Contents (PDF) Forward (PDF) Preface (PDF) Chapter 1: Museum Beginnings in the National Parks (PDF) Natural ParksArchaeological Parks Historical Parks Chapter 2: Philanthropy and Guidance, 1924-1934 (PDF) The Yosemite MuseumYavapai and Bear Mountain The Yellowstone Museums Park Museums and the Field Division of Education Chapter 3: The Museum Division, 1935 - 1946 (PDF) The Eastern Museum DivisionThe Interior Department Museum Eastern Park Museum Projects to 1942 The Museum Division Program in the West to 1942 The Wartime Museum Program Chapter 4: The Museum Branch, 1947-1964 (PDF) Resumption of Museum DevelopmentMuseum Growth Before Mission 66 Museums in Mission 66 Chapter 5: The Museum Program, 1964-1982 (PDF) Redirection of Exhibit FunctionsBranch of Museum Development, 1964-1967 Branch of Museum Operations, 1964-1967 Division of Museums, 1967-1973 Division of Exhibits, 1974-1980 Branch/Division of Reference Services, 1974-1980 Division of Museum Services, 1974-1981 Chapter 6: Furnished Historic Structure Museums (PDF) Historic House Museums in the National Parks to 1941Museum Branch Involvement, 1946-1955 Evolution of the Furnishing Plan, 1955-1982 Operational Aspects, 1958-1982 Chapter 7: Collections (PDF) Natural Resource CollectionsCultural Resource Collections Chapter 8: Collection Management (PDF) Accession Policies and ProceduresMuseum Records Specimen Protection and Routine Care Curatorial Staffing Chapter 9: Conservation of Cultural and Scientific Objects (PDF) The Empirical Phase, 1916-1948The Scientific Conservation Phase, 1949-1982 Sources Consulted (PDF) Index (PDF) A complete PDF copy of this study is also available.
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