bullard to R. L. Gensel, Manager, Administration and Control Division, Department of Transportation, February 24, 1985; Elizabeth Lyons to Regional Director, no date; KEMO Files. [157] Regional Director to Georgia Department of Transportation, January 2, 1986; KEMO Files. [158] Statement by Superintendent Ralph Bullard, June 22, 1987; KEMO Files. [159] Bullard to Regional Director, July 31, 1987; KEMO Files. [160] Superintendent Larry Steeler to Regional Director, June 30, 1988; KEMO Files.
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