Contested Terrain
North Cascades National Park Service Complex: An Administrative History
Map of North Cascades National Park
Complex. (click on image for a PDF version)
The bold outline shows the study area
for the "Ice Peaks" national park in the late 1930s, extending for the
entire range in Washington State. (click on image for a PDF
The bold outline shows the North
Cascades Study Team's proposal for a North Cascades National Park, 1965.
(click on image for a PDF version)
Three of the most influential political
figures in the history of the North Cascades. From left to right are
Senator Henry M. Jackson, Representative Lloyd Meeds, and Senator Warren
G. Magnuson. (Person in rear is unidentified.) Together they would help
shape the park complex as it was known today. In this posed shot, taken
around 1967, they survey a map of the proposed route of Highway 20,
which they vowed to support. (Courtesy of the University of
North Cascades National Park
Established. President Lyndon B. Johnson shares a lighter moment with
Secretary of the Interior Stewart L. Udall, far left, and Senator Henry
M. Jackson, next to Johnson, and others after signing the North Cascades
Act into law on October 2, 1968. (Courtesy of the University of
First Superintendent. After the signing
of the North Cascades Act, Senator Henry M. Jackson poses with Roger J.
Contor, the park's first superintendent. Jackson is pointing to Ross
Lake National Recreation Area. (Courtesy of the University of
Last Updated: 14-Apr-1999