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21. The inclined railroad at Diablo. Seattle City Light still takes visitors up this 68% grade to see the Diablo Dam. The Diablo power house is at the extreme left. NPS Photo

22. Old Number Six. The last of the rolling stock of the Seattle Skagit River Railroad left in the valley. Seattle City Light maintains the engine at Newhalem. NPS Photo

23. High lead bringing in logs. The high lead pole is 200 feet tall. Note men suspended over the tracks. Photograph taken by Clarke Kinsey. This and the following three illustrations are from the Clarke Kinsey Collection. Courtesy, Library, University of Washington, Seattle

24. Steam donkey next to the high lead pole at one of the logging camps of the English Lumber Company in the Skagit Valley. Courtesy, Library, University of Washington, Seattle

25. Close-up of steam donkey. The huge logs on which the donkey stands acted as skids when it was time to move the donkey. Courtesy, Library, University of Washington, Seattle

26. Gorge Power House, Newhalem. It produces 175,000 kilowatts of electricity. NPS Photo

27. Gorge Dam, the newest of the three dams now on the Skagit River. NPS Photo

28. Diablo Dam, the oldest on the Skagit. NPS Photo

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Last Updated: 11-Jun-2008