National Park System Advisory Board
The National Park System Advisory Board was first authorized in 1935
under the Historic Sites, Buildings, and Antiquities Act. The Board
advises the Director of the National Park Service and the Secretary of
the Interior on matters relating to the National Park Service, the
National Park System, and programs administered by the National Park
Service, including the administration of the Historic Sites, Buildings,
and Antiquities Act; the designation of national historic landmarks and
national natural landmarks; and the national historic significance of
proposed national historic trails. The Board may advise on matters
submitted to the Board by the Director, as well as any other issues
identified by the Board.
Advisory Board Meeting Minutes
November 17-18, 2016 (Meeting Notebook)
June 2-3, 2016 (Meeting Notebook)
November 4-5, 2015 (Meeting Notebook)
May 6-7, 2015 (Meeting Notebook)
December 5, 2014 (Agenda)
Toward a New Era of Philanthropy and Partnerships
October 23-24, 2014 (Meeting Notebook)
May 21-22, 2014 (Agenda)
May 21-22, 2014 (Agenda Overview)
January 8-9, 2014 (Meeting Notebook)
Meeting of November 28-29, 2012 (Agenda)
May 22-23, 2012 (Meeting Notebook)
August 16, 2012 (Meeting Notebook)
June 1, 2000 (Task Directive)
2013 National Park System Advisory Board Reports
In 2013, with the National Park Service Centennial on the horizon,
the NPSAB began to seize a great opportunity to connect all Americans
with the nation's most special natural and cultural resources. To
advance the priority objectives of the NPS as it started to strategize
about its next century of service, the National Park System Advisory
Board enlisted the involvement of a distinguished group of more than 100
outside subject matter experts to help address specific work.
After receiving NPS Director Jarvis' request in 2010 to address the
priorities of stewardship, education, relevancy, and the NPS workforce,
the National Park System Advisory Board focused on separate tasks
designed to:
Foster Resource Stewardship
1. Planning for a Future National Park System
Offer guidance for developing a new National Park System plan.
Lead: Gretchen Long
Task 1 Summary
National Park System Advisory Board Planning Committee Report
Appendix A - Where the Parks Are (And Are Not): A Comparative Analysis by State
Appendix B - Natural Resources Gap Analysis: Conservation Tools for National Parks System Management in a Changing World
Appendix C - Cultural Resources Subcommittee Report
Appendix D - Large Landscape Conservation Case Studies
Appendix E - Notes on New Models for the National Park System
Appendix F - Urban Sub Group Report
2. Recommend National Historic Landmarks (NHLs)
Expand work to recommend a broader, richer representation of America's story in the designation of NHLs.
Lead: Ronald M. James
Task 2 Summary
National Historic Landmarks Committee Report, Dec 2012
3. Recommend National Natural Landmarks (NNLs)
Enhance the NNL program by exploring new opportunities to engage
additional public and private support, increase awareness of America's
diverse natural history, and support the conservation work of NNL
Lead: Belinda Faustinos
Task 3 Summary
4. Support Economic Valuation
Support measurement of the total economic value of the NPS including cooperative programs outside the National Park System.
Lead: Professor Linda Bilmes
Task 4 Summary
Blueprint report phase 1a
Blueprint report phase 1b (report added December 31, 2013)
Joshua Tree National Park Case Study
5. Revisit the "Leopold Report"
Prepare a contemporary version of the 1963 Leopold Report to help the NPS confront modern challenges in resource management.
Lead:Dr. Rita R. Colwell
Task 5 Summary
Revisiting Leopold: Resource Stewardship in the National Parks
Broaden Alliances for Education
6. Expand Collaboration in Education
Help the NPS broaden contacts with educational institutions, expand
collaboration with K-12 educational systems, and incorporate parks and
programs into educational media.
Lead: Dr. Milton Chen
Task 6 Summary
U.S. Department of Education and National Park Service educational message (YouTube)
NPSAB Education Committee FY12 Accomplishments Report, October, 2012
NPSAB Partnership Subcommittee White Paper, October, 2012
NPSAB Technology Subcommittee White Paper, October, 2012
Family Learning in Free-Choice Educational Settings: A Review of the Literature for the National Park Service, 2012
Increase National Relevancy
7. Explore American Latino Heritage
Develop a theme study to identify American Latino-related places for
their significance and recognition in potential new national landmarks
and national parks, as well as in existing NPS sites.
Lead: Belinda Faustinos
Task 7 Summary
American Latino Theme Study
8. Support the NPS Centennial Campaign
Provide advice for a centennial public awareness initiative to highlight the national park idea.
Lead: Leonore Blitz
Task 8 Summary
NPS Centennial Campaign Summary
9. Build Community Relationships
Explore new approaches for broader relevancy and public engagement.
Help identify and recruit partners in diverse communities.
Lead: Dr. Carolyn Finney
Task 9 Summary
A Toolkit for Engaging Communities and Fostering Relationships
Advance Workforce Innovations
10. Support Leadership Development
Provide advice on NPS leadership, workforce, organizational development, and more effectively advancing innovation.
Lead: Dr. Margaret Wheatley
Task 10 Summary
Developing a 21st-Century Leadership Culture
2014 National Park System Advisory Board Reports
Report on Leadership and Organizational Development
Report of the Urban Committee
Report on Building Community Relationships
Report of the Philanthropy and Partnerships Committee
Report of the National Natural Landmarks Committee
Report of the National Historic Landmarks Committee
Report on Exploring American Latino Heritage
Report on Promoting Asian American/Pacific Islander Heritage
Report on the National Park Service Economic Valuation Study
Report of the NPS Centennial Advisory Committee
Report of the Education Committee
21st Century Interpretive Skills Vision Paper
Report of the Science Committee
2016 National Park System Advisory Board Reports
Priority Recommendations
The National Park System Advisory Board supports the following
priorities for national parks and programs to extend their benefits and
values to citizens and communities throughout the
- Further advance social media and new technologies experienced during
the centennial to expand a robust 21st-century communications strategy
with increased emphasis on NPS programs and parks that build relevancy
to all Americans.
- Engage partners and the public in planning and actions to shape a
future National Park System that addresses the impacts of a changing
climate, gaps in historic preservation, and the preservation and
connectivity of natural resources on a large landscape scale.
- Reform procedures and practices for the National Historic Landmark
Program to engage underrepresented audiences and be more inclusive in
preserving and interpreting the nation's many stories.
- Develop an agenda for collaboration among formal and informal
educational institutions nationwide to provide expanded learning
opportunities to all citizens, especially youth.
- Establish a more reliable, stable, and effective NPS funding model
that allows long-term investments to build institutional capacities in
history, scientific research, planning, and urban relationships.
Introductory Remarks by NPS Director Jonathan B. Jarvis
National Park Service Director Jonathan B. Jarvis comments on the
NPSAB's work to support NPS tasks in the 21st century. Director Jarvis'
introduction is part of "Second-Century Perspectives: A Journey of
Understanding-2016 National Park System Advisory Board Report."
Duration: 3 minutes, 1 second
Honorable Tony Knowles - Chair, National Park System Advisory Board
National Park System Advisory Board Chair, Tony Knowles, from Anchorage,
Alaska, comments on the NPSAB's work to support NPS tasks for the 21st
century. Mr. Knowles' narrative introduces the NPSAB's work as the
Foreword to "Second-Century Perspectives: A Journey of
Understanding-2016 National Park System Advisory Board Report."
Duration: 3 minutes, 42 seconds
Since receiving NPS Director Jarvis' request to address priorities to
Foster Resource Stewardship, Broaden Alliances for Education, Increase
National Relevancy, and Advance Workforce innovations, the National Park
System Advisory Board has focused on 13 separate tasks.
1. Prepare Detailed Guidance for a New National Park System Plan
Lead: Gretchen Long. National Park System Advisory Board member,
Gretchen Long, from Jackson, Wyoming, comments on the NPSAB's work to
plan for a future National Park System. Adopted by the Board in November
2012, "Planning for a Future National Park System" identifies 18 major
recommendations to develop a new system plan.
Duration: 4 minutes, 10 seconds
2. Recommend Designation of National Historic Landmarks
Lead: Dr. Stephen J. Pitti. National Park System Advisory Board Member,
Dr. Stephen J. Pitti, from New Haven, Connecticut, comments on the
NPSAB's work in the areas of recommending national historic landmarks
and associated theme studies. Beginning in 2009 the Board's National
Historic Landmarks Committee took dramatic steps to consider a wider
variety of resources and constituencies, encouraging nominations that
tell richer, more complex stories about the full spectrum of people and
events that participated in building the nation.
Duration: 5 minutes, 10 seconds
3. Explore American Latino Heritage
Lead: Belinda Faustinos. National Park System Advisory Board Member,
Belinda Faustinos, from San Gabriel, California, comments on the NPSAB's
work in the areas of American Latino heritage, relevancy, and community
relationships. The American Latino Heritage Initiative provides a model
for telling the stories of other underrepresented groups and themes in
Duration: 3 minutes, 24 seconds
4. Explore Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage
Lead: Dr. Milton Chen. National Park System Advisory Board Member, Dr.
Milton Chen, from San Francisco, California, comments on the NPSAB's
work in the areas of Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) heritage and
national historic landmark theme studies. Several AAPI-related
nominations for NHL designation are expected in the years ahead.
Duration: 3 minutes
5. Recommend Designation of National Natural Landmarks
Lead: Judy Burke. National Park System Advisory Board Member, the
Honorable Judy Burke, from Grand Lake, Colorado, comments on the NPSAB's
work in the area of national natural landmarks and community
relationships. In 2016 NNL Program staff began a strategic review of to
examine how the program can be used to advance NPS goals of conservation
and stewardship through partnerships.
Duration: 3 minutes, 47 seconds
6. Strengthen Science and Resource Stewardship
Lead: Dr. Rita R. Colwell. National Park System Advisory Board Member,
Dr. Rita R. Colwell, from Bethesda, Maryland, comments on the NPSAB's
work in the areas science and resource stewardship. Dr. Colwell's
narrative includes references to "Revisiting Leopold: Resource
Stewardship in the National Parks," and "The Historic Science Sites
Project," which considers new NHLs related to scientific
Duration: 6 minutes, 1 second
7. Expand Collaboration in Education
Lead: Dr. Milton Chen. National Park System Advisory Board Member, Dr.
Milton Chen, from San Francisco, California, comments on the NPSAB's
work in the area of broadening alliances for education. Dr. Chen
discusses how the Education Committee has mobilized a cadre of committed
individuals and organizations to offer guidance, advice, and
collaboration in the fields of technology, partnerships, professional
development, lifelong learning, and research and evaluation.
Duration: 4 minutes, 35 seconds
8. Support Leadership Development and Workforce Innovations
Lead: Dr. Margaret Wheatley. National Park System Advisory Board member,
Dr. Margaret Wheatley, from Provo, Utah, comments on the NPSAB's work to
advance workforce innovations and support leadership development. The
initial NPS action toward accomplishing that goal was to create a
"Network for Creativity and Innovation," an idea spawned by work of the
National Parks Second Century Commission.
Duration: 4 minutes, 52 seconds
9. Build Community Relationships
Lead: Dr. Carolyn Finney. National Park System Advisory Board member,
Dr. Carolyn Finney, from Lexington, Kentucky, comments on the NPSAB's
work to build community relationships and support an urban agenda. Dr.
Finney discusses how this work will help to expand public engagement and
assist the NPS in building relationships with diverse communities.
Duration: 3 minutes, 21 seconds
10. Enhance the NPS Role in Urban America
Lead: Belinda Faustinos. National Park System Advisory Board Member,
Belinda Faustinos, from San Gabriel, California, comments on the NPSAB's
work to enhance the NPS role in urban America. The Board's work to
support the Urban Agenda helps invite the NPS to enroll the expertise of
other agencies, partners, and community stakeholders to meet shared
goals and community needs.
Duration: 3 minutes, 28 seconds
11. Support Economic Valuation
Lead: Professor Linda Bilmes. National Park System Advisory Board
Member, Professor Linda Bilmes, from Cambridge, Massachusetts, comments
on the NPSAB's work in the economic valuation studies. Professor Bilmes'
narrative discusses recent work to quantify the wide range of public
benefits provided by the modern NPS as it approaches its second century.
Duration: 4 minutes, 7 seconds
12. Enhance Philanthropy and Partnerships
Lead: Paul Bardacke. National Park System Advisory Board Member, Paul
Bardacke, from Santa Fe, New Mexico, comments on the NPSAB's work in the
areas of Philanthropy and Partnerships. In 2014 the National Park System
Advisory Board adopted the committee's report, "Toward a New Era of
Philanthropy and Partnerships."
Duration: 2 minutes, 58 seconds
13. Support the NPS Centennial Campaign
Lead: Gretchen Long. National Park System Advisory Board member,
Gretchen Long, from Jackson, Wyoming, comments on the NPSAB's work to
support the 2016 NPS Centennial campaign. The Centennial Committee has
played a central role in catalyzing and aligning the NPS stakeholder
community in support of the NPS anniversary in 2016.
Duration: 3 minutes, 9 seconds
14. Support the NPS Centennial Campaign
Committee Member: Leonore Blitz. National Park System Advisory Board
member, Leonore Blitz from New York, comments on the NPSAB's work to
support the 2016 NPS Centennial campaign. The Committee will continue to
provide feedback to the NPS on centennial initiatives and advise on how
to sustain the momentum of engagement engendered by these efforts.
Duration: 4 minutes, 8 seconds